Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: E-waste Management


Boyolali (087835398755), Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  100%

About Me

My name is Suwarto, I live in the city of Boyolali Central Java Indonesia. My job is electronic garbage collector (e-waste) such as Tv, Lcd, Laptop, Mobile, Refrigerator etc. I also have little knowledge about the repair of electronic items such as televisions and notebooks. Did you know that electronic garbage is very dangerous? What should we do with old electronic products that we do not use? Computer monitors, televisions and other electronic equipment should NOT be disposed of with your organic waste / material. TVs, monitors, computers and other consumer electronics still have economic value and can be sold or donated to extend their useful life. TVs and computer monitors that are not working must be properly recycled so as not to pollute the environment around us. I have worked for 7 (seven) years in this field of electronic waste management. In addition to improving my family"s economic income, my dream is to create an environmentally sensitive and environmentally friendly society related to electronic waste management, in particular to increase people"s understanding of electronic waste that can not be recycled.

My Business

E-waste is a very complex waste stream, because it contains very rare and valuable components and is highly toxic. HP / Mobile / Tv / Laptop, for example, consists of up to 1000 different components, which contain many toxic elements such as lead, cadmium or brominated flame retardants. When burned, these elements emit toxic emissions. My green business is the main driver of the economy in today"s global business scenario. From a variety of green initiatives, waste (electronic) recycling creates the highest positive impact on the environment. Of all types of waste, electronic waste has the following characteristics: a) the fastest growing segment of waste, b) most valuable due to its basic composition c) very dangerous if not handled carefully. However, this sector (electronic waste) is very new with only a few players in Boyolali. Most sectors of electronic waste management are currently handled by unorganized / informal sectors. But due to lack of skills, knowledge, awareness, etc., this sector remains very labor intensive, environmentally and unhealthy. Through and in the right way, and in an organized way, this electronic waste recycling project can be the dominant increase in economic income. My green business I have started since 2010. Currently I need capital to strengthen the cost of work tools such as solder, hammer, screwdriver and other electronic devices to sort electronic waste that can be recycled. The goal of this business project is to increase the family"s economic income (child"s education costs) including to contribute to environmentally friendly conditions through electronic waste management and to benefit the environment and health. My small project, will also generate the economic value of the scavengers who cooperate with me in the collection of electronic goods / waste. They (the scavenger community) will also benefit economically in my green business.

Loan Proposal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: e-Waste Management is my 3rd project through Zidisha program. This 3rd project I proposed to buy an electronic saw, This tool I will use to sort out electronic garbage made from hard. My estimated profit in this 3rd project is 15% in 2 weeks from the capital I will propose.

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About Me

Nama saya Suwarto, saya tinggal di kota Boyolali Jawa Tengah Indonesia. Pekerjaan saya adalah pengumpul sampah elektronik (e-waste) seperti Tv, Lcd, Laptop, Handphone, Kulkas dll. Saya juga sedikit mempunyai pengetahuan tentang perbaikan barang-barang elektronik seperti televisi dan notebook. Tahukah anda bahwa sampah elektronik adalah sangat berbahaya? Apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan produk elektronik lama yang sudah tidak kita gunakan? Monitor komputer, televisi dan peralatan elektronik lainnya TIDAK boleh dibuang sembarangan bersama sampah/bahan organik anda. TV, monitor, komputer dan barang elektronik konsumen lainnya masih mempunyai nilai ekonomi dan dapat dijual atau disumbangkan sehingga memperpanjang masa manfaatnya. TV dan monitor komputer yang sudah tidak berfungsi harus didaur dengan benar agar tidak mencemari lingkungan di sekitar kita. Saya sudah bekerja selama 7 (tujuh) tahun dalam bidang pengelolaan sampah elektronik ini. Selain untuk peningkatan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga saya, mimpi saya adalah mewujudkan tatanan masyarakat yang peka dan ramah lingkungan terkait pengelolaan sampah elektronik, khususnya meningkatkan pemahamam masyarakat terhadap sampah elektronik yang tidak bisa di daur ulang.

