Persediaan make up dan salon

Siti Rizky Ajeng

Magelang, Indonesia

100% repaid



Siti Rizky Ajeng

Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

43 installments  •  74%

About Me

introduce me Siti Rizky ajeng fahrani usually called ajeng. I live in the city of Magelang, Central Java. I was born March 09, 1995 I am married and have 3 children. My decision to build my business is this my hobby that I like. My unique residence they love to work together and help each other. My dream is to be a successful person .. my unique hobby of makeup.

My Business

My business is engaged in services. more precisely her beauty salon and bridal makeup. My salon has been around since the 80s. already has many customers. the reason I choose this business because this business promises many people who seek. I decided to expand this business further. Lots more people coming to the salon. for the turnover and capital sy can not estimate in detail. just as an example i bought a haircut tool such as scissors, comb, clipper, clipper etc. with 5jt capital. with this 5jt capital I can make money 10juta or even more. because Ap ?? because the tool I use is long term and can be used repeatedly. income I generate to grow my business and for the cost of my personal needs ..

Loan Proposal

Drug rebonding = Rp150000, -__ Make up etc = Rp 150000, - can more__Keuntungannya I can get money from customers who come and customer sy bs satisfied with my service servants, the salom__Keuntungan I expect bs lbh dr 50% karna ap I sell services and Art in make up. . Jd more ask for cust bs appreciate me. Tp ttp yaa customer must be satisfied with the service I have given.

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About Me

perkenalkan saya Siti Rizky ajeng fahrani biasa di panggil ajeng.
saya tinggal di kota Magelang Jawa tengah.
saya lahir 09 Maret 1995
saya sudah berkeluarga dan mempunyai 3 orang anak. Keputusan saya membangun bisnis saya adalah ini hobi saya yg saya suka.
Tempat tinggal saya unik mereka senang bergotong royong dan saling membantu. Cita cita saya adalah mampu menjadi seorang yg sukses.. hobi unik saya merias diri.

My Business

usaha saya ini bergerak di bidang jasa. lebih tepat nya salon kecantikan dan rias pengantin. salon saya ini sudah ada sejak tahun 80an. sudah memiliki banyak pelanggan. alasan saya memilih bisnis ini karna bisnis ini menjanjikan banyak orang yg mencari. saya memutuskan untuk mengembangkan bisnis ini lbh maju lagi. lbh banyak lagi orang yg datang ke salon. untuk omset dan modal sy tidak bisa perkirakan secara rinci. hanya sebagai contoh saya membeli alat pangkas rambut seperti gunting,sisir,jepit,clipper dll dgn modal 5jt. dgn modal 5jt ini saya bisa menghasilkan uang 10juta atau bahkan lebih. karena Ap?? karna alat yg saya gunakan bersifat jangka panjang dan bisa di pakai berulang kali. pendapatan yg saya hasilkan untuk mengembangkan bisnis saya dan untuk biaya kebutuhan pribadi..

Loan Proposal

Obat rebonding = Rp150000,-
Make up dll = Rp 150000,- bisa lebih
Keuntungannya saya dapat mendapatkan uang dr customer yg datang dan customer sy bs puas dgn pelayanam jasa saya, yaitu salom
Keuntungan yg saya harapkan bs lbh dr 50% karna ap saya menjual jasa dan seni dalam make up.. Jd lebih meminta untuk cust bs menghargai saya. Tp ttp yaa customer harus puas dgn pelayanan yg sudah saya berikan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 2, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months




United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Craig Newmark

United States

The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Craig Newmark

United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Siti Rizky Ajeng a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Bahrum    May 11, 2018

    Hi, good night mba Siti Rizky Ajeng Fahrani, there seems to be something you forget, that is your obligation to repay your loan to Zidisha. If you have not been able to pay installments to Zidisha please login again and provide news to the lender, and reschedule your installments to be affordable with your finances. I hope to be immediately informed to Zidisha and the lender. I"m sorry my Volunteer Mentor you, BAHRUM, BOGOR - INDONESIA

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Mar 30, 2018

    Thank you for funding my loan. I will use with the best .. and to freeze barang2 yg yg useful for my needs .. I will soon pay off all the loans who donors

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Oct 7, 2017

    Thank you very much to my loan provider. I will use the best loan money. And will buy it. You need a salon. Thank you

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Oct 7, 2017

    I will buy a variety of makeup tools or salons. Such as powder, foundation, eyeshadow kalo make salon y like drug rebonding, cteamcreambath dll. Purchase of this stuff is very helpful for my business because dean new tool syany sy expect more and more customer attracted the sympathy of other customers if salon goods sy have complete and quality. I hope the turnover I can get 50% up so it can immediately pay off this dr zidisha loan. For awards from the family is at least they can know that I bs independently not depend on anyone .. Examples of goods I will buy sy att attached as evidence.

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Oct 7, 2017

    I will buy makeup and salon tools. Sangat2 ​​help because with a tool that competent will many customers who dtg to my salon. Hopefully can increase revenue up to 50% dr earlier. If the income increases then I bs immediately pay off this dr zidisha loan. Achievements that I accomplish is I can be independent mengahasilkan money tdak depend on my husband .. The event that approached maybe this month"s wedding season.

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Oct 7, 2017

    I will buy makeup and salon tools. Sangat2 ​​help because with a tool that competent will many customers who dtg to my salon. Hopefully can increase revenue up to 50% dr earlier. If the income increases then I bs immediately pay off this dr zidisha loan. Achievements that I accomplish is I can be independent mengahasilkan money tdak depend on my husband .. The event that approached maybe this month"s wedding season. I include photos of my makeup ..

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Oct 7, 2017

    I will buy makeup and salon tools. Sangat2 ​​help because with a tool that competent will many customers who dtg to my salon. Hopefully can increase revenue up to 50% dr earlier. If the income increases then I bs immediately pay off this dr zidisha loan. Achievements that I accomplish is I can be independent mengahasilkan money tdak depend on my husband .. The event that approached maybe this month"s wedding season.

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Sep 1, 2017

    Thanks to the funders for funding my loan. Sy will use it to add my makeup salon equipment. This helps my work a lot.

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Aug 28, 2017

    Already this 3x I filed pinjamana. And I never forget to repay. Payment is always ontime. Hopefully this sya loan soon caie. I will buy more of my makeup tool. Purchase is very helpful My job is because by buying an additional makeup tool I will lbh develop in the work. Addition of income may increase bs lbh dr 30%. __Additional income will be used to repay the zidisha loan and use it for other purposes. Achievements that I get recognition from the public if my salon is the best salon. In the sense of affordable price but satisfactory quality. Special Feast of the region I am a carnival. And my salon participated to make up the children who participated carnival ny.

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Jun 2, 2017

    Total loans to buy equipment 299rb__Sy akam my salon. __Terimasih once again for the funding. I will pay on time.

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Jun 2, 2017

    Thank you for funding my loan. . May be useful for me personally

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    Jun 1, 2017

    In order segillionunas and can borrow again. .

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  • Siti Rizky Ajeng    May 5, 2017

    I will use the money to buy the materials needed disalon sy my mouth. Certainly helped with the luggage bs sy works. __Terima you for the borrower has upgraded my submission this acc. ,

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