Loans for business operations


Bekasi, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

24 installments  •  71%

About Me

I am a hard worker and always eager to work to achieve the goals I want. I try to overcome difficulties and obstacles in my work and life with optimism and strive always.

My Business

I am a person who has a job and own business as a transportation manager. The business that I run is transportation and car rental, the business that I run now is growing and very have good prospects in the future. Currently I am in need of funds for the operational and business development I mentioned above.

Loan Proposal

If I am entrusted with obtaining a loan, I will use this fund for the operational purposes of the work and business I am currently living. And I will repay my loan and pay it off in a timely manner.

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About Me

Saya adalah seorang pekerja keras dan selalu optimis. Saya suka sekali bekerjasama dengan semua orang dan mempunyai motivasi untuk mencapai tujuan terbaik saya dalam hidup ini.

My Business

Saat ini saya sedang menjalankan usaha di bidang Transportasi yaitu dengan menyewakan kendaraan saya untuk keperluan bisnis, perjalanan dalam dan luar kota. Saat ini usaha saya sedang berkembang dan memiliki prospek yang bagus di masa depan.

Loan Proposal

Jika saya dipercaya untuk mendapatkan pinjaman dana, Saya akan menggunakan dana ini untuk keperluan operasional pekerjaan dan usaha yang saya jalani saat ini. Dan saya akan mengangsur pinjaman saya serta melunasinya secara tepat waktu.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 8, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks


Frank Bailey

United States

Ask Alexander a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Alexander    Oct 23, 2017

    Yours sincerely, I would like to thank the Investors for the kindness of all of you who have lent me their funds through Zidisha for my business and business development in order to develop better. I will be responsible to keep your trust and Zidisha by using this loan money as well as I can for my business and repay the loan on time. Thank you Alexander - 087788173377 - [email protected]

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  • Alexander    Oct 20, 2017

    Yours sincerely, I would like to thank the investors who have kindly lent me the funds through Zidisha. The money I get from these Investors and Zidiaha I will use my best to expand my business in order to succeed better. I will commit and keep the responsibility and trust of Investors and Zidisha to use this money as well as possible and repay it on time. Accept the Investors and Zidisha. Alexander

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  • Alexander    Oct 20, 2017

    I am Alexander. Currently I am running my business in the field of transportation that is with rental vehicles for business purposes and travel within or outside the city. Currently this business that I run is still growing along with the needs of the community who enthusiastically use the services of my business. My business has a very good prospect in the future. To achieve the goals and developments for my business, I need funding to make my business grow better. Therefore I beg the kindness of the Investors hopefully can help me by lending the funds to me through Zidisha. All this time I always keep investor confidence to me and responsible to repay my loan. Thank you Alexander

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  • Alexander    Oct 20, 2017

    I would like to say a big thank you to the investors who have lent me the funds through Zidisha. On this occasion I would like to convey also that the loan I have used as well as for the purpose of business development that I live. And right now I have successfully repaid the Loan early. On this occasion I also want to return a new loan to Investor through Zidisha so that my business can grow better. Semiga Investors still willing to be kind enough to help me return the loan through Zidisha to me. Thanks. God Bless You All. Alexander - Bekasi - Indonesia

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  • Alexander    Oct 19, 2017

    I changed the number of installments more in line with my ability to make my loan pay off sooner and I had the opportunity to apply for a new loan with a larger amount to increase the business I was going through. thank you

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  • Alexander    Oct 10, 2017

    I am willing to pay more installments than before, I can quickly settle my loan repayments and can apply for new loans again. Thank you.

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  • Alexander    Sep 30, 2017

    Best regards I would like to thank you for your kindly Investors who have been willing to lend me funds through Zidisha. The funds I get from these Investors, I use to buy my business operational equipment so that my business can run better and get better results. I also have paid the first installment in accordance with the schedule. Hopefully for the next Investors will be willing to give loan back to me for the smoothness and progress of my business. Once again I thank you for your kindness all the Investors and Zidisha. Thank you Alexander

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  • Alexander    Sep 18, 2017

    Yours sincerely, __I am very grateful for your kindly Investors who have lent me the funds for me through Zidisha. I will use the funds I get from you to buy the equipment and make a more attractive promotion for the business of transportation and car rental that I live in order to grow better in the future. Once again I thank the Investors and Zidisha. __Thank you__Alexander

