Inventory of goods needed


Garut, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2017

On-time repayments

66 installments  •  88%

About Me

My name is gina puja kusumah. I graduated smk majors rpl (software engineering) or often known as "ICT" I was born from a simple family with 10 other siblings. And I am very happy to sell / trade because with the trade I can directly gain profit earned do not have to wait a month like other workers. And I really want to make my family happy that"s my gina puja kusumah

My Business

I am gina I am a trader. I sell onlen and offlen. I have a grocery store and I sell beauty tools. I sell grocery department store I sell groceries (oil, wheat, snacks kids and others that are often needed daily) and when onlen I sell cosmetics, health prodak and anything that consumers need I always try to give it. I chose this job because of the profits I can get right away. The profit I get is about 10-20%. For example the price of prodak 10.000 rupiah I can sell for 12.000 rupiah. The advantage I got was 2,000 copies from 1 bar. And I can directly use the profit or collect it for my purposes. The money I earned I will save for my children"s education

Loan Proposal

I am gina. this is my 4th loan, hopefully always smoothly. this time I will use the loan to buy my customer"s order goods that have already been ordered before, and for that I hope this loan will soon be financed, the goods I will buy is prodak jafra mostly for health and beauty. the price varies from 100ribu to 1juta. this is my mainstay for now, remember it must be healthy and prodak jafra offer it all. so for this time I will be more focused because in addition to the good results and help people to be healthy and also promising business. This proposal proposal is clear and acceptable. thank you

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About Me

Nama saya gina puja kusumah . Saya lulusan smk jurusan rpl(. Rekayasa perangkat lunak) atau sering dikenal dengan "TIK"
Saya lahir dari keluarga sederhana dengan 10 saudaraku yang lain . Dan saya sangat senang berjualan/berdagang karena dengan berniaga saya bisa langsung merakan untung yang didapat tidak harus menunggu sebulan seperti pekerja yang lainnya. Dan saya sangat ingin membuat keluarga saya bahagia itulah saya gina puja kusumah

My Business

Saya gina saya seorang pedagang . Saya berjualan onlen dan offlen . Saya memiliki toko kelontongan dan saya berjualan alat alat kecantikan . Saya berjualan serba ada ditoko oflen saya berjualan sembako(minyak,terigu,jajanan anak anak dan yang lainnya yang sering dibutuhkan sehari hari) dan saat onlen saya berjualan kosmetik,prodak kesehatan dan apapun yang konsumen butuhkan saya selalu mencoba untuk memberikanya . Saya memilih pekerjaan ini karena keuntungan yang bisa langsung saya dapatkan. Laba yang saya dapat sekitar 10-20% . Misal harga prodak 10.000 rupiah saya bisa menjual dengan harga 12.000 rupiah. Keuntungan yang saya dapat adalah 2.000rupiah dari 1barang. Dan saya bisa langsung menggunakan laba itu atau mengumpulkan nya untuk keperluan saya .
Uang yang saya dapat akan saya tabung untuk pendidikan anak anak saya

Loan Proposal

saya gina . ini pinjaman saya yang ke 4, semoga selalu lancar . pinjaman kali ini akan saya gunakan untuk membeli barang barang pesanan konsumen saya yangsudah order sebelumnya , dan untuk itu saya berharap pinjaman kali inipun cepat terdanai , barang barang yang akan saya beli adalah prodak jafra yang kebanyakan untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan . harganya bervariatif dari mulai 100ribu sampai dengan 1juta . ini adalah barang andalan saya untuk saat ini , mengingat cantik itu harus sehat dan prodak jafra menawarkan itu semua. makanya untuk kali ini saya akan lebih fokus karena selain hasilnya bagus dan membantu masyarakat untuk sehat dan juga bisnisnya pun menjanjikan . semiga proposal kali ini jelas dan bisa diterima . terimakasih





  • Mary    May 24, 2018

    Thanks Gina. Excellent repayment. Best wishes for your continued success!

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    • Gina    May 28, 2018

      Aamiin .. terimakasih . Semoga terus berkembang lebih baik.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 12, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Beaver Nation, United States



Ask Gina a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Gina    Jan 7, 2019

    Thank God, I already have a paypal account. But for the no card you have to wait 14hk. The existing fund is there to be paid. But because I was late in getting information and a paypal account, I became late for everyone. I apologize for the amount because it"s lacking updet and makes everything hampered. I will finish everything quickly. Please understand and thank you

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  • Gina    Dec 30, 2018

    Apparently tomorrow is Monday"s new year off. Maybe I"ll finish on Wednesday ... I hope it"s going well ... Aamiin. Once again I apologize for all who are concerned ...

