A more diverse supply of hijabs and motifs


Deli Serdang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

July 2017

On-time repayments

86 installments  •  50%

About Me

I am a child widow 1, to pay for my child, sy hrs work, but with bs keep my child ... then i open a business d dnn rmh, a headscarf shop. at this time my store sdh start crowded. but smua constrained with limited capital .. sy have cita2 can have convection hijab itself, but all constrained with capital .. this is the short of my self .. trimakasih

My Business

store hijab and onlineshop ,, if my veil shop take advantage 5-10rb / pc .. 1bln net turnover sy 1jt. my advantage, sy use to buy child milk, school fees, and other purposes ..

Loan Proposal

To add more hijab inventory, so that consumers have many options to buy. .

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya seorang janda anak 1, untuk membiayai anak saya, sy hrs berkerja ,tetapi dgn tetap bs merawat anak saya... maka saya membuka usaha d dpn rmh, sebuah toko jilbab. saat ini toko saya sdh mulai ramai. tapi smua terkendala dengan modal yg terbatas.. sy mempunyai cita2 bisa punya konveksi jilbab sendiri, tetapi semua terkendala dgn modal.. inilah singkatnya tentang diri saya.. trimakasih

My Business

toko jilbab dan onlineshop,, jika toko jilbab saya mengambil keuntungan 5-10rb / pc.. 1bln omset bersih sy 1jt. keuntungan saya, sy gunakan untuk beli susu anak, biaya anak sekolah, dan keperluan lainnya..

Loan Proposal

untuk menambah beli persediaan jilbab yg lbih beragam, agar para konsumen mempunyai banyak pilihan utk di beli..





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 30, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months




Canberra, Australia

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