Capital loan


Bandung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

February 2018

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  54%

About Me

I am the second child of 3 siblings. I live from an entrepreneur. The neighborhood where I live in the city center. Currently experiencing a change into kos kos area and most of the migrants. The reason I am making a loan in zidisha I hope to be given a loan to expand my business. why needed more capital? because the month of 9 2017 I had a stroke and I spent a lot of money for treatment. Now, even though I"m paralyzed I have to get up after what I"ve spent, and I"m sure I can. Just need help capital loans

My Business

Utilizing the environment, then my business is kos kosan, laundry, counter pulse, canteen, and steam motor. the current gross income decreased to 15000000 per month, before I was sick gross income 25000000 per month. This is because the capital is not enough so that the goods are not complete first. Now there is no Aqua and lpg gas. If my liquid loan will buy back Aqua, if enough there will be more lpg gas.

Loan Proposal

I will use it to buy oil and spices but because the loan is still small to provide everything is not enough. then I"m not wasted, but I pay first until the limit is enough. so the money is not exhausted to buy goods that are not productive that makes it difficult to restore it later in time

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About Me

Saya adalah anak ke 2 dari 3 bersaudara. Saya hidup dari wiraswasta. Lingkungan tempat saya tinggal di pusat kota. Saat ini mengalami perubahan menjadi daerah kos kosan dan sebagian besar pendatang. Alasan saya melakukan pinjaman di zidisha saya berharap diberikan pinjaman untuk mengembangkan usaha saya. kenapa dibutuhkan modal lagi? karena bulan 9 2017 saya terkena stroke dan saya menghabiskan banyak uang untuk berobat. kini, walaupun aku lumpuh setengah badan aku harus bangkit mengejar yang sudah aku habiskan, dan aku yakin pasti bisa. Hanya butuh bantuan pinjaman modal

My Business

Memanfaatkan lingkungan sekitar, maka bisnis saya adalah kos kosan, laundry,konter pulsa, kantin, dan steam motor. saat ini pendapatan kotor menurun jadi 15000000 per bulan,sebelum saya sakit pendapatan kotor 25000000 per bulan. Hal ini dikarenakan modal yang tidak cukup sehingga barang sudah tidak selengkap dulu. Sekarang tidak ada Aqua dan gas lpg. Apabila pinjaman cair saya akan beli kembali Aqua, klo cukup akan ada lagi gas lpg.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakannya untuk membeli minyak dan bumbu masak tetapi karena pinjaman masih kecil untuk menyediakan semuanya tidak cukup. maka bukan saya sia siakan,tapi saya bayarkan dulu hingga limit cukup. sehingga uangnya tidak habis untuk membeli barang barang yang tidak produktif yang membuat saya kesulitan mengembalikannya nanti pada waktunya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 29, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks



Craig Newmark

United States

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  • Sujono    Apr 29, 2018

    before I apologize to the fund provider. Maybe my point is not good, because I several times directly return the existing loan. this is because I have to take the path of pintaa to raise the limit. but I have no intention to deceive or have any bad intentions. because the amount of money is not enough to increase my capital if I use for others who are not venture capital afraid of the loan is wasted. in fact I became a bigger loss. this decision I took with the sacrifice of loan difference and return. but I hope my next loan is cicil correctly. and hopefully this loan is beneficial to me. thanks.

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  • Sujono    Apr 29, 2018

    Thank you for the loan. I will use it to stock ingredients to keep my cafeteria inventory so as not to experience the problem of price increase in Idul Fitri holidays later. thanks. the loan has been received

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  • Sujono    Apr 28, 2018

    thank you before I say to zidisha because I have received the disbursement of idr 362000. but to buy inventory to anticipate the increase of food ingredients before Idul Fitri later the money of idr 362000 is not enough. rather than later to run out for unproductive use, then I might return it to raise my credit limit so that the loan would simply add to my capital requirement. but I am still grateful for all the help.

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  • Sujono    Apr 25, 2018

    because this is the first loan idr23000 so I do not use because not enough, then I keep it in the bank only. but I still thank you.

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  • Sujono    Apr 25, 2018

    because this is the first loan idr23000 so I do not use because not enough, then I keep it in the bank only. but I still thank you.

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  • Sujono    Apr 25, 2018

    because I am new loan 1 I only got idr 23000. and the money is not enough to buy anything, therefore I leave it in the account.

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  • Sujono    Apr 24, 2018

    I think the current loan is so small that this loan does not really help me

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