Supplies of rice, sugar and fruit for the juice business


Semarang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

69 installments  •  16%

About Me

I dita puspitasari, born in semarang december 1990. I live in Semarang city, Indonesia. I am the eldest of 3 brothers, I started this business since S1 college. The remaining profit of my business is partly for capital for the future and partly I use for my final project. At that time I am selling clothes and shoes through online and campus, so the target to students and lecturers. and after graduating from college I work for 3 years, conditioned comfortable I want to wiraswata because with wiraswata we can learn all. From mental, capital and hard work. And I ventured resign then I contract shop in Ungaran precisely, where I sell household needs, fresh juice, home-cooked and snack food to supplement income. And here I find my passion, I promo the promotion through brochures and MMT, and social media. I want to expand my business so as not to be underestimated, I will continue to struggle to work hard so that later I will be like a successful person out there. Spirit !

My Business

Starting from exploring the laundry business, basic foods and juices I am more confident with my efforts. I dare to contract a house in a residential area in ungaran, and alhamdulillah my efforts must always have a stop. I really appreciate a process, especially to undergo a business from the bottom is not easy, a lot of temptation. once a day I get 25ribu results that just stay in the shop from 09.00 - 21.00 WIB. and alhamdulillah now I have dititik turnover 1jutaan a day. With the help of this zidisha I can buy promotional equipment. such as brochures, stock addition diwarung and many more. as I walked there is also a vest business clothing and veil has been running this 2 months, and not playing I am very overwhelmed. and I decided I manage 1 business field only. finally my gamis and veil business is managed by my own sister, but I always monitor the profit and loss. hopefully laundry business, food and beverages can graph the sales increase. spirit !

Loan Proposal

To buy rice, and my grocery needs. And also I add fruit to my juice business. thank you

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About Me

Saya dita puspitasari , lahir di semarang desember tahun 1990 . saya tinggal di kota semarang, Indonesia .
Saya sulung dari 3 bersaudara, saya memulai usaha ini sudah sejak waktu kuliah S1. Laba sisa usaha sebagian saya tabung untuk modal kedepannya dan sebagian lagi saya gunakan untuk keperluan tugas akhir saya .saat itu saya usaha jualan baju dan sepatu lewat online dan kampus ,jadi sasarannya ke mahasiswa dan dosen . dan setelah lulus kuliah saya bekerja selama 3 tahun ,dikondisi yang nyaman saya ingin wiraswata karena dengan wiraswata kita bisa belajar semua. Dari mental, modal dan kerja keras .
Dan saya memberanikan resign kemudian saya kontrak ruko di daerah Ungaran tepatnya ,disitu saya berjualan keperluan kebutuhan rumah tangga, juice segar, laundry rumahan dan makanan snack untuk tambah penghasilan. Dan disini saya menemukan passion saya , saya giatkan promo lewat brosur dan MMT , dan sosial media.
Saya ingin mengembangkan usaha saya ini agar tidak dipandang sebelah mata, saya akan terus berjuang bekerja keras agar bisa nantinya saya seperti orang orang yang sukses diluar sana. Semangat !

My Business

Berawal dari menjajaki usaha laundry, sembako dan jus saya semakin yakin dengan usaha saya . saya memberanikan diri untuk mengontrak sebuah rumah di area perumahan di ungaran , dan alhamdulillah usaha saya pasti selalu ada yang mampir . saya sangat menghargai sebuah proses , apalagi untuk menjalani sebuah bisnis dari bawah memang tidak gampang , banyak sekali godaannya .
dulu sehari saya mendapatkan hasil 25ribu itu saja stay di warung dari pukul jam 09.00 - 21.00 WIB. dan alhamdulillah sekarang saya sudah ada dititik omset 1jutaan sehari . dengan bantuan zidisha ini saya dapat membeli peralatan promosi . seperti brosur , penambahan stock diwarung dan masih banyak lainnya.
seiring berjalan saya juga ada usaha busana gamis dan kerudung sudah berjalan 2 bulan ini , dan bukan main saya sangan kewalahan sekali . dan saya memutuskan saya mengelola 1 bidang usaha saja. akhirnya usaha gamis dan kerudung saya dikelola oleh adik kandung saya sendiri, tetapi saya selalu memantau laba dan ruginya .
semoga saja usaha laundry , sembako dan minuman ini dapat grafik naik penjualannya . semangat !

