Printing equipment


Tangerang, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $29 goal


days left




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  30%

About Me

Started I became an employee of the printing business, skills and talents of men born 27-09-1992 was honed. Driven by her growing family needs, I looked for opportunities to start my own business, assisted by an acquaintance of mine in the Office of the Ministry of National Education (MONE), Tangerang, I opened a printing business. ____Blocked savings worth Rp 500.000 plus loans from some friends of Rp 15.000.000, purchased printing machines and various other needs, while for daily operations, Arta Prima, as I named his business, still rely on his friend"s loan. ____ Over the course of time, my business continues to grow. Especially in the MONE complex, Arta Prima is the only printing business that handles most of the duplication of letters or other documentation in the department. This increases the sales turnover to Rp2 5-30 million in a month. ____ To overcome the workload, in addition to recruiting employees, in early 2012 I started applying for micro credit to BNI Palmerah Branch, Jakarta for Rp 50 million, which was originally intended to buy two printing machines and other equipment. In just three days, the required business capital is approved, as it is considered quite feasible (my turnover is large enough for the size of small entrepreneurs, the existence of MONE as a regular customer, making the business risk less) for a loan, with a three year repayment period. ____ as well as adding it to computer rentals. This expansion managed to increase turnover and quality of service, for him the best service and results, is the key to retaining customers. ____Help provided by BNI, prompted me to apply for new credits (even though the sales turnover had touched the number of Rp 70 million a month) to buy the machine again. All based on the belief that business expansion is the best way to enlarge its business

My Business

Average Income Monthly Rp 85.520.000 I am a Printing Entrepreneur, here I intend to borrow funds to expand my printing business, for investors want to fund my business I love 10% per month from the value of the money you deposit, I have a mutual respect , respect and trust each other, for the details of our business income: __Investasi__Cutter Tools: 4 x Rp 20,000,000 = Rp 80.000.000__Computer Design: 3x Rp 7,500,000 = Rp 22.500.000__Digital Camera, Scanner, Printer = Rp 10.500.000__Template Image = Rp 2.500.000__Printing Machines: 4 x Rp 168,800,000 = Rp. 675.200.000__Total Investment Rp 790.700.000 ____ Average Income Monthly Rp 85.520.000 ____ Spending __Buy for printing supplies Rp. 13.567.000__Sewa Place Rp 15.500.000__Grants Employee 13 Persons Rp 17.600.000__Speed ​​and electricity Rp 3.550.000__Total Expenses Rp 50,217,000 ____ Profits Net Profit Rp 85,520,000 - Rp 50,217.00 = Rp 35,303,000

Loan Proposal

to buy a printing equipment tool worth Rp 19.000.000 / usd $ 2,500. tool for the use in January. and after that printing machine will be used in our trade. thank you

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About Me

Bermula saya jadi karyawan dari usaha percetakan, ketrampilan dan bakat lelaki kelahiran 27-09-1992 ini mulai terasah. Didorong oleh kebutuhan keluarganya yang terus meningkat, saya mencari peluang membuka usaha sendiri, dibantu seorang kenalan saya di Kantor Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Depdiknas), Tangerang, saya membuka usaha percetakan.

Berbekal tabungan senilai Rp 500 ribu ditambah dengan pinjaman dari beberapa temannya sebesar Rp 15 juta, terbeli mesin percetakan dan berbagai kebutuhan lain, sementara untuk operasional sehari-hari, Arta Prima, begitu saya menamai usahanya, masih mengandalkan pinjaman temannya.

Seiring perjalanan waktu, usaha saya pun terus berkembang. Terlebih di kompleks Depdiknas, Arta Prima merupakan satu-satunya usaha percetakan yang menangani hampir sebagian besar penggandaan surat ataupun dokumentasi lain di departemen itu. Hal ini menaikkan omset penjualannya sampai Rp2 5-30 juta dalam sebulan.

Untuk mengatasi beban kerja, selain merekrut pegawai, di awal tahun 2012 itu saya mulai mengajukan kredit mikro ke BNI Cabang Palmerah, Jakarta sebesar Rp 50 juta, yang sedianya akan dipakai untuk membeli dua mesin percetakan dan perlengkapan lain. Hanya dalam tempo tiga hari, modal usaha yang dibutuhkan disetujui, karena dinilai cukup layak (omset saya cukup besar untuk ukuran pengusaha kecil, keberadaan Depdiknas sebagai pelanggan tetap, membuat resiko usahanya lebih kecil) untuk diberikan pinjaman, dengan masa pelunasan selama tiga tahun.

sekaligus menambahnya dengan penyewaan komputer. Ekspansi ini berhasil meningkatkan omzet dan kualitas layanannya, baginya pelayanan dan hasil terbaik, adalah kunci utama mempertahankan pelanggan.

