Rice and flour stock for grocery store


Depok, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $1 goal


days left




Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

1 installment  •  0%

About Me

Since I was a kid, my parents have been trading from scratch to samapai now that I now want to develop but hampered with the cost. But my son does not seem to pob hoby business while I want to continue to develop this hereditary business.

My Business

Business according to me something very unique besides we can socialize we can also profit and for business turnover even though I do not targeting how payment from my service but that is satisfaction from me if consumer satisfied.

Loan Proposal

With loan funds I would greatly make use of these funds by opening a daily business of basic necessities to provide the people who are most in need.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Sejak saya kecil orang tua saya sudah berdagang dari nol samapai sekarang yang sekarang ingin saya kembangkan tapi terhambat dengan biaya.
Tapi anakku sepertinya tidak pnya hoby usaha sedangkan aku ingin terus mengembangkan usaha yang turun temurun ini.

My Business

Bisnis menurut aku hal yang unik banget selain kita bisa bersosialisasi kita juga dapat keuntungan dan untuk perputaran bisnis walaupun saya tidak mentargetan berapa pembayaran dari jasa saya tapi itu merupakan kepuasaan dari saya jika konsumen puas.

Loan Proposal

Dengan dana pinjaman saya akan sangat memanfaatkan dana tersebut dengan membuka usaha berdagang kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dapat menyediakan orang - orang terdekat yang sangat membutuhkan.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 27, 2018

Repayment status


Projected term

1 week


Michael Bauschke

Dresden, Germany

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