Loans to increase venture capital


Pemalang, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $24 goal


days left




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

41 installments  •  10%

About Me

My name is Tristiyanti loyal ningsih, I am a middle-aged Java pemalang, I am 28 years old, my last child dr 2 brothers. I have one child, a girl. I work in one outlet clothing outlet in the city of pemalang, for 6 years, my salary is 3,000,000. in addition to iti jg my business shop online shop clothing, shoes, bags & home appliances, karna dngn smpingan online business I think people "on busy bkerja and skrng his age people shopping online. alhmdulilah udaha online me smoothly.

My Business

in addition to my online shop business jg open grocery store groceries at home and selling electrical pulses, why do I open a sideline groceries drumah? because I really know once klo people "very need once the needs of rice sprti, sugar, oil and so forth, not just that people" jg very need a name pulse, so there I set open a grocery store business and pulse drumah.

Loan Proposal

if I get this loan I can add my groceries goods. with the existence of this loan my food stalls jd complete & what people are looking for is always there, my shop jd The more in demand easily, the more advanced. karna kalo commodity if I am complete I feel comfortable & happy what in search people can be obtained at my grocery store. this loan fund is very helpful in my trading business, sanat very useful for me. zemoga in the future, my groceries are getting more advanced & can have bigger earning target in his appeal before his. dr earn that I can also help my husband dlm overcome my daily needs. hopefully my loan can bring blessing. Amen thankyou

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About Me

Nama saya Tristiyanti setia ningsih, saya orang pemalang jawa tengah,umur saya 28 tahun, saya anak terakhir dr 2 bersaudara. saya punya anak satu,perempuan. saya bekerja di salah satu outlet distro pakaian di kota pemalang, selama 6 tahun, gaji saya sudah 3.000.000. selain iti saya jg usaha toko online shop pakaian,sepatu,tas&peralatan rumah tangga,karna dngn usaha smpingan online saya berfikir orang" pada sibuk bkerja dan skrng jaman nya orang belanja online. alhmdulilah udaha online saya lancar.

My Business

selain usaha online shop saya jg buka toko kelontong sembako dirumah serta jualan pulsa elektrik, kenapa saya buka sampingan toko sembako drumah? karena saya sangat tahu sekali klo orang" sangat butuh sekali kebutuhan sprti beras, gula, minyak dan sebagainya, bukan itu saja orang" jg sangat butuh yg namanya pulsa,jadi disitu saya bertekat membuka usaha toko sembako serta pulsa drumah.

Loan Proposal

jika saya mendapat kan pinjaman ini saya bisa menambah barang dagangan sembako saya. dengan adanya pinjaman ini warung sembako saya jd lengkap&apa yg dicari orang selalu ada, warung saya jd Semakin laris mudah mudahan, semakin maju. karna kalo barang dagangan sembako saya lengkap saya merasa nyaman & senang apa yang di cari orang bisa didapat di warung sembako saya. dana pinjaman ini sangat membantu dalam usaha dagang saya, sanat bermanfaat sekali buat saya. zemoga kedepan nya dagangan sembako saya semakin maju&bisa mempunyai target penghasilan lbih besar di banding sebelum nya.
dr penghasilan itu saya juga bisa membantu suami saya dlm mengatasi kebutuhan sehari hari saya. semoga pinjaman saya ini bisa membawa keberkahan. amin..





  • J    Feb 28, 2018

    Not repaying or communicating

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 23, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

8 months


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



Ask Tristiyanti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Huzaifah    Jan 19, 2018

    Hello the ppemberi ppinjaman .. 3 days ago I have reminded him will installment, and he has obstacles in payment .. then I explain with detail the new payment way .. i will contact him again .. and I will kabari as soon as thank you.

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  • Tristiyanti    Jan 1, 2018

    I apologize to the lenders, I have been late paying my due date, my business is experiencing a drastic decline, my finances are declining. But I promise to pay it off immediately. Thank you

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    • J    Jan 1, 2018

      Thank you for the explanation. Just keep me up to date. I don’t mind if I know the reason.

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  • Tristiyanti    Jan 1, 2018

    I can not afford to pay 20,000 per week, because my business is in a hurry, my finances are going down, I have a lot to pay ".

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    • J    Jan 1, 2018

      I hope this new year will be better for you. Best wishes and a happy 2018.

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  • Tristiyanti    Nov 23, 2017

    Thanks to the lenders, I received a loan of Rp 296,052.

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    • J    Dec 5, 2017

      Hi Tristiyanti.

      How is your business going? Dit you already succeed in making some profit?

      Best wishes,

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  • J    Nov 22, 2017

    Success with your business.

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  • Tristiyanti    Nov 18, 2017

    Hello to the lenders, I have applied for a loan, is there an acceleration to get my loan funded ..

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  • Tristiyanti    Nov 15, 2017

    My loan is fully paid, and I want to borrow again

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  • Tristiyanti    Nov 14, 2017

    Hello to the lenders, my loan is already paid off. And I want to apply for a loan back

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