Supply of rice, sugar, oil, beans to grocery shop

Agustin Ana

Sidoarjo, Indonesia

100% repaid



Agustin Ana

Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

113 installments  •  63%

About Me

I am only my two brothers and my younger siblings are in my father"s residence, even though my father is dead and my mother alone earns my living alhamdulillah and my sister got the opportunity to feel the education until high school. An important goal in my life is that I want to make my mother happy in her old age I still can not. I want to open a small business du house. In the area where I am the most I like the neighbors love to help. The aspiration of my son wants to be a wise and generous cop. My hobby is I love to make a cake for my child"s snack sometimes I share to my neighbor.

My Business

Alhamdulillah loan yesterday already bought the same mixer noodle pengiling. The tools I bought yesterday were very useful. I love to make cake, with my hobby that make cake can make add my family finance and can make savings and to enroll my child in paud.

Loan Proposal

Loan money that I get from Zidisha to create kulakkan extra rice. __Keuntungan in Zidisha hopefully I borrow these loans can help fill my shop and more and more buyers. __Kenaikan I expected profit of 30%

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya cuma 2 bersaudara saya dan adik saya waktu kecil sudah di tinggal sama ayah saya, meskipun ayah saya sudah meninggal dan ibu saya saja yang mencari nafkah alhamdulillah saya dan adik saya mendapat kesempatan untuk merasakan pendidikan sampai SMA.
Tujuan penting dalam hidup saya yaitu saya ingin membahagiakan ibu saya di masa tuanya saat ini saya masih belum bisa.
Saya ingin buka usaha kecil - kecilan du rumah. Di daerah tempat saya ini yang paling aku suka tetangga suka membantu.
Cita-cita anak saya ingin menjadi polisi yang bijak dan dermawan.
Hobi saya yaitu saya suka banget bikin kue buat cemilan anak saya terkadang saya bagikan ke tetangga saya.

My Business

Alhamdulillah pinjaman kemarin sudah dibelikan mixer sama pengiling mie. Alat-alat yang saya beli kemarin sangat bermanfaat sekali. Saya suka sekali berkreasi bikin kue, dengan hobi saya yang suka bikin kue bisa buat menambah keuangan keluarga saya dan bisa buat tabungan dan untuk mendaftarkan anak saya masuk paud.

Loan Proposal

Uang pinjaman yang saya dapatkan dari Zidisha untuk tambahan buat kulakkan beras.
Keuntungan saya pinjam di Zidisha semoga pinjaman ini bisa membantu mengisi toko saya dan makin banyak pembeli.
Kenaikan keuntungan yang saya harapkan 30%





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 4, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Agustin Ana a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jul 16, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
May 17, 2017 $1.54 May 10, 2017 $1.54
May 24, 2017 $1.54 May 20, 2017 $1.54
May 31, 2017 $1.54 May 29, 2017 $1.54
Jun 7, 2017 $1.54 May 29, 2017 $1.54
Jun 14, 2017 $1.54 May 29, 2017 $1.54
Jun 21, 2017 $1.54 Jun 5, 2017 $1.54
Jun 28, 2017 $1.54 Jun 5, 2017 $1.54
Jul 5, 2017 $1.54 Jun 5, 2017 $1.54
Jul 12, 2017 $1.54 Jun 11, 2017 $1.54
Jul 19, 2017 $1.54 Jun 11, 2017 $1.54
Jul 26, 2017 $1.54 Jun 11, 2017 $1.54
Aug 2, 2017 $1.54 Jun 11, 2017 $1.54
Aug 9, 2017 $1.54 Jun 11, 2017 $1.54
Aug 16, 2017 $1.54 Jun 11, 2017 $1.15
Jul 16, 2017 $0.38
Aug 23, 2017 $1.54 Jul 16, 2017 $1.54
Aug 30, 2017 $1.15 Jul 16, 2017 $1.15