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  • Alexander    Sep 18, 2017

    Best Regards, The business that I run in the field of transportation and car rental is well developed and already has enough customers by using the business services that I run now for various needs including business travel and travel to various regions in Indonesia. Average per week I can get 5 to 7 times customers who use my business services. But right now, I am also facing obstacles to the capital and operating expenses of my business development, which I will use to buy my bus support equipment and promotion promotion to be more attractive to my customers and make my business more developed, therefore I ask kindly from Investors and ZIDISHA to be able to lend me money for the above needs so that my business can run and grow better. I will pay the installment on time as specified and will be in compliance with all applicable in this case according to my payment history which is always fluent and timely. Thanks to Investors and ZIDISHA_Sincerely @Alexander

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  • Alexander    Sep 14, 2017

    Best Regards, _This business I run in the field of transportation and car rental is developing well and already have enough customers using the services of the business that I run now for their various needs including business travel and travel to various regions in Indonesia. But at this moment, I am also experiencing obstacles to the capital and operating expenses of my business development, therefore I beg the kindness of the Investors and ZIDISHA in order to lend funds to me to make my business can run and grow better . I will pay the installment on time as determined and will comply with all applicable in this case according to my current payment history which is always fluent and timely. Thanks to Investors and ZIDISHA_Sincerely @Alexander

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  • Alexander    Sep 12, 2017

    Yours sincerely Thank you to the Investors who have kindly lent me the funds through ZIDISHA. As long as I join Zidisha, I always keep my commitment to pay installments on time. I am currently in need of additional funds for my business operations and developing the business I am currently running. The business that I run today is in the field of transportation and rental cars that currently have enough customers and have a pretty good prospect in the future therefore I am currently in need of additional funds from the Investors for my business development this. The funds I get from you all the Investors, I will use for the operational purposes of my business, I hope you investors would be kind enough to come back to help and lend your funds to me. _Thank you

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  • Alexander    Sep 11, 2017

    Yours sincerely, _ I would like to thank the Investors and Zidisha who have given me the trust to get a loan for the development of the transportation business I am currently living. Currently the business I"m living has a good income and has a very good prospect to grow in the future. The funds I get from Investors and Zidisha I will use for my business operations are very growing. thank you

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  • Alexander    Sep 8, 2017

    Yours sincerely, _ I am grateful for the kindness of the Investors who have provided the loan and for the operational purposes of my business through ZIDISHA. The money I get from your giving of my Investors, I will use as well as for the operation and development of my business that has great prospects in the future. Once again I thank you. _Sukses Selalu_Alexander - Bekasi, Indonesia

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  • Alexander    Aug 8, 2017

    Thanks to the investors who are willing to fund this loan. I will use the funds I get from you through ZIDISHA for the operational purposes of my business. thank you

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  • Alexander    Aug 7, 2017

    Yours sincerely, _Thank you to all Investors who have provided and funded my 150000IDR loan. On this day 07 August 2017 I have paid off my loan. Once again I thank all of you Investors for my loan. For the next I plan to increase my loan amount, as all the foam investors are interested to cooperate and fund me back. For your attention and cooperation I thank you. _Make Always For ZIDISHA

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  • Alexander    Aug 1, 2017

    I want to increase my number of installments because now I"m having trouble losing my atm so I have to take care of it first. If my problem is over, I will install a 90,000 IDR repayment on time. thank you

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  • Alexander    Jul 17, 2017

    Thank you for you who have given me a loan through ZIDISHA for Rp 150000. I use the money I can to meet the needs of my business operations.

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  • Alexander    Jun 6, 2017

    I can pay bigger installments for the next period starting June 13, 2017. Hopefully I can pay off my pinjan faster and can get a larger loan for the next. thank you

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  • Alexander    Jun 6, 2017

    I was able to pay my installments a larger amount than before. For the next period I can pay the installment of 20000IDR. Hopefully I can get a larger loan for the next. thank you

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  • Alexander    May 30, 2017

    Hi Mr. Paul Buchheit. I am Alexander, thank you for the loan you gave me through Zidisha and on the 30th of May 2017 I already paid for my installment. Once again I thank you for your help, hopefully for the next credit limit I can be raised again. thanks. Alexander

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