Merchandise inventory


Surabaya, Indonesia

31% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

140 installments  •  43%

About Me

introduce me leo I am the 3rd child of my 5 brothers as an unyielding person. . . . _Hidup is a gift for me. I do business other than to meet my needs. . . I want to be a useful person also for parents and others. . . . __Since for me life is not for myself. . . but to share also for others. . . .

My Business

I"m trying to run a business. my business is hAndphone accessories seller ... i am very happy with this job with me opening counter other than i can sell and get profit but i also can meet and serve many people .... Many individuals. Excellence that I can turn back. and the rest I set aside to be given to the parents because I am not married ... While I can give to my parents, my priority is my parents "new happiness ... I set aside for my future because I want to get married

Loan Proposal

Hopefully still given the trust for the loan back in zishida__Yang has helped my economy__saya also always try to pay ontime installment and always trust keep the trust that has been given to me .. If permit me want submission of $ 350 which fund will be used to buy supplies again in form of mobile phone accessories for $ 107 and the rest of $ 243 I additional capital again for voucher pulsa him ... I hope My business increased and profit development also increased as well. . . . of the profits I want to use to take my parents to the hospital for his controls and his leg arms which is the end more difficult to walk ...

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

perkenalkan saya leo
Saya adalah anak ke 3 dari 5 bersaudara saya sebagai orang yang pantang menyerah. . . . _Hidup adalah hadiah untuk saya. Saya melakukan bisnis selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan saya. . . Saya ingin menjadi orang yang berguna juga untuk orang tua dan orang lain. . . . __Karena bagiku hidup bukan untuk diriku sendiri. . . tapi untuk berbagi juga untuk orang lain. . . .

My Business

Saya berusaha untuk menjalankan bisnis. usaha saya adalah penjual asesoris hAndphone ...saya sangat senang dengan pekerjaan ini dengan saya membuka counter selain saya bisa menjual dan mendapatkan keuntungan tapi saya juga bisa bertemu dan melayani banyak orang .... Banyak individu. Keunggulan yang bisa saya putar balik. dan selebihnya saya sisihkan untuk diberikan kepada orang tua karena saya belum menikah ... Sementara saya bisa memberi kepada orang tua saya, prioritas saya adalah orang tua saya "kebahagiaan baru. . . .
saya sisihkan juga untuk masa depan saya karna saya ingin menikah

Loan Proposal

Mudah-mudahan masih diberi kepercayaan untuk pinjaman kembali di zishida__Yang telah membantu ekonomi saya__saya juga selalu berusaha dapat membayar angsuran ontime dan selalu amanah jaga kepercayaan yang telah diberikan kepada saya.. Kalo ijinkan saya mau pengajuan $350 dimana dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk membeli persediaan lagi dalam bentuk aksesoris handphone sebesar $107 dan sisanya sebesar $243 saya tambahan modal lagi untuk voucher pulsa nya... semoga Usaha saya meningkat dan perkembangan keuntungan juga meningkat juga. . . . dari keuntungan tersebut mau saya gunakan untuk membawa orang tua saya ke rumah sakit untuk kontrol dan rongsen kaki nya yang akhir akhir ini semakin sulit berjalan...





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 11, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

27 months



Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

Ask Leo a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Expected completion

