Online business capital loan


Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

October 2017

On-time repayments

124 installments  •  11%

About Me

I highly appreciate the existence of Microlending World Site (ZIDISHA), Amid the difficulties of banking application form in Indonesia, ZIDISHA appear and able to give a positive impact to the development of a business, whether developing, or being a pioneer. Introduce, my name is Siti Rahayuni. I grew up and grew up in the middle of the family (entrepreneur), since I was small. I have been educated and directed to be a self-sufficient human and able to help each other who have difficulty. My late father has a car (the car) and my mother has a food stall, I am the fifth child of 6 siblings. 7 years ago, my father died. At that time I was in high school, after my father. I am confused to find the direction of life goals, finally with the strength and strength of the mother to motivate me, I can run life like people in general. After I graduated high school in 2010, with cost and other constraints, I was motivated by mum for Lecture, with a modest cost, I finally got to take Bachelor title in 2014. After I graduated from college, I still feel confused will be what I am later. God turns out to have another will, by 2015. I got a job at one of the leading retail companies in Indonesia. In mid December 2017, exactly on December 11, my work contract is up, I still have to keep thinking about how to earn income for life. To maximize the burden of life that I have, since 6month ago. I ventured to try a new business in the online field, I have a business selling fabric, hoods and others (depending on orders from consumers). Due to still pioneered, monthly turnover was still a little. There is still much that must be addressed and initiated for the continuation of the business. I tried to apply for a loan to an existing Bank in Indonesia, 3 times I tried to borrow. However, from the 3 times I also received rejection due to the absence of collateral that can be used as collateral. I did not give up, eventually at some point. I found ZIDISHA site that can provide solutions for my business development in the future.

My Business

In the era of almost all activities using the Internet, I tried my luck in the Online business, especially the system of buying and selling. On the way, I found many obstacles. especially the capital, this business that I was pioneering (Online Shop) in one week, can generate net profit of about $ 10 - 15. If in total in a month, net turnover that I get from the online shop about $ 35 - 40. It happens because still the minimum capital I get, the monthly salary of the company is only about $ 120, while I also have to help the family economy (since my father died). but from there I also have to struggle to find a sure and practical solution in running a business. My Online sales system is by using the application (Shopee) Indonesia online trading site, payment system is done by way of invoice (goods sent first sent to the consumer, after the goods received.Several days later the money will be transferred by the application). With this fund receiving system, as a seller, I must have extra reserve funds to fulfill orders from other customers. The payment I received from the app, about 3 - 7 days. The initial capital for opening this business is about $ 75, and the turnover generated from this business per week is around $ 10 - 15. If this business continues to run, it will be able to earn substantial profits. Profits derived from the business can generate greater if coupled with the capital that we have as a seller, if it continues consistently run. The turnover can be around $ 30-40 per week, the calculation is based on the high public interest on the purchase of fabrics and veils. The market will start to be crowded if it is close to June and December, the profit earned in the month can rise up to 20%. From the 100% calculation Turnover turnover, 50% I use to help the family economy, 25% in the tube for my wedding expenses and the remaining 25% for business turnover.

Loan Proposal

I will make the money as additional capital online business that I"m running

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya sangat mengapresiasi dengan adanya Situs Microlending Dunia (ZIDISHA), Ditengah sulitnya bentuk pengajuan perbankan yang ada di indonesia, ZIDISHA muncul dan mampu memberi dampak positif untuk pengembangan sebuah usaha, baik yang sedang berkembang, maupun yang sedang merintis.

Perkenalkan, nama saya adalah Siti Rahayuni. saya tumbuh dan berkembang ditengah keluarga (wiraswasta), semenjak saya kecil. Saya sudah di didik dan diarahkan untuk menjadi manusisa yang mandiri dan mampu saling membantu orang yang mengalami kesulitan. Almarhum Ayah saya mempunyai Bengkel (mobil) dan ibu saya memiliki warung sembako, saya adalah anak ke 5 dari 6 bersaudara. 7 tahun yang lalu, ayah saya wafat. Pada saat itu saya masih SMA, sepeninggal ayah. Saya bingung untuk mencari arah tujuan hidup, akhirnya dengan ketegaran dan kekuatan ibu memberikan motivasi kepada saya, saya bisa menjalankan kehidupan seperti orang pada umumnya. 

