Inventory of goods and others


Kota Serang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

51 installments  •  31%

About Me

•perkenalkan nama saya Bunga Noviyani umur saya 23 tahun dan saya pengusaha kecil yang ingin membangun usaha saya menjadi besar...
•Riwayat kecil saya,saya seorang perempuan dari keluarga sederhana dan saya pekerja keras.
•yang saya lakukan jika sedang kesulitan hanya berdoa dan berserah diri sama ALLAH SWT dan pasti nya berhusaha.
•Dan yang unik di desa saya adalah adat dan budaya .
•cita-cita anak saya yang laki-laki ketika dia tumbuh dewasa ingin menjadi POLISI MILITER (PM) dan yang perempuan ingin menjadi dokter.
•hobby saya bernyanyi dan memasak hanya itu keahlian yang saya punya.

bismillahirrahmanirrahiim dengan niat dan usaha saya semua akan berjalan dengan lancar...

My Business

nama usaha Rumah Makan saya (Ayam Cabe Cabe Geprek) 
makanan yang lagi hist dijaman sekarang,dan makanan ini di sukai semua kalangan mulai dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa,dan Alhamdulillah setiap bulan mendapatkan penghasilan mulai dari 10.000.000 s/d 12.000.000 ..
bismillah semoga dengan adanya bantuan dari zidizha usaha saya bisa berkembang menjadi lebih besar.

Loan Proposal

• what do I want to buy from this fund for the supply of finished goods ... - Rice 10lt 80.000 - Chicken 3kg 90.000 - Chilli, Cengek, Onion & Garlic, Tomatoes 40.000 - Wheat Flour 10.000 - Cooking Oil 2lt 25.000 Dll . • every human being likes to eat, and I sell this food is very popular among many people ranging from children to adult children. • the profit I expect can be 2 times that of capital. Bismillahirahmanirahim hopefully zidizha can help me and my loan proposal fast in process.Amin.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

•perkenalkan nama saya Bunga Noviyani umur saya 23 tahun dan saya pengusaha kecil yang ingin membangun usaha saya menjadi besar...
•Riwayat kecil saya,saya seorang perempuan dari keluarga sederhana dan saya pekerja keras.
•yang saya lakukan jika sedang kesulitan hanya berdoa dan berserah diri sama ALLAH SWT dan pasti nya berhusaha.
•Dan yang unik di desa saya adalah adat dan budaya .
•cita-cita anak saya yang laki-laki ketika dia tumbuh dewasa ingin menjadi POLISI MILITER (PM) dan yang perempuan ingin menjadi dokter.
•hobby saya bernyanyi dan memasak hanya itu keahlian yang saya punya.

bismillahirrahmanirrahiim dengan niat dan usaha saya semua akan berjalan dengan lancar...

My Business

nama usaha Rumah Makan saya (Ayam Cabe Cabe Geprek) 
makanan yang lagi hist dijaman sekarang,dan makanan ini di sukai semua kalangan mulai dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa,dan Alhamdulillah setiap bulan mendapatkan penghasilan mulai dari 10.000.000 s/d 12.000.000 ..
bismillah semoga dengan adanya bantuan dari zidizha usaha saya bisa berkembang menjadi lebih besar.

Loan Proposal

•yang ingin saya beli dari dana ini untuk persediaan barang-barang yang sudah habis...
- Beras 10lt 80.000
- Ayam 3kg 90.000
- Cabe,Cengek,Bawang merah & Bawang putih, Tomat 40.000
- Tepung Terigu 10.000
- Minyak Goreng 2lt 25.000
•setiap manusia suka makan,dan saya menjual makanan ini sangat digemari banyak kalangan mulai dari anak-anak sampai anak dewasa.
•keuntungan yang saya harapan bisa 2 kali lipat dari modal.
Bismillahirahmanirahim semoga zidizha bisa membantu saya dan pengajuan pinjaman dana saya cepat di proses.Amin.





  • Helen Horseman    Nov 3, 2017

    Thank you for full repayment of your loan Noviyani .
    Best wishes for your business going forward.

