Additional capital capture of oil and instant noodles


Banyumas, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

111 installments  •  77%

About Me

trimaksih still given my belief my housewife is not 100% relying on the salary of a working husband as a porter while I can still help the economy I do whatever it is business

My Business

trimaksih still given my beliefs housewives apart from my husband"s salary also business making wigs or wigs take at PT work done at home because I bother my son also selling Alhamdulillah now can setok goods at home ..

Loan Proposal

Take the cooking oil and instant noodle which again promo sell again oil advantage 2000 / pcs instant noodle 20.000 / box order ahead of Idul Fitri holiday and while there is promo. Promo not long so being need additional capital. . . If there are promos like this stuff is not numpuk directly I sell to the agent and I can sell cheap price also under the general market so fast capital turnover although promo only sometimes but can help the needs of the household. . After promo run out of capital played in the business oyster needle husband

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

trimaksih masih diberi kepercayan saya ibu rumah tangga saya tidak 100% mengandalkan gaji suami yg kerja sebagai kuli selagi saya masih bisa membantu ekonomi saya kerjakan apapun itu usahanya

My Business

trimaksih masih diberi kepercayan saya ibu rumah tangga selain dari gaji suami saya juga usaha membuat wig atau rambut palsu ambil di PT dikerjakan dirumah karena saya repot anak saya juga sambilan jualan Allhamdulillah sekarang bisa setok barang dirumah..

Loan Proposal

Ambil minyak goreng dan mie instan yang lagi promo dijual lagi keuntungan minyak 2000/pcs mie instan 20.000/dus pesanan menjelang hari raya idul fitri dan mumpung ada tidak lama jadi sedang butuh tambahan modal ...kalau ada promo seperti ini barang tidak numpuk langsung saya jual ke agen dan saya bisa jual harga murah juga dibawah pasaran umum jadi perputaran modal cepat walaupun promo hanya kadang2 tapi bisa membantu kebutuhan rumah tangga..setelah promo habis modal diputar di usaha jarum tiram suami





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 14, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Dättwil, Switzerland

Ask Wartisem a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Aug 18, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jun 21, 2017 $2.31 Jun 20, 2017 $2.31
Jun 28, 2017 $2.31 Jun 27, 2017 $2.31
Jul 5, 2017 $2.31 Jul 2, 2017 $2.31
Jul 12, 2017 $2.31 Jul 2, 2017 $2.31
Jul 19, 2017 $2.31 Jul 13, 2017 $2.31
Jul 26, 2017 $2.31 Jul 25, 2017 $2.31
Aug 2, 2017 $2.31 Aug 2, 2017 $2.31
Aug 9, 2017 $2.31 Aug 8, 2017 $2.31
Aug 16, 2017 $2.31 Aug 16, 2017 $2.31
Aug 23, 2017 $2.31 Aug 18, 2017 $2.31
Aug 30, 2017 $2.31 Aug 18, 2017 $2.31
Sep 6, 2017 $2.31 Aug 18, 2017 $2.31
Sep 13, 2017 $2.31 Aug 18, 2017 $2.31
Sep 20, 2017 $2.31 Aug 18, 2017 $2.31
Sep 27, 2017 $2.31 Aug 18, 2017 $2.31
Oct 4, 2017 $1.73 Aug 18, 2017 $1.73
