Production of ready-made garments / finished


Makassar, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $13 goal


days left




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

19 installments  •  0%

About Me

"Hadiarto" Greetings from me for all of us, hopefully all our efforts and struggles in this life, to always get the blessings and blessings of Allah SWT Aminn

My Business

Course and Training Institute Ami Resky Amalia, Educational Training Center With a variety of ready-to-work chewers in the business world. vocational, among others, Sewing Course, Catering, Computers etc.

Loan Proposal

renovating the house to make the sales outlet, insha Allah I will use this loan to develop the business plan Sales of apparel, among others, Muslim men and women clothing, equipment umroh and hajj, fashion pashion, wedding dress and others. Insha Allah will be a blessing for me and all the prospective people who will be my customers and business partners. Amiin

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Salam sejahtera dari saya untuk kita semua ,
semoga segala upaya dan perjuangan kita dalam menjalani hidup ini, agar selalu mendapatkan keberkahan dan diridohi Allah S.W.T Aminn

My Business

Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan Ami Resky Amalia , Tempat palatihan pendidikan Dengan berbagai kejuaruan yang siap kerja di dunia usaha .
kejuruan antara lain, Kursus menjahit , Tata Boga, Komputer dll.

Loan Proposal

merenovasi rumah untuk di jadikan outlet penjualan, insha Allah saya akan pergunakan pinjaman dana ini untuk mengembangkan rencana usaha Penjualan pakaian jadi , antara lain, Busana muslim pria dan wanita, perlengkapan umroh dan haji , busana pashion ,busana pengantin dan lain-lain lagi .
Insha Allah akan menjadi berkah buat saya dan seluruh calon masyarakat yang akan menjadi pelanggan dan mitra usaha saya . Amiin





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 27, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

4 months




United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Michael Bauschke

Dresden, Germany

Ask Hadiarto a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Hadiarto    Apr 27, 2018

    documentation The process of making Clothing / clothing by Alumni Employees of course participants at my institution. they we are working to finish their training can also directly make money from sewing the clothes. thank you

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  • Hadiarto    Apr 27, 2018

    documentation The process of making Clothing / clothing by Alumni Employees of course participants at my institution. they we are working to finish their training can also directly make money from sewing the clothes. thank you

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  • Hadiarto    Apr 27, 2018

    documentation The process of making Clothing / clothing by Alumni Employees of course participants at my institution. they we are working to finish their training can also directly make money from sewing the clothes. thank you

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