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  • Claire Lewis    Nov 2, 2017

    Bunga paid her loan in full.
    Highly recommended for further funding.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 8, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Jorge Alagon

Munich, Germany

Ask Bunga a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Su    May 18, 2018

    To zidisha, I have contacted this member repeatedly to notify payment of zidisha, but until now the members have no response, thanks

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  • Su    Apr 18, 2018

    To the noviani flowers please pay the zidisha installment that is past due, thank you

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  • Su    Apr 1, 2018

    To noviani flowers, tell to continue the payment of zidisha installment and if you have paid and melinasinya then you can apply for a new loan, thanks

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  • Su    Mar 23, 2018

    To noviani flowers, immediately schedule the payment of zidisha installment, you can reduce the number of installments if still experiencing difficulties. Thank you

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  • Su    Mar 17, 2018

    To the noviani flower, if your hard time is over, please pay the zidiaha installment, and if it is paid off, you can take a new loan

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  • Su    Mar 15, 2018

    To the flowers, please pay your installment immediately, so that the balance of zidisha cpt back, thank you

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  • Su    Mar 2, 2018

    Hi noviyani flowers, to avoid delays, you can change the nominal installment, telling for payment zidisha, so that the balance zidisha back and can be borrowed to other borrowers, thanks

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  • Su    Feb 23, 2018

    Dear zidisha & my lender has contacted noviani flowers, and he said, after going through difficult times will soon schedule installment payments

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  • Su    Feb 16, 2018

    To the lenders, I have contacted (noviani flower) he said will schedule installment payments after going through hard times

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  • Su    Feb 9, 2018

    To the lenders, I have contacted noviyani, he said still having a hard time, if already got the fund will pay all angsursan Thank you

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  • Su    Feb 2, 2018

    To the lenders, I have contacted noviyani, he said, if the business situation has improved it will schedule installment payments, thanks

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  • Bunga    Jan 9, 2018

    Assalamualaikum, apologize as big as, I will pay the next installment, at this moment I got a disaster, my sister died pray for prayer and his understanding, Thank you

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    • Treesforpeople    Jan 10, 2018

      I am very sorry about your sister Bunga. Praying for you and your family.

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      • Bunga    Jan 10, 2018

        Thank you

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      • Su    Feb 2, 2018

        To the honorable lenders, I have contacted noviani to schedule the installment payment, and he said that it still faces a tough economy, if it has improved it will pay the installments

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    • Su    Jan 25, 2018

      Hello, has your family got the good news ?? If so, hope you start to schedule an installment payment. Thank you

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  • Su    Jan 9, 2018

    Dear lenders. I have contacted this member, and he explains that, hit by a disaster, his brother passed away, to the maklumi, and he will schedule his repayment.

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  • Su    Jan 8, 2018

    Hi flowers. To avoid late payment, you can change the installment schedule of your first payment

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  • Bunga    Dec 5, 2017

    Sorry for the moment I can not pay my full installment. I want to reduce my payment amount. Want to focus on selling first so that everything is smooth Thank you

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    • Su    Jan 9, 2018

      Dear lenders. I have contacted this member, and he explains that, hit by a disaster, his brother passed away, to the maklumi, and he will schedule his repayment.

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  • Bunga    Dec 5, 2017

    • I will use to buy the goods that are sold out and if there is leftovers I want to use for everyday needs • Alhamdulillah very helpful to me • Thanks to the borrower has given me trust to receive this loan for the umpteenth time. And I will use my best ... And God willing I will take care of my mandate Once again many thanks ...

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  • Bunga    Dec 4, 2017

    I will use these funds to buy things that have been used up like Chicken, vegetable oil, seasoning kitchen etc. If there are remaining money I will use for everyday needs such as buying rice, milk child, pempes ... And the photo below is where I sell

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  • Bunga    Dec 4, 2017

    Flower Noviyani Nov 16, 2017 Assalamualaikum Thank zidizha ... for the trust and assistance of his loan fund .. Hopefully my business progresses and grows into bigger, may my pijaman soon be funded 100% ... • I will use this fund to buy goods - goods and materials that are out of stock • very helpful to sell • Thank you, Thank you very much Thank you for the policy to the team zidizha who has helped lend to me Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim ... Amen ...

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  • Bunga    Dec 4, 2017

    Bismillahirahmanirahim ... Selamat Soree ...

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  • Bunga    Nov 27, 2017

    Flower Noviyani Nov 16, 2017 Assalamualaikum Thank zidizha ... for the trust and assistance of his loan fund .. Hopefully my business progresses and grows into bigger, may my pijaman soon be funded 100% ... • I will use this fund to buy goods - goods and materials that are out of stock • very helpful to sell • Thank you, Thank you very much Thank you for the policy to the team zidizha who has helped lend to me Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim ... Amen ...

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