Purchase fertilizer and maize and bean seeds for planting season


Bumala, Kenya

4% repaid




Member since

March 2014

On-time repayments

262 installments  •  1%

About Me

am ronald ndile am the fist born of mr. and mrs. ndile.i went to bujwanga primary and latter went to bujwanga secondary in sio port . after my o level i was not able to join any collage because of the lack of education so i opt to look for small job to keep my life on truck i did with the Agriculture ministry as a casual worker for three month of the year 2011 that was June -august i having working in a hotel in bumala as a cook which has been helping me to look after my life and that of my family from these i have been able to avoid bad companies.

My Business

I Ronald Ndile i have passion on agricultural practice.After reading an article on a daily news paper about investing on agriculture.I became interested and started farming on an accre.After harvesting i got a bumper harvest and decided to invest more.Now i run two business together.Five accre where i plant beans and maize for sale and a small business where i sell farm input for other farmers.I suply farmers with fertilizer and seeds.
There is demand for my product as you know maize is a stable food in Kenya.This business is profitable because you invest less and after harvesting you get more.The risk am facing sometimes is when rains are shorter and am planning to be doing irrigation in the future to eliminate this risk.My cost is seasonal.One season i can invest up to $1000 which can give a profit of another $1000 when harvest is good.

Loan Proposal

I would like to thank you for giving me this golden chance to loan with you.This loan $70 i will use to to buy two sacks of DAP fertilizer packed 50 kgs each.Then two bales of maize hybrid seeds of diferent types that is duma 43 and dk 8031 total $50.Then the remaining $20 i will use to pay those who are working at my farm and buy a top dressing fertilizer.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 14, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

61 months



United States

Ask Ronald a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Elijah Omollo    Jul 7, 2014

    Hi lenders i have been trying to reach mr.Ndile for the last week through his cell phone but i am not able to.I will continue trying and let you know if i finds him.
    Thank you

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  • Ronald    Jun 2, 2014

    i will like to change on how ii pay my loan i have some bodies problem that i will have to close my business for a while so i go for some medical chake up in india come next month due to the expenses and the bill purpose i will like to change my payment so that i can be able to service with less pressure and with comfort i will have to case it down till i get better it i get somebody to manage the business as well.once again thanks zidisha for the the goood thinks you rare ging to us the small busia .

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  • Elijah Omollo    May 28, 2014

    Ndile has problem he will reschedule his loan

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  • Ronald    Apr 23, 2014

    Dear all my lenders,allow me to reschedule my loan for time being.This is because i have really invested the loan in the business and i am not yet collected the return.So please i kindly request you to allow me pay the little amount for a while as i try to reinvest more.After a month i will be able to repay again as i was i did agree to pay there before.

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