Additional capital of my online shop business

Myrna Suciati

Bandung Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid



Myrna Suciati

Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

31 installments  •  16%

About Me

I am mirna I am a private employee who do not work this long d xl as a promoter plus cs in a store who is in the valley, before I many times "move" work dr of educational and other companies "other than me through all difficulties in life tp I keep optimist trus abstinence back in any way

My Business

aumber my income work and besides my online business shop also who has been running for 1 year kdg I like to sell mobile jg klo in my day off work selling shoes shoes slippers fashion kdg also veil but I besides selling online say jg selling providers like card quotas pulses etc and I also sell mifi or wifi rooter for home and all providers

Loan Proposal

I will use this fund for my additional online endeavor and will use it well and I will use it for stock of goods in my business in the form of clothes hood shoe, slipper etc. hopefully this fund will be useful for me

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About Me

saya mirna saya adalah seorang pegawai swasta yg ga lama ini bekerja d xl sebagai promotor plus cs dalam sebuah store yg berada di lembang,sbelumnya saya berkali" berpindah" kerja dr perusahaan future edukasi dan lain" selain saya melewati segala kesulitan dalam hidup tp saya tetap optimis trus pantang mundur dlm segi apapun

My Business

aumber penghasilan saya bekerja dan selain itu saya bisnis online shop juga yg sudah berjalan selama 1 tahun kdg saya suka berjualan mobile jg klo di hari libur kerja saya jualan sepatu tas sandal fashion kdg juga kerudung tapi saya selain berjualan online say jg jualan provider seperti kartu kuota pulsa dll dan saya pun menjual mifi atau wifi rooter untuk rumahan dan segala provider

Loan Proposal

saya akan mempergunakan dana ini untuk tambahan usaha online saya dan akan mempergunakannya demgan baik dan saya akan menggunakan nya untuk stock barang di usaha saya berupa pesanan baju kerudung sepatu sandal dll.semoga dana ini akan bermanfaat untuk saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 17, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks



Sandy, Utah, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Tyler Harris

United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Myrna Suciati a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Myrna Suciati    Feb 14, 2024

    I don't have the money to pay it. I'm trying to find a loan so I can pay it. I hope Allah will give you sustenance soon.

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  • Myrna Suciati    Dec 1, 2022

    My business is starting to be quiet and I can't make installments yet because I just opened another business now

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  • Myrna Suciati    Sep 16, 2022

    Sorry, my business is currently quiet and all of my customers are new so I can't maximize my debts yet

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  • Su    Sep 1, 2018

    To Zidisha, inform you that his telephone number and the seven telephone numbers reference is inactive / failed to contact

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 20, 2017

    thank zidisha for his loan now I can increase my business capital and alhamdulilah my business started to sell and many visitors

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 9, 2017

    thank you for the funds I have lent borrowers will use well for my venture capital to smoothly thank you

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 9, 2017

    knp ... I have done the repayment why there is no information via email as usual please confirm yaa

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 9, 2017

    I already made payment this afternoon to pay off and knp yes there is no confirmation email

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 9, 2017

    I have paid off the loan before it can be submitted again because I really need additional funds

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    Thank you for the funds I will use well

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    Thanks zidisha his loan has me pay off completely this time i want to apply for loan with credit limit which is more karna i really need for additional capital to stock in my store .. And i feel joining with zidisha is very helpful thanks zidisha

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    I am interested in zidisha love zidisha

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    thanks zidisha .. i have paid off all my loan and i want to apply for new loan again for additional capital stock in my store and to fulfill some order in tko me hence from that i need bnyak capital for my store because my store start to sell and bnyak visitors please help him for friends zidisha and success always to zidisha

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017


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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    thank you zzidisha i have paid it all up then i want to add another new one

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    I"ve paid off his full loan thanks

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    why ga kirim "his comment and why his application submission continues on the reset"

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    thanks zidisha .. i have paid off all my loan and i want to apply for new loan again for additional capital stock in my store and to fulfill some order in tko me hence from that i need bnyak capital for my store because my store start to sell and bnyak visitors please help him for friends zidisha and success always to zidisha

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  • Myrna Suciati    Oct 7, 2017

    in addition I want to expand my business in this field because I feel fit and the benefits that I get started to feel

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