Stock of clothing and shoes to sell


Jakarta Timur, Indonesia

58% repaid




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

34 installments  •  59%

About Me

Surati my name, I am a housewife. I have two children aged 14 and 10 years. __I Worked part-time as an insurance clerk. My husband had a business with his friend, the motor bike laundering business .__ I live in a modest family and in a simple environment. I"d love to have the extra income to make ends meet is getting more expensive. My children were in need of a lot of costs for school purposes.

My Business

My business is to sell clothes, shoes, and bags in my home environment and also my workplace. I just have a little stock so not many options I can offer. I wanted to have a lot of stock in order merchandise I could be more attractive buyer .__ I hope to obtain loans from funders Zidisha .__ I will use the loan money is as good as possible so as to make changes in order to better my life.

Loan Proposal

I needed funds for this venture about 15 million rupiahs, which would I buy clothes, bags and shoes. I can obtain a profit of 20 to 30% of every item I sell. I also hope to have my own shop.

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About Me

Nama saya Surati, saya seorang ibu rumah tangga. Saya mempunyai dua orang anak yang berumur 14 dan 10 tahun.
Saya bekerja paruh waktu sebagai petugas asuransi. Suami saya mempunyai bisnis bersama temannya, bisnis pencucian motor.
Saya hidup dalam keluarga sederhana dan dalam lingkungan yang sederhana. Saya ingin sekali mempunyai penghasilan tambahan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup yang semakin mahal. Anak anak saya juga sedang membutuhkan banyak biaya untuk keperluan sekolah.

My Business

Bisnis saya adalah berjualan baju, sepatu, dan tas di lingkungan rumah saya dan juga tempat kerja saya. Saya hanya mempunyai sedikit stock sehingga tidak banyak pilihan yang bisa saya tawarkan. Saya ingin sekali mempunyai banyak stock agar barang dagangan saya bisa lebih menarik pembeli.
Saya berharap bisa memperoleh pinjaman dari para pendana Zidisha.
Saya akan menggunakan uang pinjaman ini sebaik baiknya sehingga bisa membuat perubahan hidup saya agar lebih baik.

Loan Proposal

Dana yang saya butuhkan untuk usaha ini sekitar 15 juta rupiah, yang akan saya belikan pakaian, tas dan sepatu. Saya bisa mendapatkan untung 20 sampai dengan 30% dari setiap barang yang saya jual. Saya juga berharap bisa mempunyai toko sendiri.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 27, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

7 months



United States

Ask Surati a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Surati    Sep 28, 2016

    please immediately in stone hubungin my hp number 081218125034 or 0895334454873 numbers thanks

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  • Surati    Sep 28, 2016

    I write to beg rock y .bagaimana way zidisha weeks to settle the payment of which has been my pijam indosat card .because I and hp y missing .i had tried to restore the gallery to the freeway until now there is no konfermasi please hubungin me through my tlvn nomet 081218125034

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  • Henry    Dec 29, 2015

    Hello Surati, Thank you for your faithfulness in always making your payments on time. I have noticed that it has been taking a little longer than usual for Zidisha to credit your's and other borrower's payments to your accounts. This is because they do not have enough volunteers lately to help process everything, and there have been other problems and issues they are busy fixing with the software system. I promise you that I always trust you that you have made your payments on time because you are an honest woman, and have never disappointed me in the past. So I hope you do not worry about Zidisha giving you credit for your payments. They will show them on your account page as soon as possible. I do not know if you are aware of it, but if you ever have a problem or question about your account then you can send Zidisha an email and they will reply as quickly as possible. They do have a team in Indonesia who will gladly help you with any issues or questions you have. Just send an email to
    " [email protected] " and tell them the details of the situation. They will reply to you as soon as possible. I hope that helps you not worry about your payments being shown as paid on time.
    Thank you again for your faithfulness. I wish you and your family the blessings of God always, and I also wish you a very Happy and prosperous New year.
    David (Henry) Hand

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  • Henry    Dec 7, 2015

    Halo Surati, Anda sangat welcome untuk membantu saya, saya berikan dengan meminjamkan kepada Anda. Terima kasih juga untuk selalu membuat pembayaran Anda tepat waktu untuk Zidisha. Saya berharap bisnis Anda terus tumbuh dan sejahtera. Saya juga berharap Anda dan keluarga Anda selalu sehat, bahagia, dan diberkati.

    Hello Surati, you are very welcome for my help I gave by lending to you. I thank you also for always making your payments on time to Zidisha. I hope your business continues to grow and prosper. I also hope you and your family are always healthy, happy, and blessed.

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  • Surati    Nov 30, 2015

    I have to make payments on time through Indosat purse, but not yet listed in zidisha. I hope that this issue be resolved. Thank you.

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  • Henry    Oct 5, 2015

    Thank you Surati for always paying on time each week. I hope your business is growing more profitable for you each week. I also hope you and your family are doing well, blessed, and happy.

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  • Surati    Sep 15, 2015

    thanks zidisha on pijaman danaonline y. I can membukabisnis yaitumejuakkrudung dankaos new leg will hopefully continue to grow a small business which is still evolving .1200 certainly will form my 000 belajakan and little existing y y 1 day results could earn about 200 000 atau125000 I am quite happy .... me and family quite happy and able utuk tambaha belaja anaksekolah.dan can walk the same way family and I also talked to my neighbors .terimakasih zidisha

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  • Surati    Aug 31, 2015

    terimakasi zidisha with no pijaman like this is very helpful to us and augment our income.

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  • Henry    Aug 24, 2015

    Hello Surati, I did not want you to wonder longer if anybody else would help me fund you, so I decided to do the rest for you. Now you will soon be able to add to your clothing and shoes stock as soon as Zidisha disburses the funds to you. I wish you much success with your business, and may you and your family be blessed always.
    David (Henry)

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    • Surati    Dec 4, 2015

      Hello Mrs.David (Henry) I thank you for __bantuan you gave me .__ funds given zidisha very useful and supplement my income for daily needs .__ not forget I say thank you to my friend that I mengudang in zidisha.

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      • Surati    Dec 17, 2015

        i have to make payments on time through indosat purse, but not yet listed in zidisha. i hope this issue be resolved. thank u

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        • Surati    Dec 29, 2015

          I always pay on time .In on 26 I pay zidisha 100 000 plus 100,000 but until now there is no incoming sms to the phone number of my neighbor henvon payment

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