

Karawang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

March 2018

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  54%

About Me

I am Iskandar as a full-time private employee at the PMI Blood Transfusion Unit, Karawang Regency. In addition, I also have a part-time job at PT HIKMAH WUKUF ARAFAH (Travel Umrah and Hajj Plus) as an administrative staff (Ticketing). It is very possible for me to get additional income every month, and also a solution to realize my dream of GOING TO THE HOLY LAND for Umrah with my commission results

My Business

My current source of income is only from salary, so I want to try additional income from procurement of goods and services. Hopefully Zidisha can help me to realize my wishes by providing additional capital that is worthy to realize my wishes. My current source of income is only from salary, so I want to try additional income from procurement of goods and services. Hopefully Zidisha can help me to realize my wishes by providing additional capital that is worthy to realize my wishes.

Loan Proposal

as a supplier of goods UTD PMI Karawang and procurement ID card for the pilgrims both Umrah and Hajj who will soon leave, Honest with the loan limit is still like this I am still confused to allocate it, but I still do with the aim to try to maintain trust with this limit and hope to increase on the next submission

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About Me

Saya Iskandar sebagai pegawai swasta penuh waktu di Unit Transfusi Darah PMI Kab. Karawang.
Selain itu saya juga memeliki kerjaan paruh waktu di PT HIKMAH WUKUF ARAFAH (Travel Umrah dan Haji Plus) sebagai tenaga administrasi (Ticketing).
sangat memungkinkan bagi saya untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan setiap bulannya, dan juga menjadi solusi mewujudkan impiansaya KE TANAH SUCI untuk Ibadah Umroh dengan hasil komisi saya

My Business

Sumber panghasilan saya saat ini hanya dari gaji, makanya saya mau mencoba tambahan penghasilan dari pengadaan barang dan jasa.
Semoga Zidisha dapat membantu saya untuk merealisasikan keinginan saya dengan memberikan modal tambahan yang layak untuk mewujudkan keinginan saya tersebut
Sumber panghasilan saya saat ini hanya dari gaji, makanya saya mau mencoba tambahan penghasilan dari pengadaan barang dan jasa.
Semoga Zidisha dapat membantu saya untuk merealisasikan keinginan saya dengan memberikan modal tambahan yang layak untuk mewujudkan keinginan saya tersebut

Loan Proposal

sebagai supplier barang keperluan UTD PMI Karawang dan pengadaan ID card untuk para jamaah baik umrah maupun haji yang sebentar lagi akan berangkat,
Jujur dengan limit pinjaman masih seperti ini saya masih bingung untuk mengalokasikannya, namun tetap saya lakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencoba menjaga kepercayaan dengan limit ini dan berharap dapat bertambah pada pengajuan berikutnya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 11, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Malta, Malta

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Iskandar    Sep 15, 2024

    I will increase my working capital, hopefully this assistance will be useful especially for me. Thank you very much, I will not forget this assistance. I will increase my working capital, hopefully this assistance will be useful especially for me.

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  • Iskandar    Sep 15, 2024

    My current source of income is only from salary, so I want to try additional income from procurement of goods and services. Hopefully Zidisha can help me to realize my wish by providing additional capital that is worthy to realize my wish

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  • Iskandar    May 29, 2018

    Honestly, I have not maximally utilized my initial loan, but I really hope to get a loan with more limit so that more can be useful for me ... thanks zidisha

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  • Iskandar    May 29, 2018

    Honestly, I have not maximally utilized my initial loan, but I really hope to get a loan with more limit so that more can be useful for me ... thanks zidisha

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  • Iskandar    May 27, 2018

    it"s time payday, to reduce the transfer fee as well

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  • Iskandar    May 2, 2018

    I want to more quickly pay off the current installment

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