To purchase flour


Apam, Ghana

101% paid forward




Member since

June 2021

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  67%

About Me

I am Yvonne, 25 years old from the central part of Ghana, Gomoa to be precise.
Gomoa simone of the poorest districts in ghana with low education rate especially among girls.
Teenage pregnancy among girls from 12years to 18years is almost like a norm within our area.
Adolescent boys go fishing or migrate to the cities for greener pastures.

This is the environment I grew up, and this were the norms I needed to rewrite with my life as a young girl. Many girls at 12 years have boyfriends who provide a form of financial support and jn return have sex with them.
This is what I do ot want to fall to hence needed to face early fires to the extent of attempted rape.
My parents were poor but motivated to still study and change the status quo.
I completed Jhs, went to Shs, completed and finally completed training college to work as a trained teacher with specialty in psychology.
I worked as a labourer in construction sites carrying sand, a head potter , house help and a food vendor along the way to be able to get to my current stage.

My Business

I want to be a positive impact to my community by propagating the good news of possibilities.
I provide education to young girls in schools ,churhes and community centres. The topics ranged from family planing, importance of education and apprenticeship.
I currently have a pastries and snack joint where I give products to girls to sell to get profit , teach them how to do same to be their own boss.

My objective is to help reduce teenage pregnancies which is high mostly in central region, especially fishing communities.
Girls should have the choice of either going to school or learning an apprenticeship instead of total dependence on the men.
Help me make my dream a reality.

Project Proposal

Young girls within my community either get pregnant and drop from school being a young housewife who depends her young boyfriend who either fishes, bus conductor or go to the cities and hustle.

I operate a small girls club where I teach girls how to make pastries and some drinks that will help them get some income.
They sell off the products in neighbouring communities and make some profit from them.
Currently I use my old practical oven which is very small and very tiring using it.

I want to purchase a gas oven to be able to bake more and help these young girls get some income.
Other girls in the group who opt to go back to school are in school and sell in the weekend to get some money to buy sanitary pads and many more.

I call on all to help me help my sisters.

My Videos

Jun 25, 2021: My business exodus





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 28, 2021



Anyinam, Ghana

Ask Yvonne a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

