Rental toys in parks and entertainment venues


Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2016

On-time repayments

134 installments  •  21%

About Me

My name is DWI HANTORO I live in the countryside..lots of rice beautiful, cool, comfortable.banyak hasil pertanian.tradisi gotong-royong.aku really like a lot of things about children"s daughter"s dream to be a guru.karena he likes with little children. Any problems, constraints & future plans are always for me to share with my wife to decide about life issues. It"s about family, business or needs.

My Business

I rent a children"s toy business in the city park for more than 10 years. I used to capital $ 2500 to buy various games that many kids love from motor scooter matic, otoped, odong-odong, balloon house, and others are all interesting be careful of the kids to ride this game. The obstacle I often face in this business is that if the rainy season, income is reduced because the children rarely play to the park. Daily income of about $ 90 is deducted for employee salaries and other costs of about $ 45 so the total net income I receive every day is about $ 45. The results of my efforts to meet the needs of everyday households and buy motorcycles.

Loan Proposal

I"m leasing toys in parks and entertainment venues. __Usahaku included in the child entertainment services. __Aku apply for credit to the team zidisha to increase the stock of toys so that more toys that I had, the kids do not need to stand in long lines to enjoy the toys. __Uang credit of $ 170 will zidisha team I used to buy toys as a child motorcycle battery, car battery children, otoped and home a toy balloon. __Semoga with zidisha credit of this team, my effort more advanced, the more successful current income I earn so that I can add to the business copy, store stationery and office equipment such as hope that. Amen. ,

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

aku tinggal di pedesaan.banyak sawah.masih asri,sejuk,nyaman.banyak hasil pertanian.tradisi gotong-royong.aku sangat suka banyak hal tentang dunia anak-anak.cita-cita anakku ingin menjadi seorang guru.karena dia suka dengan anak kecil.apapun masalah,kendala&rencana masa depan selalu aku bagi cerita dengan istri untuk memutuskan berbagai masalah kehidupan.baik itu tentang keluarga,bisnis atau kebutuhan.

My Business

Aku usaha persewaan mainan anak-anak di taman kota sudah lebih dari 10 tahun.aku dulu modal $2500 membeli berbagai permainan yang banyak disukai anak-anak dari scooter motor matic,otoped,odong-odong,rumah balon,dan lain-lain yang semua menarik hati anak-anak untuk naik permainan ini.
Kendala yang sering aku hadapi dalam usaha ini adalah kalau musim penghujan,pemasukan berkurang karena anak-anak jarang main ke taman.
Pemasukan tiap hari sekitar $90 dipotong buat gaji karyawan dan biaya-biaya lain sekitar $45 jadi total pemasukan bersih yang aku terima tiap hari sekitar $45.
Hasil usahaku untuk mencukupi kebutuhan rumah tangga sehari-hari serta membeli sepeda motor.

Loan Proposal

Aku usaha persewaan mainan anak di taman dan tempat hiburan.
Usahaku termasuk dalam jasa hiburan anak.
Aku mengajukan kredit pada tim zidisha untuk menambah stok mainanku agar semakin banyak mainan yang aku punya,anak-anak tidak perlu antri lama untuk menikmati mainanku itu.
Uang kredit dari tim zidisha $170 akan aku gunakan membeli mainan seperti motor aki anak,mobil aki anak,otoped dan rumah balon mainan.
Semoga dengan kredit dari tim zidisha ini,usahaku semakin maju,sukses lancar semakin banyak pemasukan yang aku peroleh sehingga aku bisa menambah usaha fotocopy, toko alat tulis dan peralatan kantor seperti harapanku itu.amin..





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 28, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Ask Dwi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Dwi    Jan 1, 2018

    I again have a lot of very important family needs

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  • Dwi    Oct 19, 2017

    I again want to focus on raising business

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  • Dwi    Oct 15, 2017

    thanks to the pendants. I will use it well

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  • Dwi    Oct 11, 2017

    to the funders please help me to raise my efforts. I will always ontime installment and will always keep the trust of the team zidisha well. will not be late installment

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  • Dwi    Sep 22, 2017

    like this 3-wheeler that I want to buy to help simplify my efforts

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  • Dwi    Sep 2, 2017

    I always keep trust, responsibility and always ontime installment. __I hope the zidisha team keeps on making it easy and always giving credit to me so I can keep raising my business and I can achieve success in the future

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  • Dwi    Aug 18, 2017

    Your loan is paid off. Why there is no update yet

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  • Dwi    Aug 17, 2017

    My loan is paid off

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  • Dwi    Aug 16, 2017

    My loan is paid off. Please update the installment schedule

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  • Dwi    Jul 21, 2017

    By increasing the number of installments I hope I can get an additional amount of credit. Amen. .

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  • Dwi    Jun 3, 2017

    I have more needs

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  • Dwi    May 1, 2017

    Thanks to the team zidisha on a loan of $ 160 that has been given to me. __Saya will use the best possible way and will repay on time.

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  • Dwi    Apr 27, 2017

    Thank you for giving me the loan. __Saya be used preferably.

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