Seeds and farm tools for melon, banana and mango cultivation

Hariyadi Fajar

Sukoharjo, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $200 goal


days left



Hariyadi Fajar

Member since

October 2015

On-time repayments

19 installments  •  0%

About Me

I hariyanto dawn nugroho. after graduating from college I worked approximately 1 year at a company with a monthly salary income. after that I saw no unproductive land belonging to my parents think remedy to develop into a productive business to grow fruits such as watermelon, melon, banana mango d side who are already there. d accompanied with productive land perlengakapan tool tools ditungjang yangvada technological advances nowadays can be a source of income for me and family

My Business

I started the business with memproduktifkan agricultural land is planted with fruit such as watermelon, melon, banana and mango in soil / land owned by my parents. I plan to expand this business into a business that can be a source of major pemghasilan for me and the family. I do not this is not easy but with belief and hard work and the technology that exists today with equipment and tools farm tools I believe this business will be developed and accepted by many in the community surrounding d.

Loan Proposal

to expand the business and increase supply of seeds and tools tools perlengakapan other farming as well as to facilitate the circulation of business cycles so as to obtain the maximum benefit for the development of my next .__ with the development of the means also increase income for me and I hope to employ others around me to improve the income and living standards.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya hariyanto fajar nugroho. setelah lulus kuliah saya bekerja lebih kurang 1 tahun disebuah perusahaan dgn penghasilan gaji perbulan. setelah itu saya melihat ada lahan yang tidak produktif milik orang tua saya berfikir untk mengembangkan menjadi usaha yang produktif dengan menanam buah buahan seperti semangka, melon, pisang d samping mangga yang sudah terlebih dahulu ada. dgn produktifnya lahan d sertai alat alat perlengakapan ditungjang kemajuan teknologi yangvada saat ini dapat menjadi sumber penghasilan bagi saya dan keluarga

My Business

saya merintis usaha pertanian dengan memproduktifkan lahan yang ada dgn menanam buah seperti semangka, melon, pisang dan mangga di tanah/lahan milik orang tua saya. saya berencana memperluas usaha ini menjadi bisnis yang dapat menjadi sumber pemghasilan utama bagi saya dan keluarga. saya tidak ini tidaklah mudah tapi dgn keyakinan dan kerja keras serta teknologi yang ada saat ini disertai perlengkapan dan alat alat pertanian saya yakin bisnis ini akan maju dan diterima oleh banyak kalangan masyarakat d sekitar.

Loan Proposal

untuk memperluas bisnis dan menambah persedian bibit dan alat alat perlengakapan pertanian lainnya serta untuk memperlancar sirkulasi perputaran bisnis sehingga dapat memperolah keuntungan yang maksimal untuk pengembangan usaha saya selanjutnya.
dengan berkembangnya usaha berarti juga menambah penghasilan bagi saya dan saya berharap dapat mempekerjakan orang lain disekitar saya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan taraf hidup.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 6, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

4 months




seattle, United States


Bob Fitzjohn

Fontvielle, Monaco, Yemen


Denver, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States



Austria, Austria

stephen sontag

Narragansett, United States



Singapore, Singapore


Samuel Le

Seattle, WA, United States


Matt Willis

United States


Paul Graham

United States



Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



Zurich, Switzerland

Ask Hariyadi Fajar a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Mar 20, 2016


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 15, 2015 $11.22
Nov 22, 2015 $11.22
Nov 29, 2015 $11.22
Dec 6, 2015 $11.22
Dec 13, 2015 $11.22
Dec 20, 2015 $11.22
Dec 27, 2015 $11.22
Jan 3, 2016 $11.22
Jan 10, 2016 $11.22
Jan 17, 2016 $11.22
Jan 24, 2016 $11.22
Jan 31, 2016 $11.22
Feb 7, 2016 $11.22
Feb 14, 2016 $11.22
Feb 21, 2016 $11.22
Feb 28, 2016 $11.22
Mar 6, 2016 $11.22
Mar 13, 2016 $11.22
Mar 20, 2016 $8.09
