Persediaan helmets / helmets aksessoris untuk toko helmets


Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

49 installments  •  96%

About Me

I am a woman whose childhood lives in simplicity, but a fast-growing era, now I work hard to keep my family alive for nothing. __I educate my children to be independent and disciplined so that my child will be able to face a very sophisticated era and become a child who is not weak in facing anything in this world__ If my child grow up any thing that wants or wants to aspire to be more Understand because my child is educated firmly and independence in building a better identity

My Business

The business I now live today is trading helmets, a variety of helmets that I sell, but not helmets I sell a variety of helmpun accessories I also sell such as gloves, masks, mirrors and helmet helm__saya choose this helmet sales because of promising turnover__Keuntungan I can reach 15 million - 20 million / month, with the advantage I use for my daily life and school fees and if the benefits can also help my less fortunate brothers

Loan Proposal

With these funds I would buy some aksessoris for motorcycle users seperti__Helem bogo kids 1 / 2lusin = 23 USD__Masker 1lusin = 5 USD__Sarung hand 1lusin = 10 USD__Keuntungannya again will I turn my store tuk purposes

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About Me

Kehidupan saya diwaktu kecil begitu bahagia,walaupun saya dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang sederhana namun kebutuhan saya terpenuhi.Kesulitan yang saya lampau yaitu dimana suatu kepercayaan telah disalah gunakan dengan dibalas kecurangan
Saya mendirikan usaha ini penuh dengan perjuangan dari modal sedikit dan toko yang kecil hingga sekarang bisa menyewa toko yang lebih besar dan keuntungan yang besar juga
Sekarang ini saya tinggal didaerah dimana masyarakatnya berbagai macam suku dan budaya yang berbeda satu sama lain,namun itu membuat kita saling membantu dan saling menghargai satu dengan yang lainnya
Disaat pertumbuhan ini anak saya bercita-cita ingin menjadi dokter gigi.
Hobi saya yaitu bedagang karena bisa menghasilkan uang dan dapat mengetahui karakter pembeli saat mereka membeli dagangan saya

My Business

Sekarang usaha yang sedang saya jalanin adalah membuka toko helem serta aksesoris lainnya seperti sarung tangan,masker dan kaca spion
Itulah barang-barang yang saya jual sekarang ini dengan servis pelayanan yang maksimal
Barang-barang ini diinginkan pembeli untuk keamanan sebagian tubuh terutama kepala dan servis pelayanan agar pembeli merasa nyaman dan senang
Saya memilih jenis ini karena barang tersebut banyak peminatnya
Ongkos saat belanja barang-barang tersebut untuk kebutuhan toko saya sekitar Rp200rb-Rp300rb dalam 3-4 kali /bulan disaat belanja,dengan saya menjual barang-barang tersebut,keuntungan/omzet yang saya peroleh bisa mencapai 45-60 juta/bulan Keuntugan tersebut saya gunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kehidupan keluarga saya dan dapat membantu saudara2 saya yang membutuhkan bantuan saya serta ingin membangun rumah impian saya dan membiayai anak saya sekolah

Loan Proposal

Dengan Dana ini saya akan membeli beberapa aksessoris bagi pengguna motor seperti
Helem bogo kids 1/2lusin= 23 USD
Masker 1lusin= 5 USD
Sarung tangan 1lusin = 10 USD
Keuntungannya akan saya putar lagi tuk keperluan toko saya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 17, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Yulfitri a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Yulfitri    Feb 3, 2018

    Thank you Team Zidisha, my loan has been liquid without constraint I will use this loan fund to meet the goods in my helmet shop

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  • Yulfitri    Feb 2, 2018

    I am going to buy some helmet stocks in my helmet shop This loan is very helpful for me to increase my merchandise capital, as well as the survival of my life, so I can repay the loan I am very thankful to the lenders for trusting me back to borrow this fund

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  • Yulfitri    Jan 25, 2018

    Thank you Zidisha, my 4th loan I have paid and I pay the installment on time and without constraint Now I am again a new loan to increase the capital in my helmet shop ... hopefully no obstacles in applying for my next loan. In the future Zidisha system is getting better

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  • Yulfitri    Nov 18, 2017

    I reduced my installment so that I could use this loan as I was earning it so it was not too burdensome for me

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    • Fitri    Dec 30, 2017

      this is your 2nd current loan. this is experienced by my guidance members. does Yulfitri Agustina"s mother register internet banking BCA? if you are already registered, try donload your esteem october in October to check if all your payment has been recorded, because at the end of that month there is bug in zidisha causing some account recorded by system have paid payment but original not yet paid. I do not state that you have not paid off yet, let"s check carefully whether all your payments have been recorded by the zidisha. further discussion of course wa. wa me at 085646209220.

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  • Yulfitri    Nov 13, 2017

    Jumnlah disbursement loan after the cut I received amounted to Rp 3,366,564 I will use the loan funds to buy the needs of my helmet stock store Thank you Zidisha for still trust me to provide loan funds I will use the best

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  • Yulfitri    Nov 5, 2017

    Thank you Zidisha, for trusting me again to give this loan I will use this loan to buy the needs that are in my helmet shop The goods that I will buy is very helpful for me to sell back with profit. With the advantage I use for pay the loan repayments from Zidisha and the rest for my family"s life needs Once again thanks Zidisha ....

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  • Yulfitri    Oct 28, 2017

    With this loan I use to meet the needs of my helmet shop With the purchase of these items can add my goods ditoko I use the addition of income to meet the needs ditoko me by buying some helmet, raincoat, glass helem and other accessories Child achievement I am currently a kindergarten that is just participating in coloring contest Celebrations in my current environment that is celebrating the day of independence and celebrate the day Kartini

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  • Yulfitri    Oct 9, 2017

    With this fund I use for the addition of goods ditoko my helmet With the purchase of the goods I resell with the benefits that I can use for my store needs as well as pay the loan and the needs of my family life. Spending time for family is fun

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  • Yulfitri    Oct 9, 2017

    With this fund I use unt

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  • Yulfitri    Aug 25, 2017

    Thank you Zidisha loan funds have come in quickly__Dengan funds I use this loan to add barang2 ditoko my helem such as helmets, gloves, masks and spion__Dengan purchase barang2 new model can make a difference from other stores__ Increased income I use to, buy more goods to The income increases so I can pay for my family"s life and can pay the loan installment in Zidisha__I am proud of my son who can appreciate / care for someone who needs help, that"s an achievement that can not be measured by anything. The environment that I live so comfortable and very caring if there are neighbors Who need our help to help each other and appreciate each other

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  • Yulfitri    Aug 19, 2017

    Thanks Zidisha my loan fund has been paid off, therefore I apply for loan back___With this fund I use to buy the needs / needs of my helmet shop, with the purchase for the addition of goods in my helmet shop and I resell the goods and get the benefits Very helpful to meet the needs of my family life recently I recently celebrated my independence day and to enliven our family following the race to celebrate the Independence Day Thanks to Zidisha I do not need to be confused to find a loan fund that is so easy

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  • Yulfitri    Jul 11, 2017

    Thank you Zidisha funds I have received, with the funds I use to buy helem2, helmet2 helmet and the necessary needs for my helmet shop, __Penambahan my income is very good because with the purchase of helem goods with an attractive design, so many buyers are interested to buy

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  • Yulfitri    Jul 9, 2017

    I will use the loan funds to meet my helmet shop needs. The goods I bought with the loan funds then I resell so that I get a very useful advantage and help for the needs of my family life__I am very thankful to the borrowers karna very helpful tuk progress my helmet shop

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  • Yulfitri    Jul 5, 2017

    Thanks Zidisha loan to 2 I already paid off, now I apply for the next loan and I will use this loan for my helmet shop needs

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  • Yulfitri    Jul 2, 2017

    I changed my angsura to be bigger so I could get a new loan and the next to finish soon

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  • Yulfitri    May 23, 2017

    Thank you Zidisha my loan funds have been received__Iboga with this fund can add capital for my helmet trade business__With the profit of the sale of helmets I use for the addition of goods ditoko me, payment of loan repayments from Zidisha as well as the needs of my family__Terimakasih Zidisha on loan

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  • Yulfitri    May 16, 2017

    With this loan I use tuk to buy some items that I will sell again

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  • Yulfitri    Apr 27, 2017

    With the loan from Zidisha greatly helped my business so that I can benefit from my efforts could pay the first installment saya__Terimakasih Zidisha

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  • Yulfitri    Apr 27, 2017

    By changing the repayment schedule I can help my next loan

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  • Yulfitri    Apr 18, 2017

    The loan amount 500rb__Saya use tuk buy several helem__Terimakasih Zidisha, with these loans can add capital for my business

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