Pulse stock and mobile phone accessories


Lumajang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

53 installments  •  91%

About Me

I"m Ristyan, usually called Tyan. I am the father of 2 beautiful daughters, the eldest is 3 years old, the youngest is 10 months old. I work in a government office in my city, as a contract or honorary employee. So was my wife, who also worked as a contract employee in a government office in our small town.

My Business

Our income from my wife"s and my wife"s salaries can be said to be insufficient to reach the needs of our small family. In my city, government contract employee salaries are still below the regional minimum wage. So I opened a small business, the HP counter. I sell credit and some HP accessories.

Loan Proposal

I have a small shop, I sell pulses and some accessories mobile phone and also his spare part because I can slightly fix the phone (mobile phone service). From the pulse I get 500 to 1000 rupiah per transaction, from the internet pulse I get 1000 to 3000 transactions, and from service and accessories I get 5000 to 50.000 perservis. I will use this loan to add stock of mobile phone accessories and fill the balance of credit. Hopefully soon funded, because I really need this fund. May our income increase. thanks zidisha and lender ..

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About Me

Saya Ristyan, biasa dipanggil Tyan. Saya seorang ayah dari 2 orang putri cantik, si sulung berusia 3 tahun, si bungsu berusia 10 bulan. Saya bekerja di sebuah kantor pemerintah di kota saya, sebagai karyawan kontrak atau honorer. Begitu juga istri saya, yang juga bekerja sebagai karyawan kontrak di sebuah kantor pemerintah di kota kecil kami.

My Business

Pendapatan kami dari gaji kantor saya dan istri saya bisa dibilang kurang cukup untuk menuju kebutuhan keluarga kecil kami. Di kota saya gaji karyawan kontrak pemerintah masih di bawah upah minimum regional. Maka dari itu saya membuka sebuah bisnis kecil, yaitu konter HP. Saya menjual Pulsa dan beberapa aksesori HP.

Loan Proposal

Saya mempunyai sebuah toko kecil, saya menjual pulsa dan beberapa aksesoris handphone dan juga spare part nya karena saya sedikit bisa membenahi handphone (servis handphone). Dari pulsa saya mendapat 500 hingga 1000 rupiah per transaksi, dari pulsa internet saya mendapat 1000 hingga 3000 pertransaksi, dan dari servis dan aksesoris saya mendapat 5000 hingga 50.000 perservis. Pinjaman ini akan saya gunakan untuk menambah stok aksesoris handphone dan mengisi saldo pulsa. Semoga segera terdanai, karena saya sangat membutuhkan dana ini. Semoga pendapatan kami semakin meningkat. terimakasih zidisha dan para pemberi pinjaman..





  • Mary    Jul 10, 2018

    Hello Ristyan, thanks for the perfect repayment of your loan. Best wishes for continued success.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 26, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 months



Beaver Nation, United States



Ask Ristyan a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ristyan    May 28, 2024

    thank you for your support, hopefully with the money I receive I can increase my stock of clothes and hopefully sales will run smoothly so I can pay this loan on time

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  • Ristyan    May 28, 2024

    I work for a private company and also have a business selling clothes online and participate in a program on the application to sell clothes live

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  • Ristyan    Mar 27, 2024

    Thank you to donors for helping me, I hope my business can grow and can help other people too and I will try to make payments on time as a way to repay my favor to donors

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  • Ristyan    Oct 16, 2018

    Thank you, investors, that all matters will be launched. And hopefully always trust us small traders

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  • J    Oct 16, 2018

    Your loan is now fully funded. Please keep us posted with photos and news.

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  • Ristyan    Oct 15, 2018

    My loan has been paid off and I want to apply for the next loan. Thank you for financing my loan

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  • Ristyan    Aug 27, 2018

    Thank you zidisha and the investors ... Hope it will be useful for my family

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  • Ristyan    Aug 16, 2018

    I will use the loan this time to increase my merchandise stock on my small cellphone counter, such as data and regular credit, and some HP accessories. Hopefully it can add to my income and can help my small family"s economy.

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  • Ristyan    Jul 6, 2018

    We apologize for other unannounced needs

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  • Ristyan    Apr 20, 2018

    Sorry sorry shop, there is a sudden family needs as well. Hopefully more next Sunday.

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  • Ristyan    Feb 26, 2018

    Alhamdulillah .. after a long waiting finally funded too. I will use this fund to increase my store stock. On past loans my payment record was recorded late, but in fact I was always on time paying installments every Sunday, but in November zidisha was interrupted so my installment was not recorded, and until now my installment has not been refunded (I have not received it yet). Thank you lenders for still trust me .. thanks zidisha ..

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  • Ristyan    Feb 4, 2018

    Hopefully my loan application this time can be 100% funded immediately. aamiin .... so I can use this money to add my store stock. And to help connect my small family needs. Thank you lenders .. thanks zidisha ...

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  • Ristyan    Jan 7, 2018

    Alhamdulillah ... finally able to apply for another loan after several months always failed to try to apply for a loan. I will use this loan fund to add stock in my store, hp accesoris, spare part and pulse, and internet quota pulse. For profit, from the pulse I usually get 500 to 2000 rupiah per transaction, in a typical day doing 5 to 20 transactions. From the internet quota pulse I used to get 1000 to 5000 transactions, in a normal day doing 2-5 transactions. While from the service and spare parts usually get 20000 to 50000 perkasus, in a day there are 1-3 cases, although sometimes there are no empty customers who service HP. Hope this can improve shop turnover and can help meet the needs of my small family. Thanks zidisha ...

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  • Ristyan    Nov 5, 2017

    thank you to all the donors who have given me the loan, hopefully the loan you give can be useful for my business for the next, and I hope I can apply for more loan for my business

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  • Ristyan    Oct 28, 2017

    Thank you for still trusting me, this loan is very helpful to my small business. My previous loan I have paid off, now I re-apply for a loan of funds to finance my small business. Although only a little, but not bad to meet my stock counters. With this loan I will increase the balance of regular and internet credit balance, mobile phone accesories, and some mobile phone spare parts. Alhamdulillah my business is growing a bit, of course also can help my family need, especially my children who are 2.5 years old and 2 month. Hopefully zidisha will always give trust to us small entrepreneurs to increase our income. Thank you very much zidisha.

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  • Ristyan    Oct 27, 2017

    The trehomat lenders, with the help of capital from your loan yesterday I can add my balance pulse, now my loan is paid off I want to apply for more loan, please help all of you. Hope to grow my business

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  • Ristyan    Oct 27, 2017

    The trehomat lenders, with the help of capital from your loan yesterday I can add my balance pulse, now my loan is paid off I want to apply for more loan, please help all of you. Hope can grow my business.

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  • Ristyan    Oct 27, 2017

    The trehomat lenders, with the help of capital from your loan yesterday I can add my balance pulse, now my loan is paid off I want to apply for more loan, please help all of you. Hope can grow my business

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  • Ristyan    Oct 27, 2017

    The trehomat lenders, with the help of capital from your loan yesterday I can add my balance balance, now my loan is paid off I want to apply for more loans, please help all of you ..

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  • Ristyan    Oct 27, 2017

    The trehomat lenders, with the help of capital from your loan yesterday I can add my balance pulse, now my loan is paid off I want to apply for more loan, please help all of you ...

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