Setelah saya lulus SMA pada tahun 2010, dengan kendala biaya dan lainnya, saya diberi motivasi oleh ibu untuk Kuliah, dengan biaya yang seadanya, akhirnya saya bisa menempuh titel Sarjana pada tahun 2014. Setelah saya lulus kuliah, saya masih merasa kebingungan akan menjadi apa saya nanti. Tuhan ternyata punya kehendak lain, pada tahun 2015. Saya mendapatkan pekerjaan di salah satu perusahaan ritel terkemuka di Indonesia. Pada pertengahan Desember 2017 tepatnya tanggal 11 Desember, kontrak pekerjaan saya habis, saya masih harus terus berfikir tentang bagaimana cara mendapatkan penghasilan untuk kehidupan.

Untuk memaksimalkan beban hidup yang saya punya, semenjak 6bulan yang lalu. saya memberanikan diri untuk mencoba bisnis baru dalam bidang online, saya mempunyai usaha penjualan bahan kain, kerudung dan lain-lain (tergantung pesanan dari konsumen). Dikarenakan masih dirintis, omset bulanan pun masih sedikit. Masih banyak yang harus dibenahi dan diperaiapkan untuk kelanjutan usaha tersebut. Saya mencoba mengajukan pinjaman ke Bank yang ada di Indonesia, 3 kali saya mencoba melakukan pinjaman. Tetapi, dari ke 3 kali itu pula saya menerima penolakan dikarenakan tidak adanya jaminan yang bisa dijadikan jaminan.

saya tidak menyerah, akhirnya pada suatu saat. saya menemukan situs ZIDISHA yang bisa memberikan solusi untuk pengembangan usaha saya di masa yang akan datang.

My Business

Di era yang hampir semua kegiatan menggunakan Internet, saya mencoba peruntungan dalam bisnis Online, terutama sistem jual beli. Dalam perjalanannya, saya menemukan banyak sekali hambatan. terutama permodalan, usaha yang sedang saya rintis ini (Online Shop) dalam satu minggu, bisa menghasilkan laba bersih sekitar $10 - 15. Jika di total dalam satu bulan, omset bersih yang saya dapat dari online shop sekitar $35 - 40. Hal tersebut terjadi dikarenakan masih minimnya modal yang saya dapat, gaji bulanan dari perusahaan tersebut hanya sekitar $120, sedangkan saya juga harus membantu perekonomian keluarga (semenjak ayah saya meninggal). tapi dari situ saya pun harus berjuang mencari solusi yang pasti dan praktis dalam menjalankan sebuah bisnis.

Sistem penjualan Online saya adalah dengan menggunakan aplikasi (Shopee) situs jual beli online Indonesia, sistem pembayaran dilakukan dengan cara invoice (barang dikirim terlebih dahulu dikirim ke konsumen, setelah barang diterima. Beberapa hari kemudian uang akan ditransfer oleh aplikasi tersebut). Dengan adanya sistem penerimaan dana seperti ini, sebagai penjual, saya harus mempunyai dana cadangan ekstra untuk memenuhi pemesanan dari konsumen lain. Pembayaran yang saya terima dari aplikasi tersebut, sekitar 3 - 7 hari. 

Modal awal untuk membuka bisnis ini adalah sekitar $75, dan omset yang dihasilkan dari bisnis ini per minggunya sekitar $10 - 15. Jika bisnis ini terus dijalankan, akan bisa mendapatkan laba yang lumayan besar. Keuntungan yang didapat dari bisnis tersebut bisa menghasilkan lebih besar jika dibarengi dengan modal yang kita punya sebagai penjual, jika terus konsisten dijalankan. Omset yang didapat bisa sekitar $30 - 40 per minggunya, kalkulasi tersebut didasarkan pada tingginya animo masyarakat terhadap pembelian Kain dan Kerudung. Pasar akan mulai ramai jika sudah mendekati bulan Juni dan Desember, keuntungan yang didapat pada bulan tersebut bisa naik hingga 20%.

Dari kalkulasi 100% Omset yang di dapat, 50% saya pergunakan untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga, 25% di tabung untuk biaya pernikahan saya dan sisa 25% untuk alokasi perputaran bisnis.

