Supply of chocolate goods kiloan


Bogor, Indonesia


$25 to go

29% funded of $35 goal


days left




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  33%

About Me

My name is fahrul fauzi I am already married and have two children. . I want to realize my wife"s dream to open my own business in the field of travel plane tickets who now live my hobby of cooking I want to make my family happy and want my children to succeed in the future. __I live in the bogor area with the place where the strategy to start the business__ fore his I want to create a new thing that before it does not exist yet. . And I am sure if we have the capital and confidence and hard work all the ideals will be done

My Business

Source of income sy dr ojek oneline dn dibntu by the wife sy who open his own business venture that was going on now yes it sells chocolate delfie lagie kiloan karna ahead of Idul Fitri holidays and also sell air tickets and domestic and foreign tour. Allhamdulilah until now still run the business is approximately four years. With the loan from zidisha is very helpful to us in running our business and business. __Thank you zidisha has given us trust. Hopefully it can be up to our teenage children

Loan Proposal

I will stoke brown goods because consumer demand in the lead up to welcome Idhul fitri day. . Its profit is 15% of the price I sell. My customers love the stuff I sell and they are quite satisfied. __and I will use a loan from this zidisha to produce chocolate and promote my product. . With this I plead that my loan is approved and accepted. . __Thanks as much to the zidsha. .

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Nama saya fahrul fauzi saya udah berkeluarga dan mempunya dua orang anak ..Saya ingin mewujudkan cita cita istri saya untuk membuka usaha sendiri di bidang travel tiket pesawat yg sekarang lagi dijalani hobi saya memasak saya ingin membuat keluarga saya bahagia dan ingin anak anak saya sukses kedepannya.
Saya tinggal di daerah bogor dengan letak tempat yang strategi untuk memulai bisnis
Kedepan nya saya ingin menciptakan hal yang baru yang sebelum nya belum ada..Dan saya yakin apabila kita mempunyai modal dan keyakinan dan kerja keras semua cita cita pasti akan terlaksana

My Business

Sumber penghasilan sy dr ojek oneline dn dibntu oleh istri sy yg buka usaha sendiri usaha yang sedangberlangsung saatini ya itu menjual coklat delfie lagie kiloan karna menjelang hari raya idul fitri dan juga menjual tiket pesawat dan tour dmestik maupun luar domestik.Allhamdulilah sampai saat ini masih menjalankan usaha tersebut kurang lebih empat tahun.Dengan adanya pinjaman dari zidisha sangat membantu kami dalam menjalankan bisnis dan usaha kami.
Terima kasih zidisha sudah memberikan kepercayaan kepada kami.Mudahmudahan bisa sampai anak anak kami remaja

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menyetok barang coklat karna permintaan konsumen dalam menjelang menyambut hari idhul fitri ..keuntungan nya yaitu 15% dari harga yg sayajual.Konsumen saya sangat menyukai barang barang yg saya jual dan mereka cukup puas.
dan saya akan menggunakan pinjaman dari zidisha ini untuk memperprodksi coklat dan mempromosikan produk saya ..Dengan ini saya memohon semoga pinjaman saya di setujui dan di terima ..
Terima kasih yang sebanyak banyak ke pada zidsha..





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • Fahrul    Mar 12, 2023

    thank you I will use these funds for my online taxi job to change oil and car servicing..I will try to return these funds according to the application procedure to maintain trust. Thank you very much

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  • Fahrul    Jun 8, 2017

    I am very happy to get capital for my new entrepreneurship. . __I hopefully in the future I am given the trust back to add a loan for my venture capital. __Thank you very much

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  • Fahrul    May 31, 2017

    I thank you very much because with this loan I can trade again

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  • Fahrul    May 22, 2017

    I am an entrepreneur in the field of food and also entrepreneurship in ojek transportation online. . With his existing loans from zidisha make and simplify in my venture capital. . Thank you

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  • Fahrul    May 22, 2017

    I am an entrepreneur in the field of food and his prospects are promising. . __With a quick payback I can apply for more loans and have more capital for the long term. . Thanks zidisha for his loan and trust

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  • Fahrul    May 9, 2017

    Thank you for trust to me with in my acc filing. . I will use the money to finance my motorbike rope. . thank you

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  • Fahrul    May 9, 2017

    Thank you before. . . I will use the money to replace my motorcycle tires already damaged. . To support my ojek online oprasional

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