Loans for farm kiosks


Banyuwangi, Indonesia

27% repaid




Member since

August 2017

On-time repayments

27 installments  •  44%

About Me

I am slamet junaidi from indonesia. I have a farm shop selling fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. I currently need a capital loan for my kiosk business. borrowing from zidhisa is to build a reputation for the future to earn more trust than zidhisa

My Business

my farm kiosk business has been running for 2 years. I have many loyal customers. This business prospect is very good because I am in a farming area that requires support of agricultural equipment, fertilizers and pesticides. money from zidhisa I will buy a fertilizer. the loan before it has already provided benefits for me and I want to earn more trust

Loan Proposal

I run a farm kiosk that sells fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. I need additional capital to add stock and to make a good reputation in zidhisa. the loan before it can help and provide benefits for me. my business has a good prospect because it has loyal customers and is in the right territory

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About Me

saya slamet junaidi dari indonesia. saya mempunyai usaha toko pertanian yang menjual pupuk , benih dan pestisida. saya saat ini membutuhkan pinjaman modal agar usaha kios saya. pinjaman dari zidhisa adalah untuk membangun reputasi agar di masa mendatang bisa mendapat kepercayaan lebih dari zidhisa

My Business

usaha kios pertanian saya sudah berjalan 2 tahun. saya mempunyai banyak pelanggan loyal. prospek usaha ini sangat baik krn saya berada di wilayah pertanian yang membutuhkan support alat pertanian, pupuk dan pestisida. uang dari zidhisa akan saya beli kan pupuk. pinjaman sebelum nya sudah memberikan keuntungan bagi saya dan saya ingin mendapat kepercayaan lebih

Loan Proposal

saya mengelola kios pertanian yang menjual pupuk , benih dan pestisida. saya membutuhkan tambahan modal untuk menambah stok dan untuk membuat reputasi yang baik di zidhisa. pinjaman sebelum nya sudah bisa membantu dan memberikab keuntungan untuk saya. bisnis saya ini punya prospek baik karena punya pelanggan setia dan berada di wilayah yang tepat





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 23, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

4 months




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San Francisco, United States

Ask Slamet a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Slamet    Dec 27, 2017

    I want to change so that my future installment can be more smoothly. I am experiencing late payment. By the end of the year there was a bill from the distributor I had to pay

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  • Slamet    Nov 5, 2017

    thank you ... I have paid my first installment, your loan is very useful for my business. I hope to keep your trust

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  • Slamet    Oct 23, 2017

    this loan I will use to buy fertilizer as much as 350 kg, for once my sales gain 10% and after that I can use for shopping of re-fertilizer. I thank the zidhisa investors and this is very helpful to my efforts

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  • Slamet    Sep 15, 2017

    I have received a loan, thanks for your trust, this loan can help my business and I want to make a good loan reputation

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  • Slamet    Aug 13, 2017

    I have made the first installment payment. Thank you and this as the beginning of my commitment to your help.

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