Additional capital venture stalls


Bogor, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

75 installments  •  44%

About Me

I am a housewife has 1 child daily activities help my husband earn a living family economy by selling online or offline at home ... Although as a housewife I must be able to generate extra money for the future savings of children and other needs that I do now by selling stalls and selling online

My Business

Selling online and offline at home because it can while taking care of the child and can be an additional income for the future savings of children and other needs ... Additional business capital stalls my profits for daily expenses and savings that I will use as well as possible for the future of my child to be better than now .. Later I will be more successful with my current effort inj

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to raise my venture capital business in order to better and benefit for future savings of children and other needs. . . My business is smooth and growing bigger

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya ibu rumah tangga mempunyai 1 anak kegiatan sehari-hari membantu suami mencari nafkah ekonomi keluarga dengan cara berjualan online ataupun offline dirumah... Walaupun sebagai ibu rumah tangga saya harus bisa menghasilkan tambahan uang untuk tabungan masa depan anak dan kebutuhan lainnya yang saya lakukan sekarang dengan berjualan warung dan berjualan online

My Business

Jualan online dan offline dirumah karena bisa sambil mengurus anak dan dapat penghasilan tambahan untuk tabungan masa depan anak dan kebutuhan lainnya... Tambahan modal usaha warung saya keuntungan nya untuk biaya sehari hari dan tabungan yang akan saya pergunakan sebaik mungkin agar masa depan anak saya menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang.. Kelak saya akan semakin sukses dengan usaha saya yang sekarang inj

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk meningkatkan modal usaha warung saya agar lebih baik dan mendapatkan keuntungan untuk tabungan masa depan anak dan kebutuhan lainnya... Usaha saya lancar dan berkembang tambah besar





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 17, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months


Craig Newmark

United States

Ask Tri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Tom Eggert    Feb 1, 2019

    Why did you stop making payments on this loan in May? Are you able to start making payments again?

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  • Nurul    Nov 20, 2017

    Tri Handayani"s mother usually pay on time, maybe this time his new business so quiet that can not pay the loan.

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  • Tri    Nov 1, 2017

    Thank you very much to the pendants who have trusted me and to lend their funds. This loan I use to buy inventory of goods in my store. This loan is very helpful to me for the smoothness of my business

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  • Tri    Oct 24, 2017

    Thank you very much to the pendants who have trusted me and lent me a loan. I will use this loan as good as possible to buy inventory at my store

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  • Tri    Oct 19, 2017

    Hello this is my 3rd loan and I would like to apply for another loan for my additional capital. With this loan it helps me in the effort I am doing thanks to the pendant who has trusted me and given me his trust by borrowing his money

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  • Tri    Oct 19, 2017

    Hello this is my 3rd loan and I would like to apply for a loan again for my additional capital to buy goods inventory. With this loan it helps me in the effort I am doing thanks to the pendant who has trusted me and given me his trust by borrowing his money

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  • Tri    Oct 18, 2017

    Hello I borrowed my 3rd and I would like to apply for another loan for my additional capital to buy goods inventory. With her loan this is very helpful to me in the business I"m currently working on. Thanks to the pending trustee and give me his trust by borrowing his funds for my venture capital to thrive

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  • Tri    Oct 18, 2017

    Well I have paid off my credit and I want to apply for another loan for my additional business capital. Since there is this loan aid it really helps me in the business I"m currently working on. My business progresses and develops thanks to loan assistance from the benefactor to a trustee who has trusted me and provided me with the opportunity to thrive

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  • Tri    Oct 18, 2017

    Hallo this is my third pinjama because of his help this loan is very help me in the business that I am doing. My business is progressing and being helped by this loan. Many thanks to the funders who have trusted me and provided an opportunity for me to move forward. For that I want to apply for more loans for additional business capital I thank

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  • Tri    Oct 18, 2017

    I can pay in full because I have earned more than my venture capital so I can pay full

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  • Tri    Aug 7, 2017

    Thank you for the funds I have received and can help my business capital to grow

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  • Tri    Jul 17, 2017

    Thank you very much for the 2nd loan loan aid __ This loan will be my best use to make my business progressing smoothly and growing

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  • Tri    Jul 16, 2017

    Because there is more income income from my business profit money

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  • Tri    May 5, 2017

    The amount of funds I have received is Rp. 300,000 is very helpful for my online venture capital enhancement. . . Thank you very much for the help of the donors. Success always zidisha

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  • Tri    May 3, 2017

    appreciation to those donors who have lend to me for me to sell additional capital. , , hopefully more success for donors who lent his funds

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