Additional capital


Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  94%

About Me

I am a housewife who has 1 org anak.awalnya I was a career woman but since pregnancy I decided to get out of the job and until sekrang I still live the role as a housewife. I just enjoy my role because it can see lngsung my child"s development

My Business

although I am home tpi I can not to stay silent without having a business. before marriage actually I have started a business online shopping.kurang more about 4th I live it until now.namun in the last year sales of my online shopping business alhamdulillah increased rapidly.yg initially I always act as a reseller now start dikit2 stock barang.alhamdulillah fluent.hanya constrained on limited capital

Loan Proposal

If my liquid funds will use it for venture capital. Because in addition to online business I also often open lapak d morning market by selling sembako. While the capital needed for selling basic foods is quite large. Sometimes I have to wait for a fund first to trade. Maybe with the help of zidisha can help me a little for stocks of basic needs. Because the velocity of funds is quite fast

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About Me

saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga yg mempunyai 1 org anak.awalnya saya adalah wanita karier tapi semenjak hamil saya memutuskan untuk keluar dri pekerjaan dan hingga sekrang saya masih menjalani peran sebagai ibu rumah tangga.saya cukup menikmati peran saya karena bisa melihat lngsung perkembangan anak saya

My Business

meskipun saya d rumah tpi saya tidak bisa utk berdiam diri saja tanpa memiliki usaha.sebelum nikah sebenernya saya sudah memulai bisnis online shopping.kurang lebih sekitar 4th saya menjalaninya hingga sekarang.namun dalam setahun terakhir penjualan dari bisnis online shopping saya alhamdulillah meningkat pesat.yg awalnya saya selalu bertindak sebagai reseller sekarang mulai dikit2 stok barang.alhamdulillah lancar.hanya terkendala pada modal yang terbatas

Loan Proposal

jika dana cair saya akan menggunakannya untuk modal usaha.karena selain bisnis online saya juga sering buka lapak d pasar pagi dengan berjualan sembako.sementara modal yg dbutuhkan untuk jualan sembako cukup besar.kadang saya harus menunggu ada dana dulu baru berdagang.mungkin dengan adanya bantuan dari zidisha bisa sedikit membantu saya untuk stok barang2 sembako.krena perputaran dana cukup cepat





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 1, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Paul Graham

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Lilis a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Mahfudin    Oct 6, 2017

    Good morning, Yesterday, the lender I have been with, lilis lisdawati Currently he has a problem, but he promised to take care and reschedule the payment. Thank you!

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  • Ronald    Aug 24, 2017

    Hello Lilis! I wish you all the best for your project! Best regards. Ronald (Switzerland)

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  • Lilis    Jul 9, 2017

    To be paid off faster

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  • Lilis    Jul 2, 2017

    Currently my account balance d is less

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  • Lilis    Apr 26, 2017

    fund and thank God I have received additional stocks could help my merchandise. thank you

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