Bantuan yang diberikan BNI, mendorong saya untuk mengajukan kredit baru (walaupun omset penjualannya sudah menyentuh angka Rp 70 juta sebulan) guna membeli mesin lagi. Semuanya dilandasi kepercayaan bahwa ekspansi usaha adalah jalan terbaik untuk memperbesar bisnisnya

My Business

Pemasukan Rata Rata Perbulan Rp 85.520.000

Saya adalah seorang Pengusaha Percetakan , disini saya bermaksud untuk meminjam dana untuk mengembangkan usaha percetakan saya , bagi para investor ingin mendanai usaha saya , saya kasih 10% perbulan dari nilai uang yang anda setor , saya memiliki sifat saling menghargai, menghormati dan saling mempercayai , untuk rinciannya pendapatan usaha kami :
Alat Pemotong : 4 x Rp 20.000.000 = Rp 80.000.000
Komputer Desain: 3x Rp 7.500.000 = Rp 22.500.000
Kamera Digital , Scanner , Printer = Rp 10.500.000
Meja Gambar = Rp 2.500.000
Mesin Percetakan : 4 x Rp 168.800.000 = Rp. 675.200.000
Total Investasi Rp 790.700.000

Pemasukan Rata Rata Perbulan Rp 85.520.000

Belanja untuk perlengkapan percetakan Rp. 13.567.000
Sewa Tempat Rp 15.500.000
Gaji Karyawan 13 Orang Rp 17.600.000
Biaya telepon dan listrik Rp 3.550.000
Total Pengeluaran Rp 50.217.000

Keuntungan Laba Bersih Rp 85.520.000 - Rp 50.217.00 = Rp 35.303.000

Loan Proposal

to buy a printing equipment tool worth Rp 19.000.000 / usd $ 2,500. tool for the use in January. and after that printing machine will be used in our trade. thank you






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 17, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks




Tsukuba, Japan


Sandy, Utah, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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  • Harris    Oct 17, 2017


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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy a printing equipment tool worth Rp 19.000.000 / usd $ 2,500. tool for the use in January. and after that printing machine will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy printing equipment for Rp 19.000.000 / US $ 2,500. tools for use in January and after that the printing press will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    now I borrow again after the loan I paid off, due to the pursuit of the target.

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    MY loan is paid off. now mengahukan more loans, to buy printing equipment for Rp 19,000,000 / US $ 2,500. tools for use in January and after that the printing press will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    Previously my loan was paid off. to buy printing equipment for Rp 19.000.000 / US $ 2,500. tools for use in January and after that the printing press will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy printing equipment for Rp 19.000.000 / US $ 2,500. tools for use in January and after that the printing press will be used in our trade. for my attention thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy printing equipment for Rp 19.000.000 / US $ 2,500. tools for use in January and after that the printing press will be used in our trade. we do closing. Thank you for your attention

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy printing equipment for Rp 19.000.000 / US $ 2,500. tools for use in January and after that the printing press will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy a printing equipment tool worth Rp 19.000.000 / usd $ 2,500. tool for the use in January. and after that printing machine will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 13, 2017

    to buy a printing equipment tool worth Rp 19.000.000 / usd $ 2,500. tool for the use in January. and after that printing machine will be used in our trade. thank you .

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  • Harris    Oct 10, 2017

    to buy a printing equipment tool worth Rp 19.000.000 / usd $ 2,500. tool for the use in January. and after that printing machine will be used in our trade. thank you

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  • Harris    Oct 10, 2017

    For His Majesty Zidisha I have paid the installment of Rp 200,000 on October 10, 2017 at 22:06 at the time of western Indonesia. Please Confirm We apologize for the delay in installment payments because 3 weeks ago had an accident with a 2-wheeled motorcycle after that I had a coma for 3 more weeks. Again, please confirm, for your attention and cooperation, I thank you

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  • Harris    Sep 17, 2017

    Thx very much

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  • Harris    Sep 11, 2017

    thanks you very much

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  • Harris    Sep 10, 2017

    Printing entrepreneur

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  • Harris    Sep 10, 2017

    Printing entrepreneur

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