Loan Proposal

Untuk membeli beras, dan kebutuhan kelontong saya. Dan juga saya menambah buah buah an untuk usaha jus saya. Terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 29, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Dita a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Dita    Mar 8, 2018

    Hi borrowers, forgive me for being too late to pay the installments. I reduced my installments because my sales are currently down. Hopefully my future can be more orderly again. Thank you

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Mar 6, 2018

    Mbak dita puspitasari will pay the loan will immediately pay in the near future, because we have a chat on whatsapp. So mbak dita, please immediately paid yes. Thanks.

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  • Dwi Arif Zainul Ali    Feb 23, 2018

    the person in question will soon be paying in the near future.

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  • Dita    Jan 15, 2018

    Thanks to the borrowers, I am very grateful to all of you. This fund will I use to help my brother"s education costs. I will pay according to the installment schedule, success for all of you. Thank you so much more for the donors and the zidisha team.

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  • Dita    Dec 19, 2017

    I have re-pioneered, and alhamdulillah many of my customers that keep me motivated and excited ..

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    • Fardhul    Jan 14, 2018

      Good luck and this time I hope your loan is funded.

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  • Dita    Dec 19, 2017

    I am a photo behind my store

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  • Dita    Dec 15, 2017

    hi zidisha team, i decided to manage the beverage and basic food business only. because if the business is managed together in my opinion will not focus, there must be one that is sacrificed. therefore my fashion business and my veil are managed by my younger brother. hopefully this beverage business can walk forward.

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  • Dita    Dec 6, 2017

    Hi zidisha, my business has now also penetrated in the field of clothing. Clothes, hoods. Hopefully my business continues to increase and hopefully my loan funds will soon be funded. Thank you zidisha

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  • Dita    Nov 15, 2017

    I want to expand my business in fashion, I see opportunities that this business is very profitable and its turnover is fast. and with this capital I try to menyetock stuff, because yesterday I try to display photos of my sales on Facebook was quite a lot of orders, because of limited capital I can not menyetock. Juice business I also have reliable results. so I want to expand this business in another field. Thank you

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  • Dita    Nov 14, 2017

    I pay the full price because yesterday"s business is very smooth, and I will propose again to develop another profitable business because there is a good business opportunity. Thank you

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  • Dita    Nov 12, 2017

    Hi, I thank you very much for lending me the past. I will make sure my installment payment is on time. My business is progressively progressing even a little bit, but I believe in the process. If a business does not get instant results. Thank you zidisha

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  • Dita    Nov 2, 2017

    Thanks for the borrower who has funded my loan. I am very grateful, I will use it as well as possible. GBU

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  • Dita    Oct 29, 2017

    rice my customer order, 130kg rice. I will work hard to make my goods turn fast.

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  • Dita    Oct 29, 2017

    Hi I have paid off my last loan, I already bought stock of goods sold. The goods I am selling have made progress, and now I add a little bit of food groceries for the household. And out of estimation until now many who ordered goods in me in a number of quite a lot. I am very thankful to have loaned loan funds. GBU

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  • Dita    Oct 26, 2017

    Thank you Mr paul Graham, this loan fund I accelerate because of the urgent stock needs and empty. I will buy stocks of merchandise, thanks sir.

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  • Dita    Oct 26, 2017

    Hi I have paid off the last loan, I am very thankful because the loan has helped me because of the past there is an urgent need. And for the next loan I will increase the stock inventory. Goods I buy are goods that sell quickly for the money to spin and can to pay off the next loan. Thank you all thanks zidisha.

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  • Dita    Oct 26, 2017

    Hi I have paid off my loan, and I am very grateful for being helped for my urgent need in the past. and now I use it to buy stock items to be sold. high food and beverage enthusiasts make me confused about big capital, but with borrower of fund and this zidisha I really helped. usually I menyetock goods goods rotation is fast, so the money also spins and I can return it on this zidisha appropriate. thank you

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  • Dita    Oct 25, 2017

    Hi everyone, I am very grateful to have been helped. I use this for other urgent needs, I will return early to my stall program. Once again thank you. GBU all

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  • Dita    Oct 24, 2017

    Hi I have paid off my loan, and the loan fund that you help is very helpful for me because I can fly brochures and print MMT according to promotional needs. and this is very influential in my turnover. the addition of inputs has started to have a chart rise due to get loan funds from you. I re-apply the loan because I still need capital for additional stock of more goods. Thank you very much sir.

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  • Dita    Oct 24, 2017

    Hi I have paid off my loan, and the loan fund that you help is very helpful for me because I can fly brochures and print MMT according to promotional needs. and this is very influential in my turnover. the addition of inputs has started to have a chart rise due to get loan funds from you. I use the addition of input for my tube, for the needs as well as paying the installments. because I want to pay on time so if needed someday definitely everything will be easier. I have given this good news to my relatives and friends about my turnover chart and loans from this zidisha. I am very grateful.

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