Loan to buy workshop equipment

Shintya Ayu

Surakarta, Indonesia

11% repaid



Shintya Ayu

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

143 installments  •  38%

About Me

I am shintya 24 years old. I have a husband and two children. My husband named dodi saputro. My first child is 4 yasmin and 2 years old. I work as a teacher for early childhood. The schools I teach are schools for the poor and orphans. The school I teach also does not ask for contributions from students. Free school for the poor and orphans I have a hobby of reading books, culinary and traveling I also have a workshop and tire repair run by my husband Earnings from an average workshop per day IDR 300,000 My biggest dream is to make my family happy and useful for many person. Through this loan from zidisha I hope my business grows and I can realize one by one my dream

My Business

1. bengkel and tambal tire press and tubeles, buying and selling new / used tires, serving a variety of motorcycle problems such as brake plugs, pairs of chains, motor strikes and other 2. karena orang always need a service shop to repair a damaged motor / car. Today almost everyone in Indonesia has a private motorcycle and many of them do not bother fixing their own bikes so we provide services motor service, workshop and tire ban 3. omzet a day + - idr 300.000 profit from the workshop and patch this tire I use for my family"s daily needs and pay the zidisha mortgage and the rest I keep in savings

Loan Proposal

I will use this loan to buy new tires, new and used outdoors tires, tires for tires and buy gas that I will sell ecer

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya shintya usia 24 tahun.  Saya mempunyai seorang suami dan dua orang anak. Suami saya bernama dodi saputro.  Anak saya yang pertama yasmin 4 tahun dan kia 2 tahun.  Saya bekerja sebagai guru untuk anak usia Dini.  Disekolah tempat saya mengajar adalah sekolah untuk warga  miskin dan anak yatim. Sekolah tempat saya mengajar juga tidak meminta uang iuran dari siswa. Sekolah gratis untuk warga miskin dan anak yatim

Saya mempunyai hobi membaca buku,  kuliner dan berwisata

Saya juga punya usaha bengkel dan tambal ban yang dikelola oleh suami saya

Penghasilan dari bengkel rata - rata perhari IDR 300.000

Impian terbesar saya adalah membahagiakan keluarga saya dan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. 

Melalui pinjaman dari zidisha ini saya berharap usaha saya berkembang dan saya dapat mewujudkan satu persatu impian saya

My Business

1.bengkel dan tambal ban press dan tubeles,jual beli ban baru/bekas, melayani berbagai masalah sepeda motor seperti pasang rem, pasang rantai, motor mogok dan lainnya
2.karena orang2 selalu membutuhkan jasa bengkel untuk memperbaiki motor/mobil yang rusak. Saat ini hampir setiap orang di Indonesia punya motor pribadi dan banyak dari mereka yang tidak mau repot memperbaiki motor mereka sendiri jadi kami menyediakan jasa servis motor, bengkel dan tambal ban
3. omzet sehari +- idr 300.000
keuntungan dari bengkel dan tambal ban ini saya gunakan untuk kebutuhan harian keluarga saya dan membayar cicilan zidisha serta sisanya saya simpan di tabungan

Loan Proposal

saya akan gunakan pinjaman ini untuk membeli ban dalam baru, ban luar baru dan bekas ,bahan untuk keperluan tambal ban, dan membeli bensin yang akan akan saya jual ecer





  • David    Dec 8, 2017

    Made a few small payments at first, then paid the bulk of the loan after two months. I really enjoy the updates and photos. Best wishes for your continued success.

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    • Shintya Ayu    Dec 9, 2017

      Terimakasih Mr. David untuk harapan kesuksesan usaha saya
      Saya pun berharap saya bisa memberi yang terbaik untuk zidisha

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  • JimVandegriff    Dec 6, 2017

    Again, a very quick repayment on this loan. I would be happy to lend to Ms. Rahmawati again.

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    • Shintya Ayu    Dec 9, 2017

      Terimakasih Mr. JimVandegriff saya berusaha memberikan yang terbaik yang saya bisa. Usaha saya tidak akan berkembang seperti sekarang ini tanpa pinjaman dari zidisha

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  • JimVandegriff    Oct 5, 2017

    Great job with this loan repayment!

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 20, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

26 months



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Ask Shintya Ayu a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Candra    Oct 5, 2018

    I tried to contact him and all references, but there was no response. I"ll try again later to contact him.

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  • Riandi    May 9, 2018

    Mba how do I let it in the danai

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  • Cahyo    Apr 20, 2018

    mba me on behalf of cahyo kusumo I want to ask if I am wrong input the name of the recipient bank how ya please contact me 081282252372

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  • Shintya Ayu    Mar 28, 2018

    Buying a book for learners Open the window of the world little by little Hopefully they become a successful child and can realize their dreams

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  • Shintya Ayu    Mar 6, 2018

    By not reducing the respect to the funder I want to reduce my installment because I need a fee to buy some of my students learning tools Thank you

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  • Shintya Ayu    Feb 20, 2018

    100000idr per week is too big for me

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  • Shintya Ayu    Feb 3, 2018

    Happy sunday morning pendana. Have a nice and successful day

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  • Shintya Ayu    Jan 22, 2018

    Dear the funders. This is a wind compressor that I bought from zidisha loan capital. Previously I had only one but because I often get the order of tires my compressor truck is inadequate and the cost of electricity is also becoming more extravagant. After purchasing an additional compressor the cost of electricity is more efficient and the work can be completed more quickly. Thank you zidisha

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  • Shintya Ayu    Jan 1, 2018

    Early childhood teaching activities from poor families

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  • Shintya Ayu    Dec 31, 2017

    Happy new year lenders and staff zidisha Hopefully the year 2018 the better Success zidisha

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  • Shintya Ayu    Dec 20, 2017

    Thank you zidisha and borrower that I can not mention one by one. I will use this loan very well

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  • Shintya Ayu    Dec 7, 2017

    Thanks zidisha workshop is growing because many motorcycle motorcycle drivers entrust their motorcycle repairs / replacement tires in my workshop. The one in this photo is my workshop customer of ojek driver online

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  • Shintya Ayu    Dec 6, 2017

    This is an example of a used outer tire I sell

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  • Shintya Ayu    Oct 12, 2017

    thank you very much this loan is very help me

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  • Shane Coughlan    Oct 9, 2017

    Good luck! I wish you all the best.

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  • Shintya Ayu    Oct 5, 2017

    Thank you in advance I have been entrusted to receive a loan of 3.230.000 idr and I have paid it

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  • Shintya Ayu    Sep 3, 2017

    Thank you for using this loan well

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  • Eyal Pinkas    Sep 3, 2017

    Good luck!

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