Fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds for watermelon farm


Jember, Indonesia

3% repaid




Member since

March 2015

On-time repayments

137 installments  •  2%

About Me

I am an immigrant in Jember. Since I was still in the primary school in 1980, I followed my parents to move to Balung village. I finished my educations in Balung, Jember. Both of my parents are a school teacher, but their hobby is to work in a farm.
When I was young, I used to help them in their farming activities. Since 2001, I rented a plot of farm from my neighbor, in order to grow chilies, watermelons, melons, etc. However, I am currently focusing in growing watermelons an melons.

My Business

I started to grow watermelons 13 years ago, all the way until now. The soil in Balung, Jember is particularly suitable to grow watermelons. Maximum harvest can be obtained with a serious effort in sowing, maintenance, and post-harvest treatment. For now, I need some fertilizer and pesticide for my watermelon plant. For the new farm, I also need a new F1 Watermelon seds.

Below is the breakdown of my requirement:
Winder 25 WP Imidakloprid 25%, 2 bottles x $145.000 = Rp 290.000,-
Turex WP Delta endotoksin, 2 bottles x 170.000 = Rp 340.000,-
Samite 135 EC : 2 bottles x 190.000 = Rp 380.000,-
Raydock 28 EC, 2 bottles 120.000 = Rp 240.000,-
Watermelon New One F1 100 gr = Rp 800.000,-

Total Amount : Rp 2.050.000,- or $170.

Loan Proposal

For now, I need some fertilizer and pesticide for my watermelon plant. For the new farm, I also need a new F1 Watermelon seds.

Below is the breakdown of my requirement:
Winder 25 WP Imidakloprid 25%, 2 bottles x $145.000 = Rp 290.000,-
Turex WP Delta endotoksin, 2 bottles x 170.000 = Rp 340.000,-
Samite 135 EC : 2 bottles x 190.000 = Rp 380.000,-
Raydock 28 EC, 2 bottles 120.000 = Rp 240.000,-
Watermelon New One F1 100 gr = Rp 800.000,-

Total Amount : Rp 2.050.000,- or $170.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah warga pendatang di kabupaten Jember. Tetapi sejak saya masih Sekolah dasar sudah mengikuti orang tua hijrah ke kota kecamatan Balung sejak tahun 1980. Saya menyelesaikan pendidikan SD, SMP dan SMA di kota Balung kabupaten Jember.
Kedua orang tua saya adalah guru di lingkungan dinas pendidikan. Tetapi hobi orang tua sehabis mengajar adalah kegiatan di ladang atau sawah.
Sejak kecil saya sudah terbiasa membantu orang tua dalam kegiatan usaha pertanian. Mulai tahun 2001 saya sudah bisa menyewa ladang milik tetangga untuk saya tanami beberapa produk pertanian, cabe, semangka, melon dan palawija.
Tetapi sampai sekarang saya lebih banyak melakukan budidaya melon dan semangka di kebun saya.

My Business

Saya mulai menanam semangka dengan pengalaman sudah 13 tahun lebih. Sampai sekarang saya masih melakukan budidaya tanaman semangka ini. hasil panen semangka cukup baik untuk tekstur tanah di kebun khususnya wilayah Balung dan sekitarnya.
Produk maksimal akan tercapai apabila pembibitan, perawatan dan penanganan pasca panen ditangani serius. Saat ini saya membutuhkan beberapa produk pupuk dan obat pencegah hama/penyakit semangka serta gulma. Untuk persediaan lahan baru juga membutuhkan tambahan bibit F1 Semangka Watermelon.
Rincian kebutuhan penanaman semangka yang saya lakukan saat ini:

Winder 25 WP Imidakloprid 25%, 2 botol x 145.000 = Rp 290.000,-
Turex WP Delta endotoksin, 2 botol x 170.000 = Rp 340.000,-
Samite 135 EC : 2 botol x 190.000 = Rp 380.000,-
Raydock 28 EC, 2 botol 120.000 = Rp 240.000,-
Watermelon New One F1 100 gr = Rp 800.000,-

KEBUTUHAN TOTAL : Rp 2.050.000,-

Loan Proposal

Saat ini saya membutuhkan beberapa produk pupuk dan obat pencegah hama/penyakit semangka serta gulma. Untuk persediaan lahan baru juga membutuhkan tambahan bibit F1 Semangka Watermelon.
Rincian kebutuhan penanaman semangka yang saya lakukan saat ini:
Winder 25 WP Imidakloprid 25%, 2 botol x 145.000 = Rp 290.000,-
Turex WP Delta endotoksin, 2 botol x 170.000 = Rp 340.000,-
Samite 135 EC : 2 botol x 190.000 = Rp 380.000,-
Raydock 28 EC, 2 botol 120.000 = Rp 240.000,-
Watermelon New One F1 100 gr = Rp 800.000,-

KEBUTUHAN TOTAL : Rp 2.050.000,-





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 3, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

32 months




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Robin Goodfellow

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Ask Joko a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Nov 26, 2017


