Products t-shirt polos


Serang, Indonesia

2% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

74 installments  •  11%

About Me

My nick name is Dani with height 165 cm and weight 58 kg. The second child of three siblings. Both my parents Ibu Hj. Yati and Mr. Dadang divorced for a long time. My single status makes me responsible for the living expenses of my mother and sister. At the age of just 19 years old and just graduated from school, to support myself I have not been able. But with effort and hard work when I was 22 years old, I got a decent job and earned enough to meet my family"s basic needs. The drive to get married makes me want to make a family business, so that in the future my family and future wife needs not only depend on my monthly salary as an employee.

My Business

As an employee of a company engaged in the field of restaurants. Within one month my salary is not less but it can be more than IDR 3,200,000, depending on monthly turnover. I will re-produce plain shirts with a relatively cheap production price of only IDR 40,000 per pcs and sell it for IDR 69,000 per pcs on the market.

Loan Proposal

With this fund I will make a plain t-shirt at a famous convection whose owner is my own relative. T-shirt products that I sell are guaranteed quality but with production cost cheaper than market price. So I can sell plain shirts under the market price without reducing the quality. With a production price of IDR 40,000 and a selling price of IDR 69,000.

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About Me

Nama panggilan saya Dani dengan tinggi 165 cm dan berat 58 kg. Anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara. Kedua orang tua saya Ibu Hj. Yati dan Bapak Dadang bercerai sejak lama. Status saya yang masih lajang membuat saya bertanggung jawab atas biaya hidup ibu dan adik kandung saya. Di usia yang baru berumur 19 tahun dan baru lulus sekolah, untuk menghidupi diri sendiri saja saya belum mampu. Namun dengan usaha dan kerja keras ketika umur saya 22 tahun, saya mendapat pekerjaan yang layak dan penghasilannya pun cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok keluarga saya. Dorongan untuk menikah membuat saya ingin membuat bisnis keluarga, agar ke depannya kebutuhan keluarga dan calon istri saya tidak hanya bergantung pada gaji bulanan saya sebagai karyawan.

My Business

Sebagai karyawan dari perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang restoran. Dalam satu bulan gaji yang saya terima tidak kurang tapi bisa lebih dari IDR 3.200.000, tergantung omset setiap bulannya.
Saya akan kembali memproduksi kaos polos dengan harga produksi yang relatif murah hanya IDR 40.000 per pcs dan menjualnya seharga IDR 69.000 per pcs di pasaran.

Loan Proposal

Dengan dana ini saya akan membuat kaos polos di konveksi ternama yang pemiliknya adalah kerabat saya sendiri. Produk kaos yang saya jual kualitasnya terjamin namun dengan biaya produksi yang lebih murah dari harga pasaran. Jadi saya bisa menjual kaos polos dibawah harga pasaran tanpa mengurangi kualitasnya. Dengan harga produksi IDR 40.000 dan harga jual IDR 69.000.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 1, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

15 months

Other loans



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United States


Craig Newmark

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Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Muhamad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Sulissetiyowati    Mar 8, 2018

    I try to call his numbers but not active just hope he read this message thank you

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  • Sulissetiyowati    Feb 7, 2018

    I was call muhamad ramadani on number 085946422539 but not active so I call another number 089683112717 active but he not answering so I send message hope he can pay again thank you for the trust you give to him

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  • Muhamad    Nov 22, 2017

    This month I had a lot of unexpected spending.

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  • Muhamad    Oct 19, 2017

    With funds from Zidisha, I produce a plain shirt with a price of IDR 40,000 per pcs. Thank you lenders.

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  • Muhamad    Sep 30, 2017

    Shorten my payment schedule so that repayment can be faster. This is because my monthly income has increased from last month.

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