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  • Gina    Dec 28, 2018

    Good afternoon ... I love my house as a borrower apologize for the amount of my late payment of zidisha payments I will finish it quickly. This is all due to my ignorance and lack of updates. Monday I will open an account that has worked with PayPal. And it will be as smooth as before praying that there are no more obstacles to solve it. Thank you to all parties. Especially donors and zidisha. send regards for success

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  • Gina    Dec 26, 2018

    I can"t pay because I don"t have paypal. And I still can"t make it because I have to come to town ... And I haven"t had the chance. I need direction. Please contact me at 08970755591. Until I have an account. So that I can pay again normally and smoothly ... Thank you and please help

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  • Gina    Dec 5, 2018

    I"m here really sorry, but I still don"t understand how to pay. And I can"t get to the bank that has been directed. Can I pay through someone else who has the tools to pay Zidisha? Please

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  • Gina    Nov 13, 2018

    Thank you for informing us. Here I apologize to the donor because late payment was due to lack of information I got. And I will immediately open a new account so that I can quickly pay the next installment. Once again, thank you and enthusiasm for everything ... all three are always given convenience

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  • Gina    Nov 7, 2018

    If anyone wants to help me please contact me at. I"m waiting for [email protected].

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  • Gina    Nov 7, 2018

    Hello .. I tried several transfers and was rejected. It turned out that the payment (refund) changed ... I apologize for not really knowing. I was looking to find out why the account number I was going to pay in installments for my payment failed ... And now I don"t know how to pay for a new one. Please help so that I can resolve my arrears. Thank you

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    • Endang    Nov 7, 2018

      Currently the installment payment is made through PayPal. You can read the announcement in the Indonesian forum. Please read my article in the forum on how to create a PayPal account and connect it to a credit / debit card at

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  • Gina    Oct 5, 2018

    Lately a lot of unexpected things have happened. And a lot of unexpected expenses. One more finish. So that everything was smooth and not hampered, I was forced to reduce my installments again. So that everything is fulfilled. I hope to be understandable. Hopefully it will stabilize again and be able to pay in full. Thank you for understanding ... Sincerely, Gina Puja, I am home!

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  • Gina    Aug 27, 2018

    Forgive me For a lot of installments lately because there are a lot of excess needs. And the construction of his house has not been completed so I reduce this installment so that everything can be completed ... thanks for the understanding of the donors. After everything is finished I will pay off all right away ... thank you! Greetings and success from me for everyone

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  • Gina    Aug 13, 2018

    This is the home improvement being done. After this finish, I will pay it off soon ... the enthusiasm for a better life. Thank you to all of you

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  • Gina    Aug 12, 2018

    I reduced the amount of installments because I was building part of my house ... I beg for understanding. After completing the construction of this house, I will complete according to the installments stated to get a bigger loan.

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  • Gina    Jun 29, 2018

    A month ahead I want to pay off my suppliers first. When finished I will add installments on the zidisha .. and insha my god will pay off quickly so I get the bonus installment on time. Thank you

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  • Gina    Jun 7, 2018

    Thanks a lot to the donors .. this money will I buy my consumer needs ditoko. Such as wheat, coconut oil, tapioca flour, milk, cereals, and more .. this will really help me. Because I have to stamp my stuff in my shop. Because soon Lebaran the official penjaul will be long holiday. Therefore I have to keep things from now. This is very helpful for my sales. Thank you!

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  • Gina    Jun 7, 2018

    Seconds "1hours .. please help me donator.Let me can shopping consumer needs .. hopefully funded full aamiin

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  • Gina    Jun 6, 2018

    New 16%. The rest of the time is 16 hours, but I believe a good donor must have come to fund my proposal. Hopefully useful for everything. Aamiin

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  • Gina    Jun 5, 2018

    Hope not exp. Aamiin

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  • Gina    Jun 1, 2018

    Still waiting for donors .. and orders already piling .. hopefully launched aamiin

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  • Gina    May 31, 2018

    I hope not until exp. Because I really need. Thank you

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  • Gina    May 31, 2018

    Still survive at 13% .. hopefully full fast. So I can free shopping. Aamiin

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