Project added venture capital


Bekasi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

117 installments  •  98%

About Me

I am a housewife, engaged in the business of buying and selling basic needs of households, especially milk and diapers of children, I live in a village far from supermaket so very helpful to mothers in fulfilling the needs, while I shop online, and market products offline

My Business

My source of income is trading day-to-day needs, occasionally receiving a food order service or pastry cake, helping a husband whose income is still small, but still grateful regardless of the sustenance we receive

Loan Proposal

with the increase of customer And customers needed additional Fund yg not little because the process of delivery of goods takes time so need additional supply of goods for consumers not too long wait for goods orders come

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About Me

saya adalah ibu rumah tangga, bergerak di bidang usaha jual beli kebutuhan pokok rumah tangga, terutama susu Dan popok anak anak, saya tinggal di kampung yg jauh dari supermaket jadi sangat membantu para ibu ibu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan, adapun saya belanja secara online, Dan memasarkan produk secara offline

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya adalah berdagang kebutuhan sehari Hari, sesekali menerima jasa pesan makanan atau kue kue, membantu suami yg penghasilan nya masih kecil, tapi tetap bersyukur berapapun rezeki yang kami terima

Loan Proposal

dengan meningkatnya customer Dan pelanggan dibutuhkan tambahan Dana yg tidak sedikit karena proses pengiriman barang memerlukan waktu sehingga perlu tambahan pasokan barang agar konsumen tidak terlalu lama menunggu barang pesanannya datang





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

20 months

Other loans


Mike and Jacqui

United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States

Ask Irni a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Irni    Nov 9, 2018

    I want to change the amount of installments because I think I can pay more than now

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  • Irni    Jan 3, 2018

    I want to change the payment schedule, because the payment system zidisha now often error, already paid but otherwise have not paid, sorry but that"s the real reason I change the number of installments

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    • J    Jan 3, 2018

      If a payment isn’t recorded then send a support ticket with the following info:
      - Amount
      - Transaction ID
      - Date

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  • Su    Dec 24, 2017

    Hi irni? You can change the installment schedule, to avoid delays,

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  • Irni    Nov 3, 2017

    I thank all those who intend to help me, the money I receive I will use as well as to increase my merchandise supply, I will also try to repay the loan on time. The merchandise I bought not only helped my economy but also helped my friends and neighbors to get cheap goods, because I bought them online, so I could find the best price. Once again thanks to all who intend And who has helped me

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    • Su    Nov 27, 2017

      Hi Enhance your credit limit in the next loan By paying a timely installment you can build trust of creditors and make it easier on the next loan Salam vm zidisha

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  • Irni    Oct 24, 2017

    want to increase the number of installments because my income has increased

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  • Irni    Jul 25, 2017

    Want to change the number of installments, let more quickly paid off

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  • Irni    May 15, 2017

    Hi, salaam, thank you for giving me loan money to 497000, I have received and I have used for my trading capital, once again I thank you

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