My Business

E-waste (sampah elektronik) adalah aliran limbah yang sangat kompleks, karena mengandung komponen yang sangat langka dan berharga serta sangat beracun. HP/Ponsel/Tv/Laptop, misalnya, terdiri dari hingga 1000 komponen yang berbeda, yang banyak mengandung unsur-unsur beracun seperti timbal, kadmium atau brominated flame retardants. Saat dibakar, unsur-unsur ini mengeluarkan emisi beracun. Bisnis hijau saya ini adalah pendorong utama ekonomi dalam skenario bisnis global saat ini. Dari berbagai prakarsa hijau, daur ulang limbah (elektronik) menciptakan dampak positif tertinggi terhadap lingkungan. Dari semua jenis limbah, limbah elektronik memiliki karakteristik: a) segmen limbah yang paling cepat berkembang, b) paling berharga karena komposisi dasarnya c) sangat berbahaya jika tidak ditangani dengan hati-hati. Namun, sektor ini (sampah elektronik) sangat baru dengan hanya beberapa pemain di Boyolali. Sebagian besar sektor pengelolaan limbah elektronik saat ini ditangani oleh sektor tidak terorganisir/informal. Namun karena kurangnya keterampilan, pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan sebagainya, sektor ini tetap sangat padat karya, tidak ramah lingkungan dan tidak sehat. Melalui dan dengan cara yang benar, dan dengan cara yang terorganisir, project daur ulang limbah elektronik ini bisa menjadi peningkatan pendapatan ekonomi yang dominan. Bisnis hijau saya ini sudah saya mulai sejak tahun 2010. Saat ini saya membutuhkan modal untuk memperkuat biaya alat-alat kerja seperti solder, palu, obeng dan perangkat elektronik lainnya untuk memilah sampah elektronik yang bisa untuk di daur ulang. Tujuan dari project bisnis ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga (biaya pendidikan anak) termasuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap kondisi lingkungan yang ramah melalui pengelolaan sampah elektronik serta akan memberikan manfaat pada kondisi lingkungan dan kesehatannya. Project kecil saya ini, juga akan menghasilkan nilai ekonomi para pemulung yang bekerjasama dengan saya dalam pengumpulan barang barang/sampah elektronik. Mereka (komunitas pemulung) juga akan mendapatkan keuntungan ekonomi dalam bisnis hijau saya ini.

Loan Proposal

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: e-Waste Management adalah project ke 3 saya melalui program Zidisha. Project ke 3 ini saya mengajukan untuk membelian gergaji elektronik, Alat ini akan saya gunakan untuk memilah sampah elektronik yang berbahan keras. Estimasi keuntungan saya dalam project ke 3 ini adalah 15% dalam 2 minggu dari modal yang akan saya ajukan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 14, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Donald Major

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Suwarto a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Suwarto    Dec 26, 2017

    electronic waste that will become ready-made goods again .. thanks lender ..

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  • Suwarto    Dec 26, 2017

    electronic waste that will become ready-made goods again .. thank you lender..g

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  • Suwarto    Dec 22, 2017

    The development of my third project is to strengthen the business network with the electronic garbage collectors in the city of Boyolali. I will buy a scale instrument for my relation in the city center. With this tool, it will make my business easier in electronic garbage collection. Profit in this business venture is about 12 percent in a week. Hopefully lenders are pleased to help my third business.

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  • Suwarto    Dec 20, 2017

    electronic wastes that I will again.

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  • Suwarto    Dec 18, 2017

    Thanks to lender, thanks to loan from Zidisha, I can buy waste..electronic ..

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  • Suwarto    Dec 17, 2017

    Electronic waste that will be recycled again into ready-made goods.

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  • Suwarto    Dec 17, 2017

    The loan has been settled, hopefully Zidisha re-approved my next loan.

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  • Suwarto    Dec 15, 2017

    Thanks zidisa..dana can make purchases of electronic waste ready to be recycled into ready-made goods again.

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  • Suwarto    Oct 26, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to a loan from Zidisha, I can buy electronic waste. More hopefully

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  • Suwarto    Sep 26, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to a loan from Zidisha, I can buy electronic waste hopefully

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  • Suwarto    Sep 26, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to a loan from Zidisha, I can buy electronic waste that I can fix again into ready-made items again.

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  • Suwarto    Sep 26, 2017

    The development of my third project is to strengthen the business network with electronic garbage collectors in Boyolali city. I will buy a scales instrument for my relation in the center of the subdistrict center. This tool to simplify the collection of electronic sampak. Profit in this business venture is about 12 percent in a week. Hopefully lenders are pleased to help my third business

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  • Suwarto    Sep 23, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to the loan from Zidisha, I now have a new tool for maximum leverage in processing electronic waste

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  • Suwarto    Sep 23, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to the loan from Zidisha, I now have a new tool for maximum leverage in processing electronic waste

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  • Suwarto    Sep 14, 2017

    Thanks for lenders,. hopefully his funds are manfa. at.

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  • Suwarto    Sep 14, 2017

    Thanks to the lender, thanks to the loan from Zidisha, I now have a new work tool

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  • Suwarto    Sep 13, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to a loan from Zidisha, I can buy electronic waste.

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  • Suwarto    Sep 13, 2017

    Thanks to lenders, thanks to a loan from Zidisha, I can buy electronic waste.

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  • Suwarto    Sep 11, 2017

    Thanks to the lender, thanks to the loan from Zidisha, I now have a new work tool

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  • Suwarto    Sep 11, 2017

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: -eWaste Management project is the continuation of my 3rd project. This third loan proposal I will focus on green business in the management of reuse of electronic goods to replace the hardware devices in e-waste that I collect with scavengers in Boyolali city. This green business is my estimated profit of 15% of the value of loan capital from Zidisha. I hope the dear Lenders are again interested in helping my 3rd business. Greetings Green

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