Supply of spare parts to manufacturers and distributors


Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

43 installments  •  23%

About Me

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings . . . __My name Lis Sapuroh was born in jakarta 06 august 1973 i graduated high school i actually lecture for 6 years in one college in depok but krn i married and pregnant so sy did not finish sy lecture which only stay skripsi saja__Saat sy lecture at level 2 on Th 1993 sy worked to help my old man who own his own business ie the production of one spare part of the car which d call bushing. (Boss per) until th 2004__Shah sy 4 people 1 man and 3 women alhamdulillah my first child sdh kls XI and bln then just follow the national saint olympics for TIK daughter sy 2nd woman got the highest nem to 2 in MIN 3 And now sdh kls 7 enter cls seeds child to 3 and 4 new aged 5 and 2 years

My Business

Currently I am self-employed with my husband that is spare part supplier especially boss per distributor2 yg d jakarta and also factory per car by buying goods from factories, my turnover does not necessarily depend on the willingness of goods in factory and existing capital because purchasing goods must cash, In one month can reach 50jt even more dg profit 20-30% pd at this time we accept order enough reach reach ± ​​800jt and yet we can fulfill krn no capital to buy goods to factory, profit from effort part we turn again to goods And partly we use for the purposes of daily life

Loan Proposal

For blanja add spare part d send to distributor

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Assalamualaikum wr wb ...
Nama saya Lis Sapuroh lahir di jakarta 06 agustus 1973 saya tamatan SMA sebenarnya saya sempat kuliah selama 6 th di salah satu perguruan tinggi di depok tapi krn saya menikah dan mengandung sehingga sy tdk menyelesaikan kuliah sy yg hanya tinggal skripsi saja
Saat sy kuliah di tingkat 2 pada th 1993 sy bekerja membantu org tua saya yang mempunyai usaha sendiri yakni produksi salah satu spare part mobil yg d sebut bushing. ( bos per ) sampai th 2004
Anak sy 4 orang 1 laki-laki dan 3 perempuan alhamdulillah anak saya yang pertama sdh kls XI dan bln lalu baru saja mengikuti olimpiade saint nasional utk TIK anak sy yg ke 2 perempuan mendapat nem tertinggi ke 2 di MIN 3 dan sekarang sdh kls 7 masuk kls unggulan anak ke 3 dan 4 baru berusia 5 dan 2 tahun

My Business

Saat ini saya wiraswasta bersama suami saya yakni suplayer spare part khususnya boss per ke distributor2 yg ada d jakarta dan juga pabrik per mobil dengan membeli barang dari pabrik, omset saya tidak tentu tergantung kesediaan barang di pabrik dan modal yg ada karena pembelian barang harus cash, dalam satu bln bisa mencapai 50jt bahkan lebih dg keuntungan 20-30% pd saat ini order yg kami terima cukup banyak mencapai ± 800jt dan belum bisa kami penuhi krn tidak ada modal utk membeli barang ke pabrik, keuntungan dari usaha sebagian kami putar lagi ke barang dan sebagian lagi kami gunakan untuk keperluan hidup sehari hari

Loan Proposal

Menambah blanja spare part utk d kirim ke distributor





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Lis a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yusnia    Oct 1, 2017

    stock selling sya increasingly smua thanks to the help of the funders in zidisha sya will lbh improve and always on time in installing

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  • Yusnia    Aug 3, 2017

    Alhamdulillah stock clothes sales are increasingly easy thanks to the zidisha leaders for their trust that have lent me for my online venture capital

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  • Lis    Jun 26, 2017

    Praise be to Allah, in this Idul Fitri holiday that is full of blessing I can pay installment for second loan. __I hope the big family of zidisha especially the lenders always blessed God. Amen

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  • Lis    Jun 16, 2017

    There is no appropriate words I say to funders zidisha than gratitude magnitude, because my second loan had melted. I will use this loan to buy a bush spring Hino RG to meet customer demand. Zidisha really helped my business in particular venture capital and good zidisha more advanced. once again thank the funders zidisha and may God bless us all. amen

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    • Fitri    Mar 28, 2018

      Good afternoon, Mother Lis. Please immediately paid Zidishanya installment. Currently Zidisha installment payment has been transferred to BNI Virtual account, if mother only have BCA account, please follow Mimin"s instructions to pay your installment through, so you can save the bank transfer fee. To find out your most recent Virtual account, please check email from Zidisha or check the payment instructions page. Hopefully you and your family are healthy and can hasten your Zidisha installment payment. thanks.

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  • Lis    Jun 14, 2017

    I am grateful to the funders zidisha which have provided support to me. My prayer May Allah support in response, given health and blessing of God Almighty always amen. , , amen. , , yes robbal"alamin.

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  • Lis    May 16, 2017

    June 26 will enter the month of romadhon in which Muslims will carry out fasting for 1 bln in this month the cost of living will be bigger and the material pokokpun already started up

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  • Lis    Apr 21, 2017

    Alhamdulillahirobbil"alamin__Terima love sy sy pronounce on loan disbursement amounting to 300,000 money has been received and sy sy For use in the form of add buy brg bushing sy spring that will be sent to distributors, workshops and stores

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  • Lis    Apr 20, 2017

    Alhamdulillahirobbil the worlds __Terima you for assistance / loan funds will be used to augment sy buy goods that will be sent to the distributor sy

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