Loans to support health equipment

Avi Fathur Rohman

Bondowoso, Indonesia

100% repaid



Avi Fathur Rohman

Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  17%

About Me

I am avi fathur, an entrepreneur who is engaged in food and beverage, here I sell several kinds of food such as fresh vegetables, tempeh and tofu, fresh vegetables catfish and various kinds of drinks. I opened a shop at home and currently do not have a place to eat at, so now I just pack it up or go home. I opened this business 2 years ago with the help of my wife. But since there was a pandemic, my income has decreased because of the economic limitations of the surrounding community.

My Business

My business is in the business of selling fresh vegetables, such as fresh vegetables, tempeh, catfish and various kinds of drinks. My gross opinion is around 200-400 thousand a day. More or less for chicken 2-3 kilos per day. For drinks, I usually spend 1-2 kg of sugar per day. at this time I have not provided a place to eat on the spot because I do not have more capital so at this time I can only take the food home or pack it

Loan Proposal

in the beginning I will use this fund as a savings in order to increase my loan limit, if my limit is high I will buy additional therapy tools in order to accommodate more bnyak patients

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya avi fathur seorang wirausaha yang bergerak di bidang makanan dan minuman ,
Disini saya menjual beberapa macam makanan seperti lalapan ayam , lalapan tempe dan tahu , lalapan lele dan berbagai macam minuman
Saya membuka warung di rumah dan saat ini belum memiliki tempat untuk makan di tempat , jadi saat ini hanya bungkus atau bawah pulang
Saya membuka usaha ini sudah 2 tahun lalu di bantu oleh istri
Tapi semenjak ada pandemi pemasukan saya menurun karna keterbatasan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar

My Business

Bisnis saya bergerak di bidang usaha jual makanan lalapan , seperti lalapan ayam , tempe , lele dan berbagai macam minuman
Pendapat kotor saya sehari sekitar 200-400rb
Kurang lebih untuk ayam 2-3 kilo perhari
Untuk minuman saya biasanya menghabiskan 1-2kg gula per hari
Untuk saat ini saya belum menyediakan tempat untuk makan di tempat karna belum memili modal lebih
Jadi saat ini hanya bisa membaea pulang makannan atau mem bungkusnya

Loan Proposal

di awal saya akan mengunakan dana ini sebagai tabungan agar bisa meningkatkan batas pinjaman saya , jika batas saya sudah tinggi saya akan membeli alat therapy tambahan agar bisa menampung lebih bnyak pasien





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Avi Fathur Rohman a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Oct 26, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Oct 30, 2017 $0.96 Oct 25, 2017 $0.96
Nov 6, 2017 $12.14 Oct 26, 2017 $12.14
