Inventories laptop for business services online sales


Semarang, Indonesia

1% repaid




Member since

November 2015

On-time repayments

71 installments  •  1%

About Me

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.____Firstly, I would like to appreciate the protocol who has give me nice opportunity to introduce myself. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen for making effecient our time. Let me begin now.__I am Dwi yuniarti rahayu but you can call me yuyun. I came from Semarang (Indonesia). I live in the way of genuksari rt.03 rw.05 house number 4 , genuksari urban village , kecamatan genuk , semarang , central java, Indonesia__My religion is moslem. My hobbies are reading and jogging. I’m 27 years old. __I have a husband and one boys . I already have their own house .I worked as a secretary in the company technique distributor instrument in semarang . __I think that’s all my personal data if there are some questions, i’m going to answer as far as my able to. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your kind attention, i’m so sorry if i have some mistakes and see next time

My Business

I had no idea that has got chance to be joined at forum zidisha this . My name is dwi yuniarti rahayu , i come from semarang , indonesia . On that occasion i shall tell of the work and effort i . I worked as a secretary in the company distributor instrument technique in semarang , other than that i own a business by-product offline to sell secondhand clothing and help my husband to purchase of the former phone .Hence to ensure that businesses can develop i , i intend to apply for a loan capital in this forum zidisha.__To close i want to quoted of walt disney .He said , land of dreams sure you can achieving if you have the courage to pursue them .It means , if you have dreams and mobile the dream , believe a book .Trust that dream you would you can achieving.__thanks zidisha

Loan Proposal

Glad to join in this Zidisha forum, I will give some reviews about the funds I need for my business. Once the rapid increase in the number of computer and internet users in Indonesia is an opportunity that can be used as a commercial enterprise in the field of trade in goods and services online. Coupled with the increasing number of computer users who come from various backgrounds who mostly have high activity and more like practical things, as well as meeting the needs of perkomputerannya, then I have an idea for an online sales and service services hp online that acts as an intermediary medium between buyers and suppliers. Therefore, with the laptop, as a means of supporting this in my efforts. __Dalam Open every effort, certainly needed capital. Similarly to develop my business is definitely costly effort as a capital of 100USD-200USD .__ In running an online business I do not need a special time in doing it. I can do it anywhere and anytime without disturbing the office work or activities of my other .__ profit from each product and service offered different - different, for the first month the chances are 100USD depending on how many goods are sold or services, the service for one month .__ I have great expectations that could become the biggest online businesses that can handle all the needs of the market with high integrity and have tremendous confidence in the eyes of the people of Indonesia. Hopefully with the review of my business, there are funders who kindly lend money to let my business can thrive in the future.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.

Firstly, I would like to appreciate the protocol who has give me nice opportunity to introduce myself. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen for making effecient our time. Let me begin now.
I am Dwi yuniarti rahayu but you can call me yuyun. I came from Semarang (Indonesia). I live in the way of genuksari rt.03 rw.05 house number 4 , genuksari urban village , kecamatan genuk , semarang , central java, Indonesia
My religion is moslem. My hobbies are reading and jogging. I’m 27 years old.
I have a husband and one boys . I already have their own house .I worked as a secretary in the company technique distributor instrument in semarang .
I think that’s all my personal data if there are some questions, i’m going to answer as far as my able to. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your kind attention, i’m so sorry if i have some mistakes and see next time

My Business

I had no idea that has got chance to be joined at forum zidisha this . My name is dwi yuniarti rahayu , i come from semarang , indonesia . On that occasion i shall tell of the work and effort i . I worked as a secretary in the company distributor instrument technique in semarang , other than that i own a business by-product offline to sell secondhand clothing and help my husband to purchase of the former phone .Hence to ensure that businesses can develop i , i intend to apply for a loan capital in this forum zidisha.
To close i want to quoted of walt disney .He said , land of dreams sure you can achieving if you have the courage to pursue them .It means , if you have dreams and mobile the dream , believe a book .Trust that dream you would you can achieving.
thanks zidisha

Loan Proposal

Senang sekali bisa bergabung di forum Zidisha ini, Saya akan sedikit memberikan ulasan tentang dana yang saya perlukan untuk usaha saya. Begitu pesatnya pertambahan jumlah pengguna komputer dan internet di Indonesia merupakan suatu peluang yang dapat dijadikan lahan bisnis di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa secara online. Ditambah dengan makin banyaknya pengguna komputer yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan yang kebanyakan memiliki kesibukan tinggi dan lebih suka dengan hal-hal praktis, juga dalam memenuhi kebutuhan perkomputerannya, maka saya mempunyai ide untuk penjualan secara online dan jasa service hp secara online yang berperan sebagai media perantara antara pembeli dan supplier. Oleh karena itu dengan adanya Laptop, sebagai sarana penunjang dalam usaha saya ini.
Dalam membuka setiap usaha, pasti dibutuhkan modal. Begitu pula untuk mengembangkan usaha saya ini pasti membutuhkan biaya usaha sebagai modal sebesar 100USD-200USD.
Dalam menjalankan usaha online ini saya tidak memerlukan waktu khusus dalam mengerjakannya. Saya dapat melakukannya dimana pun dan kapan pun tanpa menggangu pekerjaan kantor ataupun aktivitas saya yang lain.
Laba dari tiap produk dan jasa yang ditawarkan berbeda - beda, untuk bulan pertama kemungkinannya ialah 100USD tergantung dari berapa banyaknya barang yang terjual maupun jasa service selama satu bulan tersebut.
Saya memiliki harapan yang besar agar bisa menjadi usaha online terbesar yang dapat menangani setiap kebutuhan pasar dengan integritas tinggi dan memiliki kepercayaan yang luar biasa di mata masyarakat Indonesia. Semoga dengan ulasan tentang usaha saya ini, ada pendana yang berbaik hati memberikan pinjaman dana terhadap usaha saya ini biar dapat berkembang pesat nantinya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 3, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

16 months



Bob Fitzjohn

Fontvielle, Monaco, Yemen



Berkeley, CA, United States


San Francisco, Ca, United States




Haim Si

Mexico, Mexico


Matt Willis

United States


Paul Graham

United States



Venice, Italy

Ask Dwi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


