Loan capital loans


Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

51 installments  •  84%

About Me

I am an entrepreneur and I work ... I have a dream "that is very high ... I want to make my parents happy, I want to have my own business do not depend on others ... now I"m doing business, college and work ... I the second child of two siblings, I am not married ... I passed all my struggle with difficulty until reaching now, from elementary school I have entrepreneurship selling myself ... buy something brg with my own hard work ...

My Business

my business opened a toy store, and my parents have a grocery store, ... I also work in one private company dijakarta .. income from my store turn back the profits for me manage again dioko so the money I work that I made for income my day "...

Loan Proposal

rice supplies for grocery stores, snack supplies or snacks to pay for the refrigerator used to shop must pay for electricity for the needs of shops

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About Me

saya ria saya pengusaha sekaligus bekerja...saya mempunyai cita"yang sangat tinggi...saya ingin membahagiakan kedua orgtua saya, saya ingin punya usaha sendiri tidak bergantung pada orang lain..saya sekarang menjalani bisnis,kuliah serta bekerja...saya anak kedua dari dua bersaudara, saya belum menikah...saya melewati semua perjuangan saya dengan susah payah hingga mencapai sekarang, dari sekolah SD saya sudah berwirausaha berjualan sendiri...
membeli sesuatu brg dengan hasil jerih payah saya sendiri...

My Business

usaha saya membuka toko mainan, dan orang tua saya mempunyai toko sembako,...saya juga bekerja disalah satu perusahaan swasta dijakarta..
penghasilan dari toko saya putar kembali keuntungannya untuk saya kelola lagi ditoko jadi uang hasil saya bekerja itu yang saya buat untuk penghasilan saya sehari"...

Loan Proposal

persediaan beras untuk toko kelontong
persediaan makanan kecil atau snack
untuk mencicil bayar kulkas yang digunakan untuk ditoko
harus bayar listrik untuk kebutuhan toko





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 26, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



United Kingdom


Paul Graham

United States

John Minges

United States

Craig Newmark

United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States



United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Zuhariyah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Zuhariyah    Apr 26, 2018

    I am very grateful for the capital lender given by the investors, hopefully this capital can make my business more advanced again ... amen

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  • Zuhariyah    Mar 4, 2018

    I am very grateful to Jake Gibson and Beverly picardo, san Francisco, united states who have given me the loan capital ... may the luck of your master increase and success always for master

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  • Zuhariyah    Feb 15, 2018

    thank you ... may I continue to be given additional capital

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  • Trimulyono    Dec 2, 2017

    mb kenapa.lum.membayar aoakah ba VA Bni.lum.di receive

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    • Zuhariyah    Dec 2, 2017

      Not yet mas, ... I am so lazy to pay because my 3rd and 4th payments have not been confirmed yet, ..pdahal I already paid ... I have to pay again ... please help dong mas

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      • Zuhariyah    Dec 2, 2017

        This again ...

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      • Trimulyono    Jan 11, 2018

        mb try to send comments on the ticket. support agara there is a solution soale.banyak also case incident sama.seperti mb. they are the ones who have solved the problem. or if emang lum lunas continue payyanya until keel calculation mb. who knows emang lum.di.baca system aja payment mb. thank you if any more questions please ask me will help as much as i hopefully useful

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  • Zuhariyah    Oct 26, 2017

    thank you for all the stockholders or financiers ... I will use for my venture capital best.

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  • Zuhariyah    Aug 21, 2017

    Once again I say a lot of thanks to Mr Craig Newmark who has been supporting me by giving me a lending venture capital. Hopefully Mr. Craig Newmark"s fortune continues to grow and the business is getting better. . Aamiin

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