Loan Proposal

saya akan menjadikan uang tersebut sebagai modal tambahan usaha online yang sedang saya jalankan





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Oct 26, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Siti a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Siti    Sep 16, 2022

    I was hit by a pandemic, so I couldn't afford to pay off the total payment with that amount

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  • J    May 18, 2018

    Please make a payment on your Zidisha loan. Lenders loaned to you with good faith that they would be paid back in a timely manner. Zidisha is a powerful tool when used correctly to grow a business. Do not throw away an opportunity to prosper in the future.

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  • Eko    Apr 30, 2018

    I have tried to contact siti rahayuni but can not connect

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  • Muhammad Luqman    Apr 28, 2018

    I"ve tried to contact, but no one can connect, and until now there has been no response from siti, thanks

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  • J    Apr 25, 2018

    Hi Siti,

    Are you already settled? Do you like your new job?
    I hope you are still going strong.

    Best wishes

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  • Muhammad Luqman    Mar 28, 2018

    Please to be more disciplined in the payment, because it will have much effect for the future, thanks

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  • Eko    Mar 22, 2018

    Hi your loan installment is already the smallest can not you pay it? To not reduce the repayment score immediately made the payment

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  • Siti    Mar 15, 2018

    I"m sorry, for weeks now I can not make payment, because there are things that are not expected. For the next payment process, I will do the payment at once for 3 weeks, while waiting for the salary from where I work. I hope Mr. joost can understand Watm Regards

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    • J    Mar 15, 2018

      Dear Siti,

      Please take your time. I trust you and I know you will repay this loan when you are able to.

      Did you see this message? Maybe it will help to reduce the costs.

      Warm regards,

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  • Siti    Feb 8, 2018

    To stay in the discipline zone in making payments, I am changing the installment amount

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  • Siti    Feb 1, 2018

    Hi, Joost I have not been able to report in visual form the results of my efforts, because it is still adapting to my new environment and work place. Once everything has started to be controlled, I will immediately do regular reporting related to the Business that I"m running.

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  • J    Jan 26, 2018

    Thank you for the repayment. Best wishes.

  • Siti    Jan 19, 2018

    Dear Joost We are sorry I have not been able to provide any news related to my business development. On 15 January 2018, I was accepted to work at one of the banks in Jakarta, Indonesia. Therefore, I have not been able to make progress reports of my efforts. Some days I am busy preparing for my move to the new city. Hopefully you can understand it, Joost. Warm Regards

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    • J    Jan 19, 2018

      Hi Siti, Congratulations with your new job. If you want to then you could lower your installment amount and then pay a few small installments. This way you don’t have to worry about paying late and you have enough time to move and settle in your new place.

      Are you going to live with family or are you planning to rent a house?

      I wish good luck with your new job and life.

  • J    Jan 7, 2018

    Thank you for being so active on the discussion pages of all those lenders. Did you ever think about becoming a Volunteer Mentor? I don't know if that is possible yet but I think you could be a very good one.

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    • Siti    Jan 10, 2018

      Hi, Joost. I have registered to be a VM, but got rejected (because not 3 months to become member of Zidisha). If I see, the existence of a random system in the VM selection is slightly ambiguous. please explain it. Warm Regards

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  • Siti    Jan 7, 2018

    I made a payment for 2 weeks, to anticipate the possibility of me moving the city (from Cirebon to Jakarta) due to my new job. I hope Mr. Joost can tolerate that. Warm Regards

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    • J    Jan 7, 2018

      Of course I will.

      Please lower your installment amount so you have some extra time. And do a few small payments afterwards. This gives you enough time to move without worrying about your loan.

      Success with the movement and with your new job.

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      • Siti    Jan 7, 2018

        Thank you. I will soon realize the advice you give. Thanks for your support and Motivation. May you succeed always. Warm Regards

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  • Elih    Jan 4, 2018

    Thanks a lot for his suggestions and directions, may we all succeed.

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  • Siti    Jan 2, 2018

    Hi Joost ... This is the stock of fabric that I bought and will soon be distributed (tomorrow). Hopefully the funds you trust can make my business grow and grow. Thursday, I got a job interview from one of the banks (jakarta, indonesia) hopefully in that interview I can pass the test. Warm Regards

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  • J    Dec 31, 2017

    I wish you and your family a happy 2018 And I hope you will get another job soon.


