Additional capital sales


Cilegon, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

18 installments  •  83%

About Me

my name is esih susanti i am a wife da seorng mother who day work and sell .. my age 31 years .. i work in pt tjefuku international (watson cilegon)

My Business

type of business that I live that is retail .. cosmetic products and clothing .. my income from work and from husband and profits from selling clothes at home ..

Loan Proposal

for additional capital sales robe. there is a message dress uniform gamis.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

nama saya esih susanti saya seorang istri da seorng ibu yang mempunyai 4 anak yg masih kecil kecil yang sehari hari bekerja dan berjualan menafkahi anak anak agar bisa hidup lebih layak. umur saya 31 tahun..
saya bekerja di pt tjefuku internasional (watson cilegon)

My Business

jenis usaha yang saya jalani yaitu retail.. produk kosmetik dan pakaian.. penghasilan saya dari bekerja dan dari suami serta keuntungan dari berjualan pakaian di rumah.. hanya cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anak anak saya yanga masih kecil

Loan Proposal

untuk tambahan modal jualan gamis.
ada yang pesan baju gamis seragam.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 13, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Esih a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Esih    Nov 28, 2017

    let it quickly paid off. because the beginning nyya llimit loan 760.000.

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  • Esih    Nov 27, 2017

    Confused what to comment .. with 22,000 money just enough to buy credit.

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    • Su    Nov 27, 2017

      With timely payments will increase your credit limit getting bigger Regards vm zidisha

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      • Esih    Nov 27, 2017

        Why my credit limit changed. Her last 3rd loan was 760,000. Why be 22,000. And I pay on time even before maturity.

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  • Esih    Nov 19, 2017

    I as a cosmetic beauty advisor .. I"m marketing eye cream products an eye serum to remove puffy eyes and panda eyes. especially for eye wrinkles. I need funding for stock shortages. because customer demand more and more .. capital per item 8 dollars sold at a price of 12 dollars .. profits earned about 4 dollars.

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  • Esih    Nov 16, 2017

    I sell eye cream for puffy eyes or panda eyes .. remove wrinkles around the eyes .. products I sell bnyak skli who are interested. cma my stock is only small. sehinggq I asked for help to the investors to help me to menadapat additional capital to increase the stock of goods I sell like eye cream .. lack of my capital of approximately 2 million .. eye cream price 8 dollars .. selling price 10 dollars .. profit my 2 dollars per item

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  • Esih    Nov 15, 2017

    to my investors are ad orders pajamas and snacks .. I need funds for capital purchases of raw materials .. smoga the investors quickly provide such assistance

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  • Esih    Nov 15, 2017

    to my investors are ad orders pajamas and snacks .. I need funds for capital purchases of raw materials .. smoga the investors quickly provide such assistance

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  • Esih    Nov 15, 2017

    to my investors are ad orders pajamas and snacks .. I need funds for capital purchases of raw materials .. smoga the investors quickly provide such assistance

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  • Esih    Nov 14, 2017

    to my mom my dad is receiving an order for a child"s pajamas and a mother"s mother"s dress ..

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  • Esih    Nov 5, 2017

    I want to pay 50,000 just a week to be lighter. tp later klo ad lbh rejeki I will pay back 2b big lbh atw his ..

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  • Esih    Oct 28, 2017

    for the borrowers give sya opportunity to borrow funds that I will use for venture capital at home ..

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  • Esih    Oct 28, 2017

    I get orederan magnetic curtain .. requires approximately 3jt. order 120pcs curtains buy price 25.000 price sya sale 30.000 profit reply can 5000 / pcs calculate profit 120x5000 = 600.000 who can be a borrower to me ...

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  • Esih    Oct 27, 2017

    I want to speed up a sya installment to get paid off quickly. and sya can kembli borrow big money for additional capital of my business ..

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  • Esih    Oct 27, 2017

    I need the capital to add clothes syari karna bnyak order for seragaman ..

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  • Esih    Oct 27, 2017

    I am an employee and I sell online and also ofline drmh .. I sell in the form of clothing and household appliances. sya need capital for my business ..

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