Supply of camelo ice raw material


Bandung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  93%

About Me

I am native born in the city of bandung, since childhood I have learned to live independently selling always be fun for me, I am the second child of 4 siblings. now I have a family and allhamdulillah in gift 1 child who is now 1.5 years old, my activities other than selling at this time I was finishing education S1 sharia law in one of Islamic religious colleges in the city of Bandung

My Business

I sell ice camelo and open the payment PPOB, I choose to sell ice camelo because it includes snacks that are liked by all circles, especially children, and PPOB become additional business that I have currently managed by my third sister, in one month turnover I am up to Rp5.000.000 -__ and operating expense Rp1.500.000-, I run this business is more than 3 years and my goal of owning this business is to be able to buy a private house, because so far I still go with my parents

Loan Proposal

Will be used for additional raw material ice camelo profit margin from this business can be up to 20%, our school market sd, tk madrasah our densely packed food stalls invite you to join in this project because we can utilize the people around who do not have jobs to Produce ice camelo and we earn 50 / pcs, we think with Zidisha provisions that require us to invest in the beginning of this make our camelo business development project can be terpending first, because at this time we prefer to invest in equipment and equipment not until investment seprti depositors , Thanks

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About Me

saya asli lahir di kawasan kota bandung,semenjak kecil saya sudah belajar hidup mandiri berjualan selalu menjadi hal yang menyenangkan bagi saya,saya anak ke 2 dari 4 bersaudara.saat ini saya sudah berkeluarga dan allhamdulillah di karuniai 1 orang anak yang kini berusia 1,5 tahun,aktivitas saya selain berjualan saat ini saya sedang menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 hukum syariah di salah satu perguruan tinggi agama islam di kota bandung

My Business

saya berjualan es camelo dan membuka pembayaran PPOB,saya memilih berjualan es camelo karena termasuk jajanan yang di sukai semua kalangan terutama anak anak,dan PPOB menjadi bisnis tambahan yang saya miliki yang saat ini di kelola oleh adik saya yang ke tiga,dalam satu bulan omset saya sampai dengan Rp5.000.000-
dan beban operasional Rp1.500.000-,saya menjalankan usaha ini sudah lebih dari 3 tahun dan tujuan saya dari memiliki usaha ini adalah untuk dapat memebeli rumah pribadi,karena selama ini saya masih ikut dengan orang tua saya

Loan Proposal

akan di gunakan untuk tambahan bahan baku es camelo profit margin dari usaha ini bisa sampai 20%,market kita sekolah sd,tk madrasah warung warung padat penduduk kita mengajak anda untuk bergabung di project ini karena kita dapat memanfaatkan masyarakat di sekitar yang belum memiliki pekerjaan untuk memproduksi es camelo dan kita upah senilai 50/pcs,kami rasa dengan ketentuan Zidisha yang mengharuskan kita berinvestasi di awal ini membuat project pengembangan usaha camelo kami bisa saja terpending dahulu,karena saat ini kami lebih memilih berinvestasi di peralatan dan perlengkapan belum sampai investasi seprti deposan,trims





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 25, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Edwin a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Edwin    Sep 25, 2024

    Alhamdulillah, the funds have been transferred to my account, thank you for your support for my project.

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  • Edwin    Sep 23, 2024

    Business Name: Es Kul-Kul Buah Business Type: Selling ice kul-kul from raw materials of fruits sprinkled with chocolate. Business Location: Bandung City, Indonesia Target Market: Children, students, families, and healthy food lovers. Product Uniqueness: Using fresh fruits as the basic ingredients. Coated with quality chocolate, adding to the deliciousness and appeal. Various fruit variants: mango, banana, strawberry, pineapple, etc. Affordable prices and suitable for all groups. Raw Materials Purchase of fresh fruits (mango, banana, strawberry, etc.): IDR 125,000 Chocolate for sprinkling: IDR 80,000 Plastic wrap and ice skewers: IDR 50,000 Supporting Equipment Ice molds and storage containers: IDR 70,000 Promotion and Marketing Design and printing of brochures/flyers: IDR 50,000 Total: IDR 375,000 Thank you for your support, may you be blessed with abundant sustenance, and all that is being worked on will be given smoothness by God Almighty, aamiin

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  • Edwin    Sep 16, 2024

    Alhamdulillah, my camelo ice cream sales business is running smoothly and developing well, thank you to investors at Zidisha for giving me funding trust, currently I am developing a new product, kulkul ice cream made from fruit and wrapped in chocolate, by selling and getting capital support from Zidisha I can pay my child's school fees every month without arrears.

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  • Edwin    Nov 27, 2017

    assalammualaikum I have paid off its financing and I pay every week routine knapa on the dashboard still appear bill ya? this contact wa me 089655155174

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  • Edwin    Oct 28, 2017

    For this mega sya trf 2 times the repayment please immediately in response which part is wrong?

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  • Edwin    Sep 22, 2017

    Allhamdulillah I have received financing from zidsha, thanks to the investors hope this cooperation can always beralngsung future, and hope the father / mother in giving health and fluency fortune, aamiin greeting also for zidisha teamyang have bridged me with the investors good luck always zidisha

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  • Edwin    Aug 13, 2017

    For this first period installment I can repay more than the specified, in because my cashflow in the business daily,

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  • Edwin    Jul 25, 2017

    Allhamdulllah financing that I submit can be melted, through my wife"s BCA account, we thank the zidisha, and to investors for entrusting his funds in our business, my initial financing is Rp84.000, - hopefully this a good start to step Which is better on my business trip. And this fund I have already purchased raw material for making camelo ice

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  • Edwin    Jul 25, 2017

    I will buy this raw material to make ice camelo, the addition of this raw material purchase helps to increase my trade turnover, thanks to you who have invested in my business is the first step of your trust hopefully our future remains a partner in this business.

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