Inventory of stock of sale goods


Kota Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

29 installments  •  55%

About Me

I am a single mother. Now I want to need funding for my child"s school and some for my business needs. My goal is to make my own business to be an independent woman. Because I want to show my daughter that I am a person old who can be relied upon

My Business

I sell clothes and electrical pulses. Everyday I sell cooked food at my child"s school. For its own turnover, I can not confirm because it depends on the enthusiasts and their needs. Usually I get a month turnover ranging from 1.000.000, -

Loan Proposal

I will use it to buy some items for my sales needs. So that my stock of goods become quite a lot, with various kinds and specific models

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya adalah seorang ibu tunggal.sekarang saya ingin membutuhkan dana untuk keperluan anak saya sekolah dan beberapa lagi untuk kebutuhan usaha saya.tujuan saya membuat bisnis sendiri yaitu agar saya menjadi wanita yang mandiri.karena saya ingin menunjukkan kepada anak perempuan saya,bahwa saya adalah orang tua yang bisa diandalkannya

My Business

Saya menjual pakaian dan pulsa elektrik.setiap hari saya menjual makanan matang di sekolah anak saya.untuk omsetnya sendiri,saya tidak dapat memastikannya karena tergantung dari peminat dan kebutuhannya.biasanya saya sebulan mendapatkan omset berkisar 1.000.000,-

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menggunakannya untuk membeli beberapa barang-barang untuk kebutuhan penjualan saya.agar persediaan barang saya menjadi lumayan banyak,dengan berbagai macam dan model tertentu





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 28, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months




United States


United Kingdom

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  • Eka Maryanti    Mar 27, 2018

    Please pay the loan due

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  • Eka Maryanti    Dec 25, 2017

    Please repay the loan that has matured

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  • Dwi    Oct 22, 2017

    That loan I used as my additional capital to buy stock of goods Thanks to lenders and zidisha teams who have entrusted me back

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  • Dwi    Oct 21, 2017

    right now my loan is fully paid thanks to the lenders or donors who have entrusted me

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  • Dwi    Oct 20, 2017

    Thank you in advance for the lenders or donors who have entrusted me. Thus I always keep that trust by paying on time. thank you

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  • Dwi    Oct 20, 2017

    Thank you in advance for the lenders or donors who have entrusted me. Thus I always keep that trust by paying on time.

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  • Dwi    Oct 20, 2017

    Thanks to lenders (donors) can thus help my everyday life

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  • Dwi    Oct 20, 2017

    I hereby wish to inform you that for my loan I had previously paid for it. For that reason I would like to thank the lenders for their sincerity and sincerity in providing loan funding. And for the zidisha team who have bridged the loan. With the loan it can provide a change the path of my life as a single parent and my efforts to be more advanced.

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  • Dwi    Oct 20, 2017

    Thank you so much to the lender of the loan to me.Dengan so can change the way my life view and my family.karena with the existence of the loan I can change my living standards.Because I can open a business and help the needs of my child school Thank you

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  • Dwi    Oct 20, 2017

    Greetings 1 heart.Thanks as much as possible to the donors and teams zidisha especially for his insults against me, so I really appreciate and respect it.This is my loan for the third time.For my previous payment has been paid off before maturity.Because I want to make a change in me especially for my only child. thank you

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  • Dwi    Aug 28, 2017

    Thank you, I will use it to buy equipment and my business needs

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  • Dwi    Aug 19, 2017

    Thanks to the donors. Before I want to tell you that my previous loan has been paid in full on time

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  • Dwi    Jul 23, 2017

    Thank you for his trust for lenders. I will always appreciate and respect you by paying on time. __Do you god bless you

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  • Dwi    Jul 14, 2017

    Due to an increase in my sales in the past few weeks

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  • Dwi    Jun 9, 2017

    Thanks to zidisha and donors. Hopefully this loan is useful for my child

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