Additional capital for my cosmetic products


Sinjai, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $200 goal


days left




Member since

September 2015

On-time repayments

29 installments  •  0%

About Me

Hi my name adhe, I was born and raised in Sinjai this time I have not married or still single, in youth I used to work for money so that later after having his own family I can meet the needs of the family, I am also a hobby of singing and playing one the usual type of instrument I played was the piano or keyboard, I feel proud and happy if a friend who wants to be invited or even learning to play the instrument, we used to spend all night to play the piano and sing along

My Business

Currently I"m wrestle effort cosmetics and have a place to sell their own, but sometimes if the market is quiet I also used to deliver the order cosmetics customers from house to house so that they feel happy to shop I used to deliver cosmetic products I use a motorcycle, hot showers sometimes accompany the journey I sell around the residence or my area, but I never gave up because as it is a life of struggle and prayer, this time I need additional capital for my cosmetic products in order to meet the demand of every customer I am for it based on information from friends I joined zidisha because this loan is suitable for small businesses like mine because it is not heavy and anyway I think this loan can be in accordance with the ability __Terimakasih ansur

Loan Proposal

With this loan I would add to my initial capital to purchase supplies cosmetic products in my store, ranging from face creams supplies for adults, powder for babies and children, washlap supplies, and equipment facial

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Hai nama saya adhe,saya lahir dan besar di sinjai saat ini saya belum berkeluarga atau masih singel,di masa muda ini saya gunakan untuk bekerja mencari uang agar nanti setelah memiliki keluarga sendiri saya bisa memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga,saya juga hobby menyanyi dan bermain musik salah satu jenis alat musik yang biasa saya mainkan adalah piano atau keybord,saya merasa bangga dan senang apabila ada teman yang ingin di ajak atau pun belajar memainkan alat tersebut,kami biasa menghabiskan waktu sepanjang malam untuk bermain piano dan bernyanyi bersama

My Business

Saat ini saya sedang menggeluti usaha kosmetik dan memiliki tempat berjualan sendiri,namun kadang jika pasar sepi saya juga biasa mengantarkan pesanan kosmetik para pelanggan dari rumah ke rumah agar mereka merasa senang berbelanja saya biasa mengantarkan produk kosmetik saya menggunakan sepeda motor,hujan panas kadang mengiringi perjalanan saya berjualan di sekitar tempat tinggal atau daerah saya namun saya tidak pernah putus asa karena seperti inilah hidup penuh perjuangan dan do'a,saat ini saya membutuhkan modal tambahan untuk produk kosmetik saya agar dapat memenuhi permintaan dari setiap pelanggan saya untuk itu berdasarkan informasi dari teman saya bergabung di zidisha karena pinjaman ini cocok buat pengusaha kecil seperti saya karena tidak berat menurutku dan lagi pula pinjaman ini dapat di ansur sesuai dengan kemampuan

Loan Proposal

Dengan pinjaman ini saya akan menambah modal awal saya untuk membeli persediaan produk kosmetik di toko saya,mulai dari persediaan krim wajah untuk dewasa,bedak tabur untuk bayi dan anak,persediaan washlap,serta peralatan facial wajah





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 24, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

6 months



Albuquerque, United States


Melbourne, Australia


Utrecht, Netherlands


San Francisco, Ca, United States


Manaal Eisa

Washington DC, United States



United States


United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Adhe a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

May 15, 2016


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 1, 2015 $7.28
Nov 8, 2015 $7.28
Nov 15, 2015 $7.28
Nov 22, 2015 $7.28
Nov 29, 2015 $7.28
Dec 6, 2015 $7.28
Dec 13, 2015 $7.28
Dec 20, 2015 $7.28
Dec 27, 2015 $7.28
Jan 3, 2016 $7.28
Jan 10, 2016 $7.28
Jan 17, 2016 $7.28
Jan 24, 2016 $7.28
Jan 31, 2016 $7.28
Feb 7, 2016 $7.28
Feb 14, 2016 $7.28
Feb 21, 2016 $7.28
Feb 28, 2016 $7.28
Mar 6, 2016 $7.28
Mar 13, 2016 $7.28
Mar 20, 2016 $7.28
Mar 27, 2016 $7.28
Apr 3, 2016 $7.28
Apr 10, 2016 $7.28
Apr 17, 2016 $7.28
Apr 24, 2016 $7.28
May 1, 2016 $7.28
May 8, 2016 $7.28
May 15, 2016 $6.06
