I want to buy 2 pieces of hp

Putra Muhammad

Tangerang Selatan , Indonesia

7% repaid



Putra Muhammad

Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

31 installments  •  45%

About Me

My name is Putra muhammad irza I am an employee and also a businessman in the field of food retail and counter pulse I was born in jakarta 13 October 1989 I live in south jakarta and work in bank kebana kebana

My Business

my source of income from my salary and my business in the field of restaurant and hp counter that I am running, I need capital of 6 million rupiah to buy 2 pieces of hp for my resale, because from the results I resell I get a profit 2.5 million rupiah per 1 hp, hopefully I get a fast capital to run my business and my business, I promise to return as soon as possible

Loan Proposal

I want to buy 2 hp oppo again for my resell for 6 million at this time I have less capital of 1.5 million I need this capital for my hp counter, hp I bought this for my resale, because of the results I sell this hp I earned a profit of 2.5 million per 1 hp so for 2 hp I can get a net profit of 5 million rupiah. I promise to return the capital you give as soon as possible.

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About Me

Nama saya Putra muhammad irza saya adalah seorang karyawan dan juga pengusaha di bidang retail makanan dan counter pulsa saya lahir di jakarta 13 oktober 1989 saya tinggal di jakarta selatan dan bekerja di bank keb hana

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya dari gaji dan usaha saya di bidang rumah makan dan counter hp yang sedang saya jalankan,saya membutuhkan modal sebesar 6 juta rupiah untuk membeli 2 buah hp untuk saya jual kembali,karena dari hasil saya jual kembali saya memperoleh keuntungan 2,5 juta rupiah per 1 hp, mudah mudahan saya memperoleh modal yg cepat untuk saya menjalankan bisnis dan usaha saya,saya berjanji akan mengembalikan secepatnya

Loan Proposal

saya ingin membeli 2 buah hp oppo lagi untuk saya jual kembali seharga 6 juta saat ini saya kurang modal sebesar 1.5 juta saya membutuhkan modal ini untuk counter hp saya, hp yg saya beli ini untuk saya jual kembali,karena dari hasil saya menjual hp ini saya memperoleh keuntungan sebesar 2,5 juta per 1 hp jadi untuk 2 hp saya bisa memperoleh keuntungan bersih 5 juta rupiah. saya berjanji akan mengembalikan modal yg anda berikan secepatnya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 3, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

37 months


Mike and Jacqui

United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States



Zürich, Austria

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  • Sujik    Feb 23, 2018

    The honorable lenders I have not been able to answer from the son of a son

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  • Sujik    Jan 22, 2018

    Morning mas son how are you going, ngomong why not ngangsur when the mas start ngangsur again

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  • Sujik    Dec 21, 2017

    Dear Yan sister loan lender irza already paid and can already e mail confirmation but his payment is not recorded

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  • Putra Muhammad    Nov 18, 2017

    I want to change because I need more capital

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  • Putra Muhammad    Nov 3, 2017

    thank you for those who have lent their capital to me, I am very grateful with this capital I can make my business so much more advanced, I promise will return on time.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Nov 2, 2017

    let"s give the capital as soon as possible guaranteed a big profit.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 30, 2017

    let"s manalagi nih who want to invest fast because the profits that I get very big from my hp counter business, the profit that can be 25 million per month let"s not to miss, because I need capital to buy new hp again for resale and gain profit the big one

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 28, 2017

    let me immediately invest your capital for my business that is counter hp because of the promising profit and the big turnover of 25 million rupiah per month from the sale of my phone, I need more capital to buy hp because the demand of many of the buyers, I am sure your capital will definitely fast behind ..

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 28, 2017

    let me lend capital as soon as I guarantee your capital will quickly turn around and experience a big kentungan because my business is its profit can be up to 25 million rupiah per month so I guarantee your investment will not be in vain.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 27, 2017

    I really need a fast 1.5jt capital for me to buy hp oppo f3, because the hp is so good that I want to buy and want to sell the phone again, from selling hp oppo f3 I get a net profit of 2.5jt per 1 hp, I intend to buy 2 hp again so that my profit or net profit of 5 million rupiah. do not hesitate to invest your capital because I am sure your capital will quickly come back again.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 27, 2017

    let me give the new capital to me because I guarantee your capital will be returned as soon as the profit I get from the sale of hp at my hp counter is 2,500,000 per 1 hp, I promise will return your capital as soon as possible, i want to buy 2 hp oppo f3 again for me to sell again at my hp counter.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 27, 2017

    alhamdulillah my profits quickly turning the capital, therefore according to my promise, I will return as soon as possible.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 20, 2017

    Thanks to all the borrowers who have funded my efforts, I will quickly return your capital quickly, thanks and always, success. Hopefully my business is smooth

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 20, 2017

    Let"s stay a little longer I want to buy hp accessories such as headphones, casing, etc., the profit I get about 1.500.000 in 3 weeks if calculated because in my store a lot of buying.

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 15, 2017

    Let"s stay 3 more days, while there is a chance to invest your capital I am sure will not be disappointed and definitely turning capital

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 13, 2017

    Come quickly plant your capital is guaranteed a big profit

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 10, 2017

    Come to plant your stock I guarantee you will not be disappointed because my business is growing more rapidly you plant your funds then the profits will be fast behind

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 8, 2017

    I guarantee that lending to me will never regret that his profits will be twice as much, I will always give my business development well

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 7, 2017

    This I have bought hp second make on sale at my hp counter, hopefully my counter hp profit is smooth and can be more reply

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  • Putra Muhammad    Oct 7, 2017

    I want to buy accesoris hp from the capital who get the business because the counter pulse and hp I am pretty busy hopefully can get a lot of capital for my business

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