The second loan


Denpasar, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

February 2017

On-time repayments

89 installments  •  81%

About Me

I am yoppi oxispio. hereby intend to apply for a loan back after I repaid my loan beforehand. lets the lenders still want to give me a loan. currently I still work as a cashier at one of the night clubs in bali. I work from 8 pm to 3 am. In the afternoon I run a motorcycle rental business. while occasionally being a freelancer for travelers in need.

My Business

I have a permanent job as a cashier in one of the night clubs in bali. and have additional income from renting a vehicle. this loan later I will buy a used vehicle for rent. because it has entered the long holiday season Eid fitri. so more and more visitors coming to Bali. and they are looking for vehicles to rent. for the results yes is quite profitable. because I can get money about 300 thousand per week for 1 motor rental. therefore I intend to add more vehicles in order to produce more. to pay the mortgage I still have a steady income from my job when business is quiet. jd i make sure it will not be too late. while correcting my mistakes that neglected to make installments in the past. please think it can be considered in my submission.

Loan Proposal

the cost of transport to work. _biaya transport journey. _biaya dining needs. _cost of education. _biaya household needs. _biaya home renovation. _biaya educational needs. _biaya electronic purchasing. _biaya starting a side business. _biaya monthly needs. _biaya weekly needs. _biaya daily needs.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya yoppi oksispio. dengan ini bermaksud mengajukan pinjaman kembali setelah saya melunasi pinjaman saya yang sebelum nya. kiranya para pemberi pinjaman masih mau memberikan saya pinjaman. saat ini saya masih bekerja sebagai kasir di salah satu club malam di bali. saya kerja mulai jam 8 malam sampai jam 3 pagi. di siang hari saya menjalankan bisnis rental sepeda motor. sambil sesekali menjadi driver lepas untuk wisatawan yang membutuhkan.

My Business

saya memiliki pekerjaan tetap sebagai cashier di salah satu club malam di bali. dan memiliki penghasilan tambahan dari menyewakan kendaraan. pinjaman ini nanti nya akan saya belikan sebuah kendaraan bekas untuk di sewakan. karena sudah memasuki musim libur panjang idul fitri. jadi semakin banyak pengunjung yang datang ke bali. dan mereka mencari kendaraan untuk di sewakan. untuk hasil ya lumayan menguntungkan. karena saya bisa mendapat uang sekitar 300 ribu per minggu untuk penyewaan 1 motor. maka dari itu saya bermaksud untuk menambah kendaraan lagi agar bisa menghasilkan lebih lagi. untuk membayar cicilan saya masih punya penghasilan tetap dari pekerjaan saya bilamana bisnis sedang sepi. jd saya pastikan tdk akan terlambat. sekaligus memperbaiki kesalahan saya yang lalai melakukan cicilan di waktu yang lalu. mohon kira nya bisa di pertimbangkan pengajuan saya ini.

Loan Proposal

biaya transport bekerja.
biaya transport perjalanan.
biaya kebutuhan makan.
biaya pendidikan.
biaya kebutuhan rumah tangga.
biaya renovasi rumah.
biaya kebutuhan pendidikan.
biaya pembelian elektronik.
biaya memulai bisnis sampingan.
biaya kebutuhan bulanan.
biaya kebutuhan mingguan.
biaya kebutuhan harian.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 7, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Yoppi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yoppi    Jan 20, 2019

    I have notified since November 18, 2018 that I cannot pay via the Paypal method and in order. I can"t create a Paypal account and play ... Is there a representative from Zidisha in Jakarta ... ?? I want to meet and pay all cash.

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    • Fitri    Jan 21, 2019

      Yoppi, you can make payments through other people"s paypal accounts, for example you know someone who can be trusted to make these payments. because to make a payment you have to press the pay button on the Dasboard page, where that person must login to your Zidisha account. or suppose you live in Bali, you can also approach Banyuwangi to open a BTPN Jenius account there. I check through the Jenius website,, there are 2 locations to activate the Jenius account, that is the BTPN Sinaya branch office. Jl. Gen. A. Yani 114 Banyuwangi Jl Bhayangkara No. 12, RT 04 / RW 02, Kel / Siliragung Village, Kec. Siliragung, Kab. Banyuwangi is wa Yoppi? I"m at 085646209220

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      • Yoppi    Apr 25, 2019

        MBA Fitri can help me ... ?? I want to pay installments but I just leave it. How about ... ?? If possible, please help me at 085956669966.

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    • Fitri    Apr 25, 2019

      Yoppi, now to submit a Genius Account and a Gem through videocall wa, so you don"t have to go to a city with a Jenius branch. try reading this link

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  • Yoppi    Nov 18, 2018

    I can"t pay installments. Please help. I don"t have a Paypal account because I need a credit card to activate it. And I"m not in Jakarta. So you can"t create a DBS bank account. Please help because I want to pay. thanks.

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  • Yoppi    Oct 28, 2018

    I"m focusing on opening a rice shop. So I reduced the installments first. I will raise it again after stable rice sales.

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  • Yoppi    Oct 26, 2018

    I have now returned to my hometown of Jakarta. And I opened a business trading rice. So I can pay more.

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  • Yoppi    Sep 13, 2018

    I need a fee to go back to my hometown. I will soon be big again soon. Sorry. thanks.

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  • Yoppi    Aug 30, 2018

    I have nothing more. I immediately raised the installments as soon as possible. Sorry for that.

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  • Yoppi    Aug 9, 2018

    Sorry, I have no additional income from the rental.

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  • Yoppi    Jul 11, 2018

    My finances are still unstable. Sorry once again. Later I will raise again if there is more money.

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  • Yoppi    Jun 22, 2018

    Sorry. I reduced my installment for the next 2 weeks because the vehicle I rented was a little accident when rented by a Russian tourist from Russia ... I will add more installments after the damaged vehicle has been repaired and able to operate again. Thank you for your understanding.

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  • Yoppi    Jun 8, 2018

    I already made payment but have not been credited on my profile. thanks.

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  • Yoppi    May 29, 2018

    I have received funds. thanks for zidisha team and lenders .... sorry just want the story ... its credit risk payment is too big. and the cost of acceleration is also too great. I received only 4.2 million. while I returned 6.9 million. difference of 2.7 million within 5 months. please to lighten the following loan. because I have no intention at all to harm the zidisha and lender. my intention is pure to do business. borrow and return as soon as possible. I think my story could be a consideration so in the future I was given a relief to charge the above costs. thanks. success is always for you.

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    • Fitri    May 29, 2018

      Hi Yoppi, Try to read the information In the forum announcements section. Credit risk can be taken back when the loan is paid off. You can also read the information in other forums.

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      • Yoppi    May 29, 2018

        thank goodness if it can be taken back. I"m a little relieved. because it"s just for guarantees. hopefully it can be as it is written and not complicated its process. thank you for his mba information. good luck yes.

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  • Yoppi    May 29, 2018

    Thank you to the lenders. I will add the vehicle unit for rent. I hope the funds can be transferred immediately. because already many tenants who are looking for a vehicle. thanks. have a nice day. gbu all

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  • Yoppi    May 26, 2018

    hopefully my loan application can be approved. thanks zidisha team and all lenders.

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  • Yoppi    May 26, 2018

    hopefully my loan application can be approved. thanks zidisha team and all lenders.

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  • Yoppi    May 26, 2018

    sorry i do not have the ideal photo according to zidisha criteria. because I do not have a place of business. I run a rental business just put a sign on the side of the road. and show where the rental is. I put the vehicle at home. maybe later if there is an excessive fortune I can rent a kiosk to put a motor rental. but in the meantime, yes here it is. after all my vehicle is still minimal to have a rental kiosk. and until now my loan application still can not to update. thanks zidisha team.

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  • Yoppi    May 24, 2018

    if I was not allowed to borrow again .. ?? if so. OK. thank you very much zidisha team and the funders who have helped me. glad to know you guys. successful and healthy always for all its. God bless.

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  • Yoppi    May 24, 2018


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  • Yoppi    May 24, 2018

    nothing wrong with this. when the confirmation click and publish there is a description page can not be found ..... very surprising thanks zidisha team and lender.

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  • Yoppi    May 24, 2018

    my loan that yesterday was paid off. thank you to the lenders. today I intend to apply for a loan back to buy a used motorcycle that I will use for the motorcycle rental business. because now my rental vehicle is only 1 unit. while many are looking for rental vehicles. let alone will enter Idul Fitri holidays where many tourists visit Bali and require a vehicle. I hope the lenders will lend me back. I apologize in some time ago there was a late payment. to his future I will pastika never too late installments. thanks.

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  • Yoppi    May 23, 2018

    I have paid off my loan because my vehicle is not in the interest of the tenant has been sold. Thank you very much zidisha team. MR Paul Buchheit. and The Zinc Team. later I will apply for a new loan to buy another vehicle for rent back. but I hope to buy a new vehicle to attract the attention of the tenants. so while I will look for funds first to increase the cost of purchasing a new motorcycle. because it is very expensive to buy a new motorcycle. once again thank you very much zidisha team and all lenders. have a nice day. God Bless u all.

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