Mar 8, 2020


Repaying late

Installment amount


Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Dec 24, 2017 $7.56 Dec 26, 2017 $7.56
Dec 31, 2017 $7.56 Jan 2, 2018 $7.56
Jan 7, 2018 $7.56 Jan 15, 2018 $7.56
Jan 14, 2018 $7.56 Jan 15, 2018 $7.56
Jan 21, 2018 $7.56 Jan 19, 2018 $7.56
Jan 28, 2018 $7.56 Feb 6, 2018 $7.56
Feb 4, 2018 $0.00
Feb 11, 2018 $0.00
Feb 18, 2018 $0.00
Feb 25, 2018 $3.78 Feb 28, 2018 $3.78
Mar 4, 2018 $3.78 Feb 28, 2018 $3.78
Mar 11, 2018 $3.78 Mar 16, 2018 $3.78
Mar 18, 2018 $3.78 Apr 2, 2018 $3.78
Mar 25, 2018 $3.78 Apr 2, 2018 $3.78
Apr 1, 2018 $3.78 Apr 2, 2018 $3.78
Apr 8, 2018 $3.78 Apr 10, 2018 $3.78
Apr 15, 2018 $3.78 Apr 13, 2018 $3.78
Apr 22, 2018 $3.78 Apr 26, 2018 $3.78
Apr 29, 2018 $3.78 Apr 26, 2018 $3.78
May 6, 2018 $3.78 May 16, 2018 $3.78
May 13, 2018 $3.78 May 16, 2018 $3.78
May 20, 2018 $3.78 May 30, 2018 $3.78
May 27, 2018 $3.78 May 30, 2018 $3.78
Jun 3, 2018 $3.78 Jun 6, 2018 $3.78
Jun 10, 2018 $0.00
Jun 17, 2018 $0.00
Jun 24, 2018 $0.00
Jul 1, 2018 $0.00
Jul 8, 2018 $1.51 Jul 7, 2018 $1.51
Jul 15, 2018 $1.51 Jul 7, 2018 $1.51
Aug 4, 2018 $0.00
Jul 22, 2018 $1.51 Aug 4, 2018 $1.51
Jul 29, 2018 $1.51 Aug 4, 2018 $1.51
Aug 5, 2018 $1.51 Aug 4, 2018 $1.51
Aug 12, 2018 $0.00
Aug 19, 2018 $0.00
Aug 26, 2018 $1.51 Sep 1, 2018 $1.51
Sep 2, 2018 $1.51 Sep 1, 2018 $1.51
Sep 9, 2018 $1.51 Sep 1, 2018 $1.51
Sep 16, 2018 $0.00
Sep 23, 2018 $0.00
Sep 30, 2018 $0.00
Oct 7, 2018 $0.00
Oct 14, 2018 $0.76 Oct 10, 2018 $0.76
Oct 21, 2018 $0.76 Oct 10, 2018 $0.76
Oct 28, 2018 $0.76 Oct 23, 2018 $0.76
Nov 4, 2018 $0.76 Oct 23, 2018 $0.76
Nov 11, 2018 $0.76 Oct 23, 2018 $0.76
Nov 18, 2018 $3.78
Nov 25, 2018 $3.78
Dec 2, 2018 $3.78
Dec 9, 2018 $3.78
Dec 16, 2018 $3.78
Dec 23, 2018 $3.78
Dec 30, 2018 $3.78
Jan 6, 2019 $3.78
Jan 13, 2019 $3.78
Jan 20, 2019 $3.78
Jan 27, 2019 $3.78
Feb 3, 2019 $3.78
Feb 10, 2019 $3.78
Feb 17, 2019 $3.78
Feb 24, 2019 $3.78
Mar 3, 2019 $3.78
Mar 10, 2019 $3.78
Mar 17, 2019 $3.78
Mar 24, 2019 $3.78
Mar 31, 2019 $3.78
Apr 7, 2019 $3.78
Apr 14, 2019 $3.78
Apr 21, 2019 $3.78
Apr 28, 2019 $3.78
May 5, 2019 $3.78
May 12, 2019 $3.78
May 19, 2019 $3.78
May 26, 2019 $3.78
Jun 2, 2019 $3.78
Jun 9, 2019 $3.78
Jun 16, 2019 $3.78
Jun 23, 2019 $3.78
Jun 30, 2019 $3.78
Jul 7, 2019 $3.78
Jul 14, 2019 $3.78
Jul 21, 2019 $3.78
Jul 28, 2019 $3.78
Aug 4, 2019 $3.78
Aug 11, 2019 $3.78
Aug 18, 2019 $3.78
Aug 25, 2019 $3.78
Sep 1, 2019 $3.78
Sep 8, 2019 $3.78
Sep 15, 2019 $3.78
Sep 22, 2019 $3.78
Sep 29, 2019 $3.78
Oct 6, 2019 $3.78
Oct 13, 2019 $3.78
Oct 20, 2019 $3.78
Oct 27, 2019 $3.78
Nov 3, 2019 $3.78
Nov 10, 2019 $3.78
Nov 17, 2019 $3.78
Nov 24, 2019 $3.78
Dec 1, 2019 $3.78
Dec 8, 2019 $3.78
Dec 15, 2019 $3.78
Dec 22, 2019 $3.78
Dec 29, 2019 $3.78
Jan 5, 2020 $3.78
Jan 12, 2020 $3.78
Jan 19, 2020 $3.78
Jan 26, 2020 $3.78
Feb 2, 2020 $3.78
Feb 9, 2020 $3.78
Feb 16, 2020 $3.78
Feb 23, 2020 $3.78
Mar 1, 2020 $3.78
Mar 8, 2020 $1.03
