Additional capital of sewing business


Bogor, Indonesia

36% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

100 installments  •  28%

About Me

My name is tuti Nurjanah I am a housewife. A day at home I open a stitching business for additional day-to-day needs and for my future and old age savings. My hobby is sewing and instead made me own this sewing business. In addition to hobbies can be utilized in helping find additional for day-to-day expenses

My Business

Sewing business because it can be done at home while keeping family profits can be for savings and daily needs. It is helpful if I have a business that I can sew clothes. My hobby became a profitable business opportunity

Loan Proposal

With this loan there is a great help to me in the business I am doing. I can use the money to buy additional materials for my sewing business. From hobbies to business opportunities are quite profitable

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About Me

Nama saya tuti Nurjanah saya seorang ibu rumah tangga. Sehari hari dirumah saya buka usaha jahitan baju untuk tambahan kebutuhan sehari hari dan untuk tabungan masa depan dan masa tua saya.
Hobi saya menjahit dan malah membuat saya memiliki usaha menjahit ini. Selain hobi bisa dimanfaatkan dalam membantu mencari tambahan untuk biaya sehari hari

My Business

Usaha menjahit karena bisa dilakukan dirumah sambil menjaga keluarga keuntungan nya bisa untuk tabungan dan kebutuhan sehari hari.
Sangat terbantu jika saya mempunyai usaha yang saya bisa dengan menjahit pakaian. Hobi saya menjadi peluang usaha yang menguntungkan

Loan Proposal

Dengan ada nya pinjaman ini sangat membantu saya dalam usaha yang sedang saya lakukan.
Uang nya bisa saya gunakan untuk tambahan membeli bahan untuk usaha jahit saya.
Dari hobi menjadi peluang bisnis yang lumayan menguntungkan





  • David    Jun 10, 2020

    I'm not sure if Zidisha is still receiving payments from Indonesia. Some payments were made, but nothing has been received in two years. I hope you are able to continue in your business without our support.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 4, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

18 months

Other loans



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Craig Newmark

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Martin Carmouze

Sterling, United States

Ask Tuti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Tuti    Nov 4, 2017

    Thanks to the pendants who have trusted me and lent their funds to my venture capital

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  • Tuti    Oct 23, 2017

    I will pay more because I can benefit from my efforts so far

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  • Tuti    May 24, 2017

    Amount of loan I receive Rp. 498,750 I have been using for additional capital of my sewing business. __Thank you very much for the help of his loan. Success always to zidisha and the funders

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  • Tuti    May 19, 2017

    Thank you very much for the help of her loans would I use for my business needs __Tidak forget to thank the funders who borrow additional funds to help my business

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