Supplies of rice, pulses and adult clothes for my store


Jembrana, Indonesia

5% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

131 installments  •  27%

About Me

my name mazia my ulfah from jembrana bali, i now is singgle parents with 2 children named cika and jacky. cika is 2 years old and jacky is 3 months old. my focus now is to raise my two children and prepare for the future of my two children. I want to make my two children a doctor and scientist who can help people to find a cure from their illness and treat the illness they suffer.

My Business

My current source of income is I opened a grocery and boutique shop from a zidisha loan. But I still need capital to buy supplies of rice, oil, pulses for my grocery store while some adult clothes for my boutique. the profit I get before opening the boutique is Rp 75.000 per day while now Rp 150.000 per day. because my zidisha loan income increased. the result of these benefits I will use to charge my children school and their need to buy milk and diapers. because now I am a single parents so I have to try to support my two children

Loan Proposal

I will use this fund to buy rice supplies because everyday people need rice so it needs a lot of stock. then the pulse, people need pulse to charge electricity and handpone so that every day can be sold up to Rp 500.000.selain that I want to buy how many pcs adult clothes because of the many requests so I need capital to buy the goods

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

nama saya mazia ulfah saya dari jembrana bali, saya sekarang adalah singgle parents dengan 2 orang anak yang bernama cika dan jacky. cika berumur 2 tahun dan jacky berumur 3 bulan. fokus saya sekarang adalah membesarkan kedua anak saya dan mempersiapkan masa depan kedua anak saya.saya ingin membuat kedua anak saya menjadi seorang dokter dan ilmuwan yang bisa membantu orang untuk menemukan obat dari penyakit mereka dan mengobati penyakit yang mereka derita.

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya saat ini adalah saya membuka usaha toko kelontong dan butik dari pinjaman zidisha.tetapi saya masih butuh modal untuk membeli persediaan barang yaitu beras, minyak, pulsa untuk toko kelontong saya sedangkan beberapa pakaian dewasa untuk butik saya. keuntungan yang saya dapatkan sebelum membuka butik adalah Rp 75.000 per hari sedangkan sekarang Rp 150.000 perhari. karena pinjaman zidisha penghasilan saya meningkat. hasil dari keuntungan tersebut saya akan gunakan untuk biaya anak saya sekolah dan kebutuhan mereka untuk membeli susu dan popok.karena sekarang saya merupakan single parents jadi saya harus berusaha menghidupi kedua anak saya

Loan Proposal

saya akan menggunakan dana ini untuk membeli persediaan beras karena setiap hari masyarakat membutuhkan beras sehingga perlu stok banyak. kemudian pulsa,masyarakat butuh pulsa untuk mengisi pulsa listrik dan handpone sehingga setiap hari bisa laku terjual sampai Rp 500.000.selain itu saya mau membeli berapa pcs pakaian dewasa karena banyaknya permintaan sehingga saya butuh modal untuk membeli barang tersebut





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 7, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

25 months



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Mazia a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Dec 17, 2019


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 14, 2017 $2.27 Nov 14, 2017 $2.27
Nov 21, 2017 $2.27 Nov 22, 2017 $2.27
Nov 28, 2017 $2.27 Dec 3, 2017 $2.27
Dec 5, 2017 $2.27 Dec 6, 2017 $2.27
Dec 12, 2017 $0.00
Dec 19, 2017 $1.14 Dec 20, 2017 $1.14
Dec 26, 2017 $1.14 Dec 20, 2017 $1.14
Jan 2, 2018 $1.14 Jan 2, 2018 $1.14
Jan 9, 2018 $1.14 Jan 2, 2018 $1.14
Jan 16, 2018 $1.14 Jan 23, 2018 $1.14
Jan 23, 2018 $1.14 Jan 23, 2018 $1.14
Jan 30, 2018 $1.14 Feb 4, 2018 $1.14
Feb 6, 2018 $1.14 Feb 4, 2018 $1.14
Feb 13, 2018 $1.14 Feb 21, 2018 $1.14
Feb 20, 2018 $1.14 Feb 21, 2018 $1.14
Feb 27, 2018 $1.14
Mar 6, 2018 $1.14
Mar 13, 2018 $1.14
Mar 20, 2018 $1.14
Mar 27, 2018 $1.14
Apr 3, 2018 $1.14
Apr 10, 2018 $1.14
Apr 17, 2018 $1.14
Apr 24, 2018 $1.14
May 1, 2018 $1.14
May 8, 2018 $1.14
May 15, 2018 $1.14
May 22, 2018 $1.14
May 29, 2018 $1.14
Jun 5, 2018 $1.14
Jun 12, 2018 $1.14
Jun 19, 2018 $1.14
Jun 26, 2018 $1.14
Jul 3, 2018 $1.14
Jul 10, 2018 $1.14
Jul 17, 2018 $1.14
Jul 24, 2018 $1.14
Jul 31, 2018 $1.14
Aug 7, 2018 $1.14
Aug 14, 2018 $1.14
Aug 21, 2018 $1.14
Aug 28, 2018 $1.14
Sep 4, 2018 $1.14
Sep 11, 2018 $1.14
Sep 18, 2018 $1.14
Sep 25, 2018 $1.14
Oct 2, 2018 $1.14
Oct 9, 2018 $1.14
Oct 16, 2018 $1.14
Oct 23, 2018 $1.14
Oct 30, 2018 $1.14
Nov 6, 2018 $1.14
Nov 13, 2018 $1.14
Nov 20, 2018 $1.14
Nov 27, 2018 $1.14
Dec 4, 2018 $1.14
Dec 11, 2018 $1.14
Dec 18, 2018 $1.14
Dec 25, 2018 $1.14
Jan 1, 2019 $1.14
Jan 8, 2019 $1.14
Jan 15, 2019 $1.14
Jan 22, 2019 $1.14
Jan 29, 2019 $1.14
Feb 5, 2019 $1.14
Feb 12, 2019 $1.14
Feb 19, 2019 $1.14
Feb 26, 2019 $1.14
Mar 5, 2019 $1.14
Mar 12, 2019 $1.14
Mar 19, 2019 $1.14
Mar 26, 2019 $1.14
Apr 2, 2019 $1.14
Apr 9, 2019 $1.14
Apr 16, 2019 $1.14
Apr 23, 2019 $1.14
Apr 30, 2019 $1.14
May 7, 2019 $1.14
May 14, 2019 $1.14
May 21, 2019 $1.14
May 28, 2019 $1.14
Jun 4, 2019 $1.14
Jun 11, 2019 $1.14
Jun 18, 2019 $1.14
Jun 25, 2019 $1.14
Jul 2, 2019 $1.14
Jul 9, 2019 $1.14
Jul 16, 2019 $1.14
Jul 23, 2019 $1.14
Jul 30, 2019 $1.14
Aug 6, 2019 $1.14
Aug 13, 2019 $1.14
Aug 20, 2019 $1.14
Aug 27, 2019 $1.14
Sep 3, 2019 $1.14
Sep 10, 2019 $1.14
Sep 17, 2019 $1.14
Sep 24, 2019 $1.14
Oct 1, 2019 $1.14
Oct 8, 2019 $1.14
Oct 15, 2019 $1.14
Oct 22, 2019 $1.14
Oct 29, 2019 $1.14
Nov 5, 2019 $1.14
Nov 12, 2019 $1.14
Nov 19, 2019 $1.14
Nov 26, 2019 $1.14
Dec 3, 2019 $1.14
Dec 10, 2019 $1.14
Dec 17, 2019 $296.92
