I need funds


Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

45 installments  •  60%

About Me

I am an IT at a distributor of an IT company in Jakarta, I am currently pioneering a grocery store business that sells groceries, snacks, food, drinks, soft drinks

My Business

I am currently pioneering a grocery store business that sells groceries, snacks, food, drinks, soft drinks. my source of income comes from my salary and grocery store business

Loan Proposal

is currently trying to run my own business at home, my grocery store business, the source of my monthly salary income and the profit of the grocery store I am working on. currently in need for inventory.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya adalah seorang IT di distributor perusahaab IT di jakarta, saya saat ini sedang merintis usaha toko kelontong yang menjual sembako, makanan kecil, makanan, minuman, minuman ringan

My Business

saya saat ini sedang merintis usaha toko kelontong yang menjual sembako, makanan kecil, makanan, minuman, minuman ringan. sumber penghasilan saya berasal dari gaji dan usaha toko kelontong saya

Loan Proposal

saat ini sedang mencoba untuk menjalani usaha sendiri dirumah, usaha saya toko kelontong, sumber penghasilan dari gaji bulanan saya dan keuntungan toko kelontong yang saya tekuni. saat ini sedang membutuhkan untuk persediaan barang.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 10, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks



Craig Newmark

United States

Ask Triadha a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jul 7, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jun 17, 2018 $19.74 Jun 17, 2018 $19.74
Jun 24, 2018 $19.74 Jun 24, 2018 $19.74
Jul 1, 2018 $19.74 Jul 3, 2018 $19.74
Jul 8, 2018 $19.74 Jul 7, 2018 $19.74
Jul 15, 2018 $19.74 Jul 7, 2018 $19.74
