Persedin soybean tempe for business


Kab. Jepara, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

110 installments  •  26%

About Me

my name santi i come from bangsri jepara central java Indonesia. I am 23 years old having one brother and two parents. I work as tempe entrepreneur. I graduated from smk and now is studying in college. I have a desire to be a career woman but do not stop my efforts in producing this tempe. I want this business run by my employees but I can still work.

My Business

my business is tempe production. income from such production for the cost of daily life. I produce tempeh every day about 100 kg. I have one employee who helped me in making tempe. Every day I deposit tempe to the middleman and market market in the village where I live. the more people who take in my place the more soybean needs that I will need. so I need a lot of capital for this business that I run this.

Loan Proposal

For venture capital that I"m running the attempt tempeh. I should have a supply of soy for the production. And one sack of soybeans could reach Rp. 500,000 .__ So I really need additional capital for the business that I run this. Hopefully, my submission would be accepted. thanks.

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About Me

nama saya santi saya berasal dari bangsri jepara jawa tengah indonesia. saya berumur 23 tahun mempunyai satu orang adik dan dua orang tua. saya bekerja sebagai pengusaha tempe. saya lulusan smk dan sekarang sedang melanjutkan studi di perguruan tinggi. saya mempunyai keinginan menjadi wanita karir tetapi tidak menghentikan usaha saya dalam memproduksi tempe ini. saya ingin usaha ini dijalankan karyawan saya tetapi saya masih bisa bekerja.

My Business

usaha saya yaitu produksi tempe. penghasilan dari produksi tersebut untuk biaya kehidupan sehari hari. saya memproduksi tempe setiap harinya sekitar 100 kg. saya mempunyai satu karyawan yang membantu saya dalam pembuatan tempe.
setiap harinya saya menyetorkan tempe kepada tengkulak dan pasar pasar di desa tempat saya tinggal. semakin banyak orang yang mengambil di tempat saya maka semakin banyak pula kebutuhan kedelai yang akan saya butuhkan. sehingga saya membutuhkan banyak modal untuk usaha yang saya jalankan ini.

Loan Proposal

Untuk modal usaha yang sedang saya jalankan yaitu usaha tempe. Saya harus memiliki persediaan kedelai untuk produksi. Dan satu karung kedelai bisa mencapai Rp. 500.000.
Maka dari itu saya sangat membutuhkan tambahan modal untuk usaha yang saya jalankan ini. Semoga bisa di terima pengajuan saya. Terima kasih.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 8, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months


Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Ask Santi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Wahyuni    Jun 1, 2018

    Still can not be reached

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  • Wahyuni    Feb 17, 2018

    The person can not be contacted

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  • Santi    Dec 9, 2017

    Revenue decreases and zidisha payment is slightly disturbed because yesterday"s payment has not yet entered

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  • Santi    Sep 20, 2017

    I will use this loan to buy raw materials for my business. the goods I buy really help me in my production and efforts Thank you for funding my loan. .

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  • Santi    Sep 19, 2017

    I really need help from this loan to buy my business needs and buy raw material inventory. right now I really need money to renovate the house so that in running my business can be more flexible in producing in large quantities later.

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  • Santi    Sep 17, 2017

    my business is tempe production. income from such production for the cost of daily life. I produce tempeh every day about 100 kg. I have one employee who helped me in making tempe. Every day I deposit tempe to the middleman and market market in the village where I live. the more people who take in my place the more soybean needs that I will need. so I need a lot of capital for this business that I run this.

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  • Santi    Sep 17, 2017

    I use this loan to finance the raw material needs of my business ie purchase of soybeans. And now I want to increase the purchase of raw materials to have more inventory at home.

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  • Santi    Sep 17, 2017

    I already paid off the previous loan yesterday. I want to borrow again because I still need capital for my business with no other needs. __There is still plenty of raw materials to buy as well as other materials to buy for my business needs. Please help immediately.

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  • Santi    Sep 17, 2017

    Borrowing to finance soybean payments and for personal needs at this time because there is an additional purchase of raw materials for business to have more inventory

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  • Santi    Sep 17, 2017

    I have paid but there is no payment confirmation yet

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  • Santi    Sep 8, 2017

    to quickly pay off

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  • Santi    Aug 17, 2017

    Because currently the market is quiet

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  • Santi    Aug 6, 2017

    Because I have income that can to repay more loans than usual. In order to be paid off immediately

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  • Santi    Jul 21, 2017

    I add my installments because it can more quickly pay off so it can increase capital for subsequent loans

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  • Santi    Jul 5, 2017

    No funds yet

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  • Santi    Jul 4, 2017

    To be paid off in the hope of getting more funding from zidhisa with a larger nominal of yesterday"s loan

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  • Santi    Jul 4, 2017

    To be paid off in the hope of getting more funding from zidhisa with a larger nominal of yesterday"s loan

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  • Santi    Jul 4, 2017

    To be paid off in the hope of getting more funding from zidhisa with a larger nominal of yesterday"s loan

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  • Santi    Jul 4, 2017

    To be paid off in the hope of getting more funding from zidhisa with a larger nominal of yesterday"s loan

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  • Santi    Jul 3, 2017

    I am changing my schedule to more quickly repay this loan and hope to be added in the next loan.

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