Purchasing a generator for my juicing business


Accra, East Legon, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

119 installments  •  26%

About Me

My name is Rafael Baccah, and I live in Accra, the capital of Ghana.
I am the firstborn of three siblings.

In May 2018, my brother completed his Bachelor of Science Degree in I.T. at the
University of Ghana. Since September 2018, he has been doing his National Service (required of university graduates, for one year after, after earning a bachelor's degree).

Our sister, who is our youngest sibling, works as a make-up artist. She also has interest in training to become an airline hostess/stewardess (flight attendant).

Currently, in 2019, I am in my early thirties. My brother is in his late-twenties, and our sister is in her early twenties.

As the eldest sibling, I sometimes have helped my parents help my younger siblings.
They have not been able to help them often, and I have not often been able to help, either. However, whenever I could assist, I was happy to do it, as it has given me an inner joy and sense of fulfillment.

I working two jobs, one full-time and the other part-time.

In May 2019, I started a new job, working Mondays through Fridays as an administrative assistant at a school for students of all levels through high school, in one of the suburbs of Accra. (Previously, I had worked as an administrative assistant at a different school. The new school is larger.)

On weekends, I have been running a small juicing business (described below).

Children and nature always have fascinated me, hence my decision to work at a school and to start a business producing natural fruit juices.

My Business

My dream is to own a small farming outfit, where my workers would enjoy the basics of life: proper education for their children, and decent housing with good living conditions. Crops that would be grown would be mainly fruits, such as pineapples and mangoes, which would be processed into juices.

Currently, I source pineapples and other fruits from local farmers.
I then produce freshly squeezed fruit juices, which I sell on weekends to joggers,
who jog up the hill from Ayi Mensah to Peduase (Saturdays) and McCarthy Hills (Sundays).

Loan Proposal

If my loan request is approved and funded, it would be used to purchase a generator.
The power crisis in Ghana is ongoing. Power goes out sometimes for an entire day at a
time. This negatively affects business, sometimes reducing our production by up to 40%.

With a generator, I would be assured of a constant supply of power, hence an increase in production and the minimization of spoilage of juice in cold storage, as well.

Business has been growing steadily and a generator would help to ensure our continual growth. We plan to extend our area of catchment to Tema (an industrial hub of Ghana). However, we would need your help to do so. Thank you for your consideration.


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About Me

My name is Rafael Baccah. I am 30 years old and am the firstborn of three children.
In May 2018, my brother completed his Bachelor of Science Degree in I.T. at the
University of Ghana, Legon. Since September 2018, he has been doing his required
National Service (which lasts for one year). My sister, who is my youngest sibling,
intends to train soon to become an air hostess. As the eldest sibling, I sometimes
help my parents to help my younger siblings. I am happy to do this, whenever I can,
as it gives me an inner joy and a sense of fulfillment.

I live in Accra, the capital of Ghana. I currently am working two jobs. In May 2019, I
started a new job, working Mondays through Fridays as an administrative assistant at
a school for students of all levels through high school, in one of the suburbs of Accra.

On Saturdays and Sundays, I still run my small juicing business (described below).

My Business

Nature and children always have fascinated me, hence my decision to work in education and to start a business producing natural fruit juices.

My dream is to own a small farming outfit, where my workers would enjoy the basics of life: proper education for their children, and decent housing with better living conditions. Crops that would be grown would be mainly fruits, such as pineapples and mangoes, which would be processed into juices.

Currently, I source pineapples and other fruits from local farmers. I then produce freshly squeezed fruit juices, which I sell on weekends to joggers who jog up the hill from Ayi Mensah to Peduase (Saturdays) and McCarthy Hills (Sundays).

Loan Proposal

If my loan is funded. It will be used to purchase a generator. The power crisis in Ghana is ongoing. This has affected business and reduced our production by 40%.

With the generator. I am assured of constant supply of power, hence an increase in production and the minimize of spoilage of juice in cold storage. Business is growing steadily and a generator will ensure our continual growth. We plan to extend my area of catchment to Tema ( an industrial hub of Ghana), but we can also do so with your help. Thank you.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 16, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

22 months




Los Angeles, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States

Johannes Duerk

Bochum, Germany


Matt Willis

United States

Lotus Flower

United States


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Ask Rafael a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Rafael    Jul 18, 2022

    Hello there! My sincere apologies for my delay in putting an update on here. My loan was approved and disbursed. I received Ghc 62 I used it to purchase additional storage for my graphic design business. I am very grateful. Thank you. Find attached pictures of the external hard drive and my workstation.

    Once again, thank you so much.

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  • Rafael    May 11, 2019

    My earlier loan was used to purchase a generator at the height of the power crisis in the country. It has since paid for itself many times over.

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  • Rafael    May 11, 2019

    Hello, good people of Zidisha. I sincerely apologize for the rather long delay in paying off my loan.

    The hardships of life really hit hard. I am thankful for your patience and support. God bless us all!

    Thanks a million!

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  • Rafael    Jan 4, 2017

    Hello there, before I say any thing I want to apologize for the lateness of this post. It is long overdue. My second loan was used to purchase a generator for the juicing business. I am very grateful to all the lenders who helped fund my loan. Your loan has been very helpful.

    This generator has seen more use than you can ever imagine. Sometime last year, Ghana underwent a major power crisis, with power going off for two or more days at a stretch. This buddy (the generator!) helped us through it. It has been under heavy use, but I try to keep it in top shape with regular maintenance.

    Once again, I am sorry for the late post. I will pay again as I can.
    Thank you all very much for your patience.

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  • Rafael    Jan 4, 2017

    Happy New year to the entire Zidisha family. I pray this year brings us prosperity, love - and above all, peace and goodwill. Happy, Happy New Year!!

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  • Rafael    Sep 21, 2015

    Hello, lenders. My loan of GHC 776 has been disbursed to me. I would like to thank all the lenders who contributed towards my loan.
    God bless you!

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  • Joseph    Sep 4, 2015

    Hello Rafael,
    Good luck with your project, happy to hear about what you are doing
    Best regards

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    • Rafael    Sep 6, 2015

      Thank you, my brother!

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  • Rafael    Aug 5, 2015

    Served natural fruit juice at IDF on Saturday, 1st August, 2015

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      • Rafael    Aug 10, 2015

        It really is! :)

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          • Rafael    Aug 12, 2015

            Thanks! Sales are steadily increasing. We hope to expand our market base to cover Tema.

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    • Joseph    Sep 4, 2015

      Raf,I wish I could just have a taste of it, looks delicious

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      • Rafael    Sep 8, 2015

        Well, it really is. Just let me know the next time you come to East Legon and I will get you some bottles to enjoy. Thanks for showing concern.

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  • Rafael    Jul 15, 2015

    Hello, Zidisha!! It's been a while since I posted here. Well, things have been very tough in Ghana. This is due to the following reasons:

    1. Power is almost non-existent. Electricity is on for twelve hours and goes off for 24 hours, sometimes 36 hours.

    2. Fuel prices have gone up. This has seen an increase in charges for all goods and services across all sectors. To top it off, even electricity tariffs have gone up.

    At this rate, I have no choice other than to buy a generator. A decent 6KVA generator goes for GHC 4000. Hence, my next loan is going to be used to purchase a generator.

    It is my hope and prayer that the lenders of Zidisha will come to my aid.
    God bless us all.

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      • Rafael    Jul 16, 2015

        Good news! I heard over the radio today that fuel prices are to reduce by 15%. I just hope that other sectors will follow and reduce their prices as well.

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  • Rafael    May 25, 2015

    Pure Juice

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      • Rafael    May 26, 2015

        :) It really is. This is the pineapple and ginger blend, Gingerroni.

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  • KM    May 22, 2015

    Hello! (I'm KM on the forum)
    Your juice sounds really tasty.

    Let me know when you have any questions you want me to pass on to the permaculture people!

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    • Rafael    May 22, 2015

      Hey!! Lol, okay, will do that. :)

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  • Rafael    May 16, 2015

    We have printed our first flyer!! Hurray!! :)
    Designed it myself. Thanks, Zidisha, for making this happen!!

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    • Rafael    May 14, 2015

      I have no doubt in my mind that this dream of mine is going to materialize. I have started writing things down. I spoke to an architect friend who would put my dreams on blueprint.

      Laurie, I'm so excited, so excited I just can't stop my mind from producing ideas upon ideas.

      Of course, Laurie, I would very much like for you to see what your efforts have produced. :)

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    • Rafael    May 11, 2015

      Yes, sales, have been great. Very encouraging. We have started getting orders from companies, as well. We had two orders last week alone!
      I am in the best of health. I just had my late-night mango snack and some avocados, as well. It's sleep I don't seem to get enough of, but I am loving every bit of it.

      Thanks a lot for your concern and support.
      I can never say it enough: God bless you, Laurie.

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        • Rafael    May 12, 2015

          I will try. It's 10: 22pm here and I have a flyer to design for a programme we'll be serving at on Saturday. I have to finish up on the exam questions I have been typing for two days now... the list is endless, but it shall be done, every one of them.

          Oh, yes, I try to get enough sleep. To be honest, after a couple of hours, my body begins to ache. I guess my body has gotten used to my lifestyle. I can't sleep beyond 6 hours.

          I am really hoping it remains as it is or even would get better.
          Then, we would be in the position to hire additional qualified hands.
          I would be glad to work with you. :)

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            • Rafael    May 13, 2015

              Hello Laurie,

              Definitely, I will take pictures next week when I go.
              I had already decided on that.

              The scale was delivered yesterday. Its a small device,
              but it's very accurate. I have posted a picture below.


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    • Rafael    May 11, 2015

      This is very interesting. The COCOBOARD institute in Ghana has a platform like this in place. You would be surprised to hear that it is not effective, due to the reasons listed below:

      1. Most of the farmers in the rural areas are illiterate. They can't read or write. The simple task of sending a text message easily becomes a Herculean task.

      2. The telecommunication infrastructure is woefully inadequate. Many times, I have had to wait until I got to Aburi before I could make phone calls.

