

Bandung, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $500 goal


days left




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  0%

About Me

My name is Aga since I was little I wanted to be an engineer dreams aspirations and thank God reached. After I graduate I want to do business dreams aspirations is not in my mind to work at another company. , , by chance my brother had a business matrial and motor showroom then I bantu2 them. I am not paid by my sister but I am in love percent when I managed to sell his wares. While I was not married I do not have a target of how I make money. , But after getting married and I live with my in-laws think I should be able to have their own home, if I was able to buy a vehicle. Then because of the need to grow then try to open their own business. I first open a food business pujasera last one year due to road construction, kept me try a lot of effort was involved selling the vehicle at all home-made, open counters HP, VCD rental for me nga had the place itself is always ngontrak. When the contract expires the price goes up then I switched sealau effort. , , and the last on th 2004 because I see a lot of my thinking semakain motorcycle bike shop open, and thank God until now walk. With the increasing number of bike shop I kept beruaha sarana2 complement of spare parts and equipment, and that"s why I need an additional meningkatkannnya.

My Business

I venture engaged in a motorcycle shop and the provision of spare parts, and I specialized in the repair is authorized Honda motorcycle repair shop or AHASS. I chose this Honda motorcycle repair business for nearly 70 percent of Indonesian people wearing motorcycle brand Honda. In the first month of my gross income of about Rp. 150.000.000, - comprised of service revenue of Rp. 40,000,000, - and Spare Parts Rp. 110,000,000, - my one month"s net revenue of around Rp. 35,000,000, - cut car payments and home Rp. 10,000,000, - and Rp cicil place of business. 13.000.000, - the remaining Rp. 12.000.000, - house needs and lain2. I need additional funds to increase the stock of spare parts. thank you

Loan Proposal

Add a capital purchase of spare parts and the purchase of additional tools workshop tools for the smooth operation

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya Aga sejak saya kecil saya bercita cita ingin menjadi insinyur dan alhamdulillah tercapai. Setelah saya lulus sarjana saya bercita cita ingin berbisnis tidak ada dalam fikiran saya untuk bekerja di perusahaan lain...kebetulan kakak saya punya usaha matrial dan showroom motor maka saya bantu2 mereka. Saya tidak digaji oleh kakak saya tapi saya di kasih persen bila saya berhasil menjual dagangannya. Selagi saya belum menikah saya tidak punya target berapa saya dapat uang., tapi sesudah menikah dan saya tinggal sama mertua saya berfikir saya harus bisa mempunyai rumah sendiri, kalau kendaraan saya sudah bisa beli. Maka karena kebutuhan bertambah maka coba membuka usaha sendiri. Saya pertama-tama buka usaha makanan pujasera bertahan 1 tahun karena ada pembangunan jalan, terus saya coba banyak usaha digeluti jual kendaraan di rumah sekalian pakai, buka counter HP, rental VCD karena saya nga punya tempat sendiri yaitu selalu ngontrak. Bila habis masa kontrak harganya naik maka saya sealau beralih usaha...dan terakhir pada th 2004 karena saya lihat motor semakain banyak saya berfikir buka bengkel motor, dan alhamdulillah sampai sekarang berjalan. Dengan semakin bertambahnya bengkel motor saya terus beruaha melengkapi sarana2 serta peralatan dan suku cadang maka dari itu untuk meningkatkannnya saya memerlukan tambahan modal.

My Business

Usaha saya bergerak di bidang bengkel sepeda motor dan penyediaan spare part nya, dan saya khusus dalam perbaikan yaitu bengkel resmi sepeda motor Honda atau AHASS. Saya memilih bisnis bengkel motor Honda ini karena hampir 70 persen masyarakat Indonesia memakai motor merk Honda. Dalam 1 bulan pendapatan kotor saya sekitar Rp. 150.000.000,- terdiri dari pendapatan jasa Rp. 40.000.000,- dan Spare Part Rp. 110.000.000,- Pendapatan bersih saya 1 bulan sekitar Rp. 35.000.000,- dipotong cicilan mobil dan rumah Rp. 10.000.000,- dan cicil tempat usaha Rp. 13.000.000,- sisa Rp. 12.000.000, - kebutuhan rumah dan lain2. Saya memerlukan tambahan dana untuk menambah stok spare part. terima kasih

Loan Proposal

Tambah modal pembelian spare part dan pembelian penambahan alat alat bengkel untuk kelancaran operasional





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 3, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

6 months


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Aga a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Nov 6, 2017


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
May 15, 2017 $19.24
May 22, 2017 $19.24
May 29, 2017 $19.24
Jun 5, 2017 $19.24
Jun 12, 2017 $19.24
Jun 19, 2017 $19.24
Jun 26, 2017 $19.24
Jul 3, 2017 $19.24
Jul 10, 2017 $19.24
Jul 17, 2017 $19.24
Jul 24, 2017 $19.24
Jul 31, 2017 $19.24
Aug 7, 2017 $19.24
Aug 14, 2017 $19.24
Aug 21, 2017 $19.24
Aug 28, 2017 $19.24
Sep 4, 2017 $19.24
Sep 11, 2017 $19.24
Sep 18, 2017 $19.24
Sep 25, 2017 $19.24
Oct 2, 2017 $19.24
Oct 9, 2017 $19.24
Oct 16, 2017 $19.24
Oct 23, 2017 $19.24
Oct 30, 2017 $19.24
Nov 6, 2017 $19.24
