I borrowed to add fried macroni selling


Boyolali, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  54%

About Me

introduce sya a worker ..sya working in philips .. and consultant product brand philips..sya"ve worked for approximately 2tahun..sya live in west java precisely in the monument cimanggis. and sya a student because I while studying major in economics.

My Business

sya get salary per month from work result sya and sya also get incentiv from achievement target sya .. and i also in college condition so i want to open new business to increase my income .. because i have target in life. my target 4 years fore life sya more established .. bismilah can be a scholar and can make happy mother sya .. amien

Loan Proposal

Increase the capital of selling fried macroni djual ma friends at office and dititipkan diwarung. . So it can increase income sya out of salary work sya diphilips. . Because now I also again took college to get the title s1 to live sya more established. Amien

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

kenalkan sya seorang pekerja ..sya bekerja di philips.. dan consultan product brand philips..sya udah bekerja selama kurang lebih 2tahun..sya tinggal didepok jawa barat tepatnya di tugu cimanggis. dan sya seorang mahasiswi karena saya sambil kuliah mengambil jurusan ekonomi.

My Business

sya mendapatkan gaji perbulan dari hasil bekerja sya dan sya juga mendapatkan insentiv dari pencapaian target sya..dan saya juga dalam keadaan kuliah jadi saya ingin buka usaha baru untuk menambah penghasilan saya.. karena saya punya target dalam hidup. target saya 4 tahun kedepan hidup sya lebih mapan.. bismilah bisa jadi sarjana dan dapat membahagiakan ibu sya.. amien

Loan Proposal

menambah modal jualan makroni goreng yang djual ma teman dikantor dan dititipkan diwarung.. sehingga dapat menambah penghasilan sya diluar gaji kerja sya diphilips..karena sekarang saya juga lagi menempuh kuliah untuk mendapatkan gelar s1 agar hidup sya lebih mapan. amien





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 19, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 weeks



Dättwil, Switzerland


Monty Lewis

United Kingdom

Ask Tri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Sep 4, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 26, 2017 $1.54 Sep 2, 2017 $1.54
Aug 2, 2017 $1.54 Sep 2, 2017 $1.54
Aug 9, 2017 $1.54 Sep 2, 2017 $1.54
Aug 16, 2017 $1.54 Sep 2, 2017 $1.54
Aug 23, 2017 $1.54 Sep 2, 2017 $1.54
Aug 30, 2017 $1.54 Sep 2, 2017 $1.54
Sep 6, 2017 $1.54 Sep 4, 2017 $1.54
Sep 13, 2017 $0.77 Sep 4, 2017 $0.77