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Apr 12, 2015 $1.50 Apr 19, 2015 $1.50
Apr 19, 2015 $0.00
Apr 26, 2015 $0.77 Apr 26, 2015 $0.77
May 3, 2015 $0.77 May 3, 2015 $0.77
May 10, 2015 $0.77
May 17, 2015 $0.77
May 24, 2015 $0.77
May 31, 2015 $0.77
Jun 7, 2015 $0.77
Jun 14, 2015 $0.77
Jun 21, 2015 $0.77
Jun 28, 2015 $0.77
Jul 5, 2015 $0.77
Jul 12, 2015 $0.77
Jul 19, 2015 $0.77
Jul 26, 2015 $0.77
Aug 2, 2015 $0.77
Aug 9, 2015 $0.77
Aug 16, 2015 $0.77
Aug 23, 2015 $0.77
Aug 30, 2015 $0.77
Sep 6, 2015 $0.77
Sep 13, 2015 $0.77
Sep 20, 2015 $0.77
Sep 27, 2015 $0.77
Oct 4, 2015 $0.77
Oct 11, 2015 $0.77
Oct 18, 2015 $0.77
Oct 25, 2015 $0.77
Nov 1, 2015 $0.77
Nov 8, 2015 $0.77
Nov 15, 2015 $0.77
Nov 22, 2015 $0.77
Nov 29, 2015 $0.77
Dec 6, 2015 $0.77
Dec 13, 2015 $0.77
Dec 20, 2015 $0.77
Dec 27, 2015 $0.77
Jan 3, 2016 $0.77
Jan 10, 2016 $0.77
Jan 17, 2016 $0.77
Jan 24, 2016 $0.77
Jan 31, 2016 $0.77
Feb 7, 2016 $0.77
Feb 14, 2016 $0.77
Feb 21, 2016 $0.77
Feb 28, 2016 $0.77
Mar 6, 2016 $0.77
Mar 13, 2016 $0.77
Mar 20, 2016 $0.77
Mar 27, 2016 $0.77
Apr 3, 2016 $0.77
Apr 10, 2016 $0.77
Apr 17, 2016 $0.77
Apr 24, 2016 $0.77
May 1, 2016 $0.77
May 8, 2016 $0.77
May 15, 2016 $0.77
May 22, 2016 $0.77
May 29, 2016 $0.77
Jun 5, 2016 $0.77
Jun 12, 2016 $0.77
Jun 19, 2016 $0.77
Jun 26, 2016 $0.77
Jul 3, 2016 $0.77
Jul 10, 2016 $0.77
Jul 17, 2016 $0.77
Jul 24, 2016 $0.77
Jul 31, 2016 $0.77
Aug 7, 2016 $0.77
Aug 14, 2016 $0.77
Aug 21, 2016 $0.77
Aug 28, 2016 $0.77
Sep 4, 2016 $0.77
Sep 11, 2016 $0.77
Sep 18, 2016 $0.77
Sep 25, 2016 $0.77
Oct 2, 2016 $0.77
Oct 9, 2016 $0.77
Oct 16, 2016 $0.77
Oct 23, 2016 $0.77
Oct 30, 2016 $0.77
Nov 6, 2016 $0.77
Nov 13, 2016 $0.77
Nov 20, 2016 $0.77
Nov 27, 2016 $0.77
Dec 4, 2016 $0.77
Dec 11, 2016 $0.77
Dec 18, 2016 $0.77
Dec 25, 2016 $0.77
Jan 1, 2017 $0.77
Jan 8, 2017 $0.77
Jan 15, 2017 $0.77
Jan 22, 2017 $0.77
Jan 29, 2017 $0.77
Feb 5, 2017 $0.77
Feb 12, 2017 $0.77
Feb 19, 2017 $0.77
Feb 26, 2017 $0.77
Mar 5, 2017 $0.77
Mar 12, 2017 $0.77
Mar 19, 2017 $0.77
Mar 26, 2017 $0.77
Apr 2, 2017 $0.77
Apr 9, 2017 $0.77
Apr 16, 2017 $0.77
Apr 23, 2017 $0.77
Apr 30, 2017 $0.77
May 7, 2017 $0.77
May 14, 2017 $0.77
May 21, 2017 $0.77
May 28, 2017 $0.77
Jun 4, 2017 $0.77
Jun 11, 2017 $0.77
Jun 18, 2017 $0.77
Jun 25, 2017 $0.77
Jul 2, 2017 $0.77
Jul 9, 2017 $0.77
Jul 16, 2017 $0.77
Jul 23, 2017 $0.77
Jul 30, 2017 $0.77
Aug 6, 2017 $0.77
Aug 13, 2017 $0.77
Aug 20, 2017 $0.77
Aug 27, 2017 $0.77
Sep 3, 2017 $0.77
Sep 10, 2017 $0.77
Sep 17, 2017 $0.77
Sep 24, 2017 $0.77
Oct 1, 2017 $0.77
Oct 8, 2017 $0.77
Oct 15, 2017 $0.77
Oct 22, 2017 $0.77
Oct 29, 2017 $0.77
Nov 5, 2017 $0.77
Nov 12, 2017 $0.77
Nov 19, 2017 $0.77
Nov 26, 2017 $0.09