      I have taken it upon myself to educate the farmers I work with, as much as I can. Life in the rural areas, especially where I get my pineapples from, is very tough. Children walking around when they should be in school. The school I am talking about is a makeshift house without proper roofing. Children and teachers are at the mercy of the elements and are constantly distracted by passing vehicles.

      It's my hope and dream that someday my small farming community would provide a good working environment for my farmers and a safe and stimulating one for their children to grow up into well-balanced and healthy adults.

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        • Rafael    May 12, 2015

          I just posted on Hope2012's thread.

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            • Rafael    May 13, 2015

              I have re-posted. I think you should be able to see it now. :)

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                • Rafael    May 14, 2015

                  No, please, it's okay. I think the more awareness we create about the conditions in the rural communities in Ghana will go a long way to help us generate funds for the farming-community project.

                  How I wish I had met you earlier. God bless you and give you long life.

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    • Rafael    May 4, 2015

      Hello Laurie,

      I am fine, by the grace of God.

      Okay, I will read it right away. :)


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    • Rafael    May 2, 2015

      Hello Laurie,

      I just got back from Peduase (Aburi). I sold a total of 170 bottles today. My allergies are mild, nothing life-threatening. I am very careful about my health. I have maintained a somewhat vegetarian diet; I am not particularly fond of fish and meat. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and drink copious amounts of juice. I do like eggs, though. I recently realised that white rice gives me a headache when I eat it, so now I try to stick to brown rice.

      I always make sure I take a nap when I get back. As a matter of fact, I am going to take one after I am done here.

      Well, the life-expectancy issue is partly true; the rural folks live longer than that and are usually very strong. The same cannot be said about the middle-class Ghanaian. As you said, it's the lifestyle. Thankfully, that is slowly changing. The middle-class Ghanaian is becoming health-conscious. They are exercising now and watching what they ingest into their body. I started a Facebook page to create awareness about the jogging activity at Peduase and McCarthy Hill. Vhttps://www.facebook.com/p...
      I also think the rural folks are slowly getting influenced by the city culture. They are surrounded by all this beauty and nature and yet they regard white bread as premium.

      I have driven past Rita Marley's place a couple of times. It still looks intact to me. Perhaps the building has been rehabilitated. On my next trip to buy pineapples, I will pay them a visit.

      Yeah, he is trying (Gym Ike). I think he will go a long way. I am currently managing his Facebook page. I will send him an invite right away.

      I have already sent one to a friend of mine, Deborah Otema. She is a very hard-working young lady. She works hard to support herself and her younger sister through senior high school. I try to help, now and then, but it's not much. I really thank God for Zidisha. In this way, she can gradually set up the provision shop she has always dreamed of.

      I think it's nap time. Will check back here when I wake up.


      P.S.: I have posted pictures of today's activity at Peduase. I hope you like them.

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        • Rafael    May 11, 2015

          I just read this, very interesting. I am going to come back and read it again. Thanks!

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    • Rafael    May 1, 2015

      Hello Laurie,

      I am glad to hear from you. I have been so busy lately.
      Our orders have doubled up lately, which means more work.

      Thanks for deleting the messages. I will do just as Roy has advised.
      Thanks for your continuous concern and support.

      This is our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/forgetthem... (forgetthemarket?ref=hl)
      I am a little behind with posts, but I will catch up.

      Thanks a lot, and may God richly bless you.


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    • Rafael    Apr 18, 2015

      Hello Laurie,
      It is good to hear from you. Sorry I have not been able to write to you. I have been very ill. Malaria is the culprit. For a good five days, I could barely lift my head off my pillow.

      Thankfully, I am feeling much better now. I just made my first installment payment. That was my prayer as I lay down on my sickbed, but God gives me the strength to do this.

      Production has been in progress, and everything is moving along smoothly. I have been asked to take it easy for a while, so I will not be working that hard for a week.

      Thank you very much for checking on me. God bless you.

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        • Rafael    Apr 20, 2015

          Hello Laurie,

          I trust this finds you well. Thank you for replying; it gave me something to read. I must say, it's a joy to read your letters.

          I am feeling very well today, by the grace of God. I happened to check my Zidisha account today, and realised my payment has not registered on my page. I asked Isaac about it. He told me it would take a few days to register. Is that always the case?

          Cyber attacks are getting way out of hand. You can never be 100% safe. I don't know the OS you use, but the Windows platform is so rigged with loopholes that two-bit hackers can easily mess things up. I decided a long time ago that if I get the means and the time I would migrate onto to the Linux platform.

          Well, I have to go now. There's a lot of paperwork on my table that needs to be cleared. God bless you for your continual support and prayers. I will make the time to read the article you sent me. I love to read; it's a pity I can't do it as often as I would like to.

          God Bless!

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  • Rafael    Apr 10, 2015


    It's 1:48am here and our lights just came back on.
    It wasn't easy getting the used liquidizer (blender) to buy.

    I had to walk the length and breadth of Accra Central, but I finally got one.

    This one is a Vita-Mix. It's very strong and liquidizes fast.

    I am so happy. Thanks a thousand times. May God bless you all.

    I have attached pictures of the liquidizer (blender